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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 12,001 - 12,008 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Guglielmo Marconi’nin sirketi 17 Ekim 1907 tarihinde Clifden (Irlanda) ve Glace Bay (Kanada) arasinda duzenli okyanus otesi radyo-telgraf hizmeti vermeye basladi.

  2. 20. yuzyil Amerikan tiyatrosunda oyun, deneme ve drama yazari, elestirmen Arthur (Asher) Miller’in dogum yildonumu (17 Ekim 1915)

    “Okulda alti yedi yil gecirdim; tek, icimde bir heves uyansin diye. Acentelerde katiplik, seyyar saticilik, nasil olursa olsun bir is bence iyi idi. Oysa oyle yasamak, yasamak degilmis. Sicak yaz sabahlari yer alti trenlerine tikilmak, omrun oldugu kadar senet kaydetmek, telefona cevap vermek ya da alip satmak. Acik havaya cikip gomlegini atarak oturmak dururken yilin elli haftasini, iki haftalik tatil ugruna, iskence ile gecirmek. Yanindaki arkadaslarinin bir ustune gecmekten baska bir sey dusunmemek: Iste, gelecegini guvence altina almak boyle yapmakla oluyor.” Saticinin Olumu (1949 yili Pulitzer Drama Odulu ve En Iyi Oyun Tony Odulu)

    “Well, I spent six or seven years after high school trying to work myself up. Shipping clerk, salesman, business of one kind or another. And it's a measly manner of existence. To get on that subway on the hot mornings in summer. To devote your whole life to keeping stock, or making phone calls, or selling or buying. To suffer fifty weeks of the year for the sake of a two-week vacation, when all you really desire is to be outdoors, with your shirt off. And always to have to get ahead of the next fella. And still — that's how you build a future.” (1949 Pulitzer Prize for Drama and Tony Award for Best Play)

  3. The Great American Love Goddess ve Gilda lakapli Amerikali aktris ve dans sanatcisi Rita Hayworth’in (Margarita Carmen Cansino) dogum yildonumu (17 Ekim 1918)

  4. Amerikali sair, yazar ve gazeteci John Silas ‘Jack’ Reed’in olum yildonumu (17 Ekim 1920)

    “Binlerce kilometre uzayan cephe boyunca Rus ordusundaki milyonlarca asker deniz gibi dalgalaniyor baskente heyet ustune heyet gonderiyor ‘Baris !Baris!’ diye bagiriyordu.

    Bir asker konusuyor .’Yoldaslar!’diye bagiriyor. Gergin yuzunde ve halsiz hareketlerinde korkunc bir acilik var. ‘Yukaridakiler bize durmadan biraz daha fedakarlik ..biraz daha deyip duruyor.’

    Almanya ile savastayiz ,Almanlari cagirip bizim genel kurmayda calistirmuyor muyuz? Ote yanda kapitalistlerle de savastayiz ama onlari hukumetimize cagiriyoruz ..

    Asker der ki "Ne icin savastigimizi bize gosterin Istanbul'u almak icin mi ? Yoksa ozgur Rusya'yi kurmak icin mi ?”

    “Along a thousand miles of front the millions of men in Russia’s armies stirred like the sea rising, pouring into the capital their hundreds upon hundreds of delegations, crying ‘Peace! Peace!’

    A soldier was speaking: ‘Comrades,’ he cried, and there was real anguish in his drawn face and despairing gestures. ‘The people at the top are always calling upon us to sacrifice more, sacrifice more, while those who have everything are left unmolested.’

    ‘We are at war with Germany. Would we invite German generals to serve on our Staff? Well we’re at war with the capitalists too, and yet we invite them into our Government.’

    The soldier says, ‘Show me what I am fighting for. Is it Constantinople, or is it free Russia?’ “

    “Gorunuste, her sey durgundu. Yuz binlerce insan ihtiyatla evlerine donuyor, erkenden kalkip islerine gidiyorlardi. Petrograd’da tramvaylar isliyor, magaza ve lokantalar kapilarini aciyor, tiyatrolar oyunlar duzenliyor ve bir resim sergisi son hazirliklarini yapıyordu… Savasin bile kesip atamadigi alisilmis karisikligin icinde yasam akip gidiyordu. En kotu felaketler karsisinda bile yemesini, giyinmesini ve eglenmesini surduren sosyal organizmanin canliligindan daha sasirtici bir sey yoktur…”

    “Superficially all was quiet; hundreds of thousands of people retired at a prudent hour, got up early, and went to work. In Petrograd the street-cars were running, the stores and restaurants open, theatres going, an exhibition of paintings advertised… All the complex routine of common life—humdrum even in war-time—proceeded as usual. Nothing is so astounding as the vitality of the social organism—how it persists, feeding itself, clothing itself, amusing itself, in the face of the worst calamities…”

  5. 4 Akademi Odul adayligi bulunan Amerikali aktor Edward Montgomery ‘Monty’ Clift’in dogum yildonumu (17 Ekim 1920)

  6. Frank Capra’nin yonettigi, James Stewart, Jean Arthur ve Claude Rains’in rol aldigi komedi-drama Mr. Smith Washington'a Gidiyor (Mr. Smith Goes to Washington - Mr. Smith va a Washington) filmi promiyerini 17 Ekim 1939 tarihinde Washington’da yapti.

  7. Amerikali epik fantezi yazari Robert Jordan’in (James O. Rigney) dogum yildonumu (17 Ekim 1948)

    " ‘Guzellik ucar gider’ diye devam etti Viendre, Elayne'e hitaben. ‘Seneler memelerini sarkitacak, etini gevsetecek, derini koseleye cevirecek. Yuzunu gorunce gulumseyen erkekler seninle, bir baska erkekmissin gibi konusacak. Kocan her zaman seni ilk gordugu gibi hatirlayabilir, ama baska hicbir erkek seni duslemeyecek. Artik sen olmayacak misin? Vucudun giysiden baska birsey degil. Etin kuruyacak, ama sen yurek ve zihinsin ve onlar degismez, ancak guclenir.’ "

    “ ‘Beauty flees,’ Viendre went on, to Elayne. ‘Years will make your breasts sag, your flesh grow slack, your skin grow leathery. Men who smiled to see your face will speak to you as if you were just another man. Your husband may see you always as the first time his eyes caught you, but no other man will dream of you. Will you no longer be you? Your body is only clothing. Your flesh will wither, but you are your heart and mind, and they do not change except to grow stronger.’ ”

    “ ‘Ben kral degilim, Nynaeve. Yalnizca bir adamim. Bir ciftcinin tarlasi kadar bile mali olmayan bir adam.’

    Nynaeve'in sesi titremeyi birakti. ‘Bazi kadinlar toprak ya da altin istemez. Yalnizca adami ister.’ "

    " ‘I am not a king, Nynaeve. Just a man. A man without as much to his name as even the meanest farmer's croft.’

    Nynaeve's voice steadied ‘Some women don't ask for land, or gold. Just the man.’ “

  8. Jules Verne’nin ayni isimli romanindan uyarlanan, Michael Anderson’in yonettigi, David Niven, Cantinflas ve Shirley MacLaine’in rol aldigi 80 Gunde Devri alem (Around the World in 80 Days - Il giro del mondo in 80 giorni), 17 Ekim 1956 tarihinde vizyona girdi.

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