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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 14,497 - 14,504 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Hz. Muhammed, 11 Ocak 630'da 10.000 kisilik musluman ordusuyla Mekke'yi fethetti. / The Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, led an army of 10,000 Muslims to conquer Mecca on January 11, 630

  2. Italyan Ronesans akimi Floransa ekolunden ressam Domenico Ghirlandaio'nun (Domenico di Tommaso Curradi di Doffo Bigordi) olum yildonumu (11 Ocak 1494)

    Nascita di Giovanni Battista (Birth of Giovanni Battista, 1485)

  3. Italyan maniyerist ressam Parmigianino'nun (Girolamo Francesco Maria Mazzola) dogum yildonumu (11 Ocak 1503)

  4. Azeri-Turk divan sairi (Mehmed bin Suleyman) Fuzuli'nin olum yildonumu (11 Ocak 1556)

    Okulda onunla bircok melek gibi kiz da birlikte oldu.
    Bir sira kiz oturdu bir sira oglan; boylece hurilerle gilmanlar cennette toplandilar.
    Kizlar oglanlara dost olsalar, ask pazarı surum kazinir.
    Kiz nergise benzeyen gozunu suzup, buyu yapip, oglana isve ve naz satinca
    Oglan nasil sabirli davransin? Sabri da olsa neden etsin?
    O kizlar icinde periden dogma biri, Kays ile sevgi binasini kurdu.
    Bir taze put ki, olgun biri onu gorunce aklini yitirirdi.
    Orgulu ve kivrim kivrim iki saci can boynuna belali bir zincir gibiydi.
    Kaslarinin egrisi asiklarin belasi; hem cift hem de guzellik icinde kemerdi sanki.
    Her kirpigi kan doken bir ok, keskin yan bakisi bir okun ucundaki sivri demir gibi.
    Temiz alni sanki korkunc dalgalari kivrim kivrim cosan bir bela denizi.
    Kara gozune surmeden utanc gelir. Surme de kara benine tutulmus.
    Yanagina alligin rengi utanc verir. Allik ona hic renk vermemis.
    Gozbebegi eger gozunde olmasaydi, yanaginda kara ben olurdu.
    Kirmizi dudaklariyla inci disleri her an, gul yapragi icinde cig tanesi gibi gorunurdu.
    Konusma kapilarini acsa, olulere can mujdesi verirdi.
    Ince simsir boynuna, cenesinin elmasiyla, gerdaninin turuncu birlesmis.
    Ilahî incelikteki endami, sanki guzellik denizinde bir balik gibi.
    Dogan bakisli, ahu gozlu, hos hareketli, tatlı sozlu
    Tavri, hareketi hep naz: kendisi bastan ayaga tumuyle naz ve cilve.
    Bicimi herkesten baska, hos bir yuz, put gibi guzel, guzel bir dilber.
    Herkes sacinin ucuna tutulmus, dunya guzeli: Adi Leyla.
    Kays onu gorunce oldu, bitti. Bin arzuyla dertlere dustu.
    O, esi bulunmaz guzel de Kays'i gorunce sonsuz zevk duyup kendini yitirdi.
    Gordu ki, benzeri daha dunyaya gelmemis bir zamane guzeli.

    In rows sat the pupils, all facing the teacher, The first one of girls, the second of boys.
    Together were gathered these nymphs in their glory And soon became friends.
    No surprise is in this, The market of love with occasion grows brisker
    For languishing maids can enchant with their eyes. And how can a lad bid his spirit be patient
    When amorous glances and coquettish airs Surround him and tease him and quicken his manhood?
    Were patience his portion, what word could he say? Among all the girls was one bright as a fairy,
    Who aimed all her glances directly at Qays. So beautiful she, with her ways and her graces,
    That many an elder, forgetful of vows, Might find all his virtue caught up in her curls.
    Calamitous chain for the neck was the garland Of ringleted locks that fell down in a cloud:
    Affliction for lovers was spelled by her eyebrows, As lovely as twins, and, as twins, forming one.
    Each eyelash that curved from her lids was an arrow That pierced to heart and that stirred all the blood:
    Her eyes from their shelter poured forth fiery glances That, piercing the soul, spread the fever of love.
    Her brow, like an ocean, far spread and smooth rolling Like the ocean had many a peril in check.
    The black of her eyes shamed collyrium's darkness And made it a captive in chains to her mole.
    Her cheeks flushing red, paled her rouge to a whiteness, No rouge ever sullied their delicate blush.
    Should her eyes lose their pupils, no blindness would follow, Her mole would become a black pupil of sight.
    Her teeth, pearly white, from between her lips'redness Gleamed forth as bright pearls in the heart of a rose:
    When the doors of her speech were full opened, one fancied The dead must spring forth from their mouldering tombs.
    From her round dimpled chin her neck curved to her bosom; Her stature and form were creation divine.
    The falcon itself, a bird sacred to kingship, Unhooded, can gaze in the eye of the sun,
    But the eyes of this child, with their antelope softness, Could flash forth a look that the falcon outshone.
    Her motion was graceful, her words sugared honey, No act but had grace, every movement a joy-
    But why count her beauties? Put all in a sentence: The whole world itself, in a passion of terror
    Clung fast to her hair, as she went on her way. Beloved of all the world was this maiden.
    Qays looked and he perished, for Layla her name. As he with a sorrowful passion of yearning
    With sighs fed the fire that her beauty awoke, So she in a thousand sweet joys lost her reason
    For him without whom she knew living was death. She saw how the world gave its ultimate wonder, She saw how he held all her world in his hands.

