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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 10,337 - 10,344 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Walt Disney, Avusturyali yazar Felix Salten'in Bambi, A Life in the Woods romanindan uyarladigi Bambi animasyon filminin promiyerini 8 Agustos 1942 tarihinde Londra'da yapti.

  2. Annesi de (Margrethe Gaarder) cocuk kitaplari yazari olan Norvecli yazar Jostein Gaarder’in dogum gunu (8 Agustos 1952)

    “Hayatta en onemli sey nedir? Aclik ceken bir ulke birine bu soruyu sorarsak cevap ‘yemek’ olacak. Donmakta olan birine ayni soruyu sorarsak cevap ‘sicak’ olacaktir. Kendini yalniz ve caresiz hisseden birine soracak olursak cevap mutlaka ‘diğer insanlarla beraber olmak’ olacaktir. Ama butun bu ihtiyaclar giderildikten sonra, butun insanlarin ihtiyaci olan bir sey var midir hala ? Filozoflar buna evet diye cevap verirler. Onlara gore insan sadece ekmekle yasayamazlar. Tabi ki butun insanlar yemek yemelidir. Ayrica sevilmeye ve ilgi gormeye ihtiyaclari vardir. Ama butun insanlarin ihtiyaci olan bir sey daha vardir: Kim oldugumuzu ve neden yasadigimizi bilmek.”

    What is the most important thing in life? If we ask someone living on the edge of starvation, the answer is ‘food’. If we ask someone dying of cold, the answer is ‘warmth’. If we put the same question to someone who feels lonely and isolated, the answer will probably be ‘the company of other people’. But when these basic needs have been satisfied—will there still be something that everybody needs? Philosophers think so. They believe that man cannot live by bread alone. Of course everyone needs food. And everyone needs love and care. But there is something else—apart from that— which everyone needs, and that is to figure out who we are and why we are here.

    “Rus bir beyin cerrahiyla yine Rus bir astronot din konusunda tartisiyorlardi. Beyin cerrahi dindar, astronotsa dindar bir kisi degildi. ‘Uzayda cok dolastim’ diye ovunerek konustu astronot, ‘ama ne Tanri’yi gordum ne de meleklerini!’ Cerrah cevap verdi: ‘Ben de cok zeki beyinler ameliyat ettim, ama tek bir dusunce gormedim!”

    “A Russian astronaut and a Russian brain surgeon were once discussing religion. The brain surgeon was a Christian but the astronaut was not. The astronaut said, 'I've been out in space many times but I've never seen God or angels.' And the brain surgeon said, 'And I've operated on many clever brains but I've never seen a single thought.”

  3. Meksikali komedyen, aktor ve yazar Johnny Welch’inn dogum gunu (8 Agustos 1959)

    “Tanri, bir an icin pacavradan bebek oldugumu unutup can vererek beni odullendirse, aklimdan gecen her seyi dile getiremeyebilirdim ama en azindan dile getirdiklerimi ayrintisiyla aklimdan gecirir ve dusunurdum. Esyalarin maddi yonlerine degil, anlamlarina deger verirdim. Az uyur, cok ruya gorur, gozumu yumdugum her dakikada, altmis saniye boyunca isigi yitirdigimi dusunurdum. Insan asktan vazgecerse yaslanir... Baskalari durdugu zaman yurumeye devam ederdim. Baskalari uyurken uyanik kalmaya gayret ederdim. Baskalari konusurken dinler, cikolatali dondurmanin tadindan zevk almaya bakardim. Eger, Tanri bana birazcik can verse, basit giyinir, yuzumu gunese cevirir, sadece vucudumu degil, ruhumu da tum ciplakligiyla acardim. Tanrim, eger bir kalbim olsaydi nefretimi buzun uzerine kazir ve gunesin gostermesini beklerdim. Gokyuzundeki aya, yildizlar boyunca Van Gogh resimleri cizer, Benedetti siirleri okur ve serenatlar soylerdim. Gozyaslarimla gulleri sular, vucuduma batan dikenlerinin acisini hissederek dudak kirmizisi tac yapraklarindan opmek isterdim. Tanrim bir yudumluk yasamim olsaydı... Gun gecmesin ki, karsilastigim tum insanlara onlari sevdigimi soylemeyeyim. Tum kadin ve erkekleri, en sevdigim insanlar olduklari konusunda birer birer ikna ederdim ve ask icinde yasardim. Erkeklere, yaslandiklari zaman aski birakmalarinin ne kadar yanlis oldugunu anlatirdim. Cunku; insan aski birakinca yaslanir. Cocuklara kanat verirdim. Ama ucmayi kendi baslarina ogrenmelerine olanak saglardim. Yaslilara ise olumun yaslanma ile degil unutma ile geldigini ogretirdim. Ey insanlar! Sizlerden ne kadar da cok sey ogrenmisim. Tum insanlarin, mutlulugun gercekleri gormekte sakli oldugunu bilmeden, daglarin zirvesinde yasamak istedigini ogrendim. Yeni dogan kucuk bir bebegin, babasinin parmagini sikarken aslinda onu kendisine sonsuza dek kelepceyle mahkum ettigini ogrendim. Sizlerden cok sey ogrendim. Ama bu ogrendiklerim pek ise yaramayacak. Cunku hepsini bir cantaya kilitledim. Mutsuz bir sekilde... Artık olebilir miyim?" Kukla

