Hocam gündemi değiştirmeye devam edelim.


Soru 1:

Prepayment rates will slow as interest rates rise. The number of borrowers that could save money by refinancing would be small. (sayfa 9'un sonunda)

Hocam, MBS'de vatandaş prepayment yaparsa nasıl para tasarruf ediyor.

Soru 2:

Figure 4 shows the share of 30-year fixed rate mortgages that is currently refinanceable.At a rate of 3.8 percent, 18 percent of the 30-year universe is refinanceable. If the 30-year fixed rate mortgage goes up to 5 percent, only 4 percent would be refinanceable.

We define refinanceable as having a mortgage rate 75 basis points or more above the prevailing rate. The costs of refinancing are approximately 50 basis points, and we assumed the borrower needed a 25 basis point incentive for the“hassle factor.”

Hocam, figure 4 üzerinde tam olarak ne gösteriliyor ben cidden anlamadım.