  5. Ingiliz Romantik donemin en onemli sairlerinden Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ozymandias siirini ilk kez 11 Ocak 1818 tarihinde The Examiner gazetesinde, Glirastes takma ismiyle yayinladi.

    Eski bir diyardan bir yolcuya rastladim
    Dedi ki; koca bir anitin iki ayagi duruyor
    Colun tam ortasinda,kumlarin tam uzerinde
    Yari batmis,kaslari catik yuzuyle bir bas
    Buzulmus dudaklariyla sanki sesleniyor
    Yontucunun nice tutkularini yakalayip
    Simdi bile yasayan bu cansiz seylere aktardigi
    Elleriyle taklit ettigi ve kalbiyle besledigi
    Anitin kaidesinde sunlar okunuyor:
    "Ben Krallar Krali Ozmandias'im."
    Ey guclu olan, su yaptigim islere bak ve titre"
    O tarihi anitin, ucsuz bucaksiz cevresinde
    Arasan sadece koca bir govde ve kalintilar
    Baskaca uzanip giden yalnizlik ve kumlar.

  6. Amerikali filozof ve psikolog William James'in dogum yildonumu (11 Ocak 1842)

    “Umutlariniz, hayalleriniz ve arzulariniz akla uygundur. Eger sadece onlara izin verirseniz, sizi bulutlarin ve firtinalarin ustunde havada tutmaya calisirlar.”

    “MutIu oIdugumuz icin guImeyiz. GuIdugumuz icin mutIuyuzdur.”

    “YanIis anIayanIar tarafindan soyIenen bir dogrudan daha kotu hic bir yaIan yoktur.”

    “Bir kural olarak, hic kullanmadigimiz tum gercekleri ve teorileri inkar ederiz.”

    "Bircok insan cogu zaman dusundugunu zannederken, aslinda tek yaptigi is onyargilarini duzenlemektir. / Molta gente crede di pensare mentre sta solo riordinando i propri pregiudizi."

  7. Guney Afrikali yazar Alan (Stewart) Paton'in dogum yildonumu (11 Ocak 1903)

    "Olen adam icin agla, yasa burunen kadin ve cocuklar icin agla! Agla sevgili yurdum, cunku bunlar sona ermedi daha. Gunesin sicak isinlari, bu insanin zevkini suremedigi memleketi isitiyor. Insan ise yalnizca yuregindeki korkuyu biliyor ancak." Agla Sevgili Yurdum

    "Cry aloud for the man who is dead, for the woman and children bereaved. Cry, the beloved country, these things are not yet at an end. The sun pours down on the earth, on the lovely land that man cannot enjoy. He knows only the fear of his heart.”

    "Tren ile yolcular kendi dunyalarinda kapali kalirlar. Bazilari bundan hoslanmaz, soguk ve ic kapayici bulurlar. Fakat bir kismi bunu pek sever. Bir giz, bir cekicilik, bir seruvene baslangic, bilinmeyenden bir iz bulurlar. Tren bir dus dunyasindan gecer."

    "The train and the people make a small world of their own. Some people do not like it, and find it cold and gloomy. But others like it, and find in it mystery and fascination, and prelude to adventure, and an intimation of the unknown. The train passes through a world of fancy."

  8. Amerikali kisa oyku yazari, gazeteci, sair ve Ic Savas gazisi Ambrose (Gwinnet) Bierce'in olum yildonumu (11 Ocak 1924)

    "Ileri derecede bir zihinsel bagimsizliga ulasmis; uyumlu insanlarin kendi kendilerini gozlemleyerek saptadiklari dusunce, konusma ve eylem standartlarina uymayan; cogunluga ters dusen; kisaca, alisilmamis. Insanlarin deli olduguna karar veren gorevlilerin kendilerinin akilli olduklarina dair kanit gostermekten aciz olduklarina dikkat edilmelidir. Huzurunuzdaki bu (serefli) leksikografin kendi akilliligina inanci, memleketteki herhangi bir timarhanenin herhangi bir sakininin bu yondeki inancindan farkli degildir; oysa nereden bilecek ki, belki de yeteneklerini kostugunu sandigi bu yuce isle ugrasmak yerine, gercekte bir timarhanenin parmakliklarina ellerini vurarak kendisinin Noah Webster oldugunu iddia etmekte ve bircok dusuncesiz izleyiciyi masumca eglendirmektedir." Seytanin Sozlugu

    "Affected with a high degree of intellectual independence; not conforming to standards of thought, speech and action derived by the conformants from study of themselves; at odds with the majority; in short, unusual. It is noteworthy that persons are pronounced mad by officials destitute of evidence that themselves are sane. For illustration, this present (and illustrious) lexicographer is no firmer in the faith of his own sanity than is any inmate of any madhouse in the land; yet for aught he knows to the contrary, instead of the lofty occupation that seems to him to be engaging his powers he may really be beating his hands against the window bars of an asylum and declaring himself Noah Webster, to the innocent delight of many thoughtless spectators."

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