    “If, for a moment, God would forget that I am a rag doll and give me a scrap of life... I would not say everything that I think, but I would definitely think everything that I say. I would value things not for how much they are worth but rather for what they mean. I would sleep little, dream more. I know that for each minute that we close our eyes we lose sixty seconds of light. I would walk when the others loiter; I would awaken when the others sleep. I would listen when the others speak, and how I would enjoy a good chocolate ice cream. If God would bestow on me a scrap of life, I would dress simply, I would throw myself flat under the sun, exposing not only my body but also my soul. My God, if I had a heart, I would write my hatred on ice and wait for the sun to come out. With a dream of Van Gogh I would paint on the stars a poem by Benedetti, and a song by Serrat would be my serenade to the moon. With my tears I would water the roses, to feel the pain of their thorns and the incarnated kiss of their petals. My God, if I only had a scrap of life...I wouldn't let a single day go by without saying to people I love, that I love them. I would convince each woman or man that they are my favourites and I would live in love with love. I would prove to the men how mistaken they are in thinking that they no longer fall in love when they grow old -- not knowing that they grow old when they stop falling in love. To a child I would give wings, but I would let him learn how to fly by himself. To the old I would teach that death comes not with old age but with forgetting. I have learned so much from you men... I have learned that everybody wants to live at the top of the mountain without realizing that true happiness lies in the way we climb the slope. I have learned that when a newborn first squeezes his father's finger in his tiny fist, he has caught him forever. I have learned that a man only has the right to look down on another man when it is to help him to stand up. I have learned so many things from you, but in the end most of it will be no use because when they put me inside that suitcase, unfortunately, I will be dying.”

  4. Korku ve gizem romanlariyla tanina Amerikali yazar Shirley Jackson’in olum yildonumu (8 Agustos 1965)

    “Mevsimleri yiyip bitiriyoruz. Bahari, yazi ve sonbahari yiyoruz. Bir seylerin yetismesini bekleyip sonra onu yiyoruz.”

    “We eat the year away. We eat the spring and the summer and the fall. We wait for something to grow and then we eat it.”

    “Disarida gun binbir renge burunuyordu; Jonas beni takip ederken golgelere gire cika dans etti. Ben kosunca Jonas da kostu, ben kimildamadan durunca o da durup bana bakti, sonra, sanki birbirimizi tanimiyormusuz gibi hizla baska bir tarafa yoneldi, ardindan oturdu ve tekrar kosmami bekledi. Genis cayira gidiyorduk, ben hic okyanus gormemistim ama bugun burasi bir okyanusu andiriyordu; cimler esintiyle titresiyor, bulutlarin golgeleri ileri geri gidip geliyor ve uzaklardaki agaclar egilip bukuluyordu. Jonas cimlerin arasinda kayboldu; yururken dokunabilecegim kadar uzundu cimler ve Jonas kisa, yampiri hareketler yapiyor, cimler bazen ruzgarla bir yana egilince Jonas’in kostugu yerde hizla degisen bir sekil olusuyordu. Bir koseden karsi koseye dogru caprazlamasina yurumeye basladim ve tam ortada, bebegi gomdugum yerin ustunde duran tasa ulastim; definelerimin cogu sonsuza dek kaybolmus olsa da bunu hep bulabiliyordum. Tas yerinden oynatilmamisti, demek ki bebek guvendeydi. Definelerimin uzerinde yuruyorum, diye dusundum, cimler ellerime degiyor ve etrafimda sadece uzayip giden cayir, cayirin sonunda da cam ormani var. Arkamda ev vardi; sol tarafimda, cok uzakta, agaclarin arkasinda, neredeyse gorunmeyecek bir noktada ise babamizin insanlari disarida tutmak icin diktigi tel cit.” Biz Hep satoda Yasadik

    "The day outside was full of changing light, and Jonas danced in and out of the shadows as he followed me. When I ran Jonas ran, and when I stopped and stood still he stopped and glanced at me and then went briskly off in another direction, as though we were not acquainted, and then he sat down and waited for me to run again. We were going to the long field which today looked like an ocean, although I had never seen an ocean; the grass was moving in the breeze and the cloud shadows passed back and forth and the trees in the distance moved. Jonas disappeared into the grass, which was tall enough for me to touch with my hands while I walked, and he made small crooked movements of his own; for a minute the grass would all bend together under the breeze and then there would be a hurrying pattern across it where Jonas was running. I started at one corner and walked diagonally across the long field toward the opposite corner, and in the middle I came directly to the rock covering the spot where the doll was buried; I could always find it although much of my buried treasure was forever lost. The rock was undisturbed and so the doll was safe. I am walking on buried treasure, I thought, with the grass brushing against my hands and nothing around me but the reach of the long field with grass blowing and the pine woods at the end; behind me was the house, and far off to my left, hidden by trees and almost out of sight, was the wire fence our father had built to keep people out."

  5. Cazci Kardesler (The Blues Brothers) ilk konserlerine 8 Agustos 1979’da Illinois, Joliet’teki Palace Hotel Balo Salonunda cikti. (Joliet, IL - The Blues Brothers filmi)

  6. Billy Joel, 9.studyo albumu An Innocent Man’i 8 Agustos 1983’de Columbia etiketiyle piyasaya surdu.

  7. Stephen King’in The Body romanindan uyarlanan, Rob Reiner’in yonettigi, Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix, Corey Feldman, Jerry O'Connell, Kiefer Sutherland’in rol aldigi macera-drama Benimle Kal (Stand by Me - Ricordo di un'estate) 8 Agustos 1986’da vizyona girdi.

  8. Metallica’nin kurucu uyelerinden James Hetfield, 8 Agustos 1992’de Montreal, Olimpiyat Stadinda Guns N' Roses - Metallica turunda sahnede Fade To Black sarkisini calarken, yerleri degistirilen ancak eski yerlerinde de halen bulunduklarini bilmedigi havai fiseklerin patlamasi sonucunda sol kolunda olusan ikinci ve ucuncu derece yaniklara maruz kaldi. Uzun sure gitar calamadi.

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