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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 18,337 - 18,344 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Turk roman ve oyun yazari, sair Rifat Ilgaz’in dogum yildonumu (7 Mayis 1911)

    Doom-birds shuttling back and forth seem
    to weave in the air the rug of despair.
    Positions have been taken up, there's gunfire back there,
    Cannon-balls darkly shake the earth under your feet
    Can't you hear?

    Lift up your head you've slept enough,
    If you call this a heart, these arteries
    Let them not beat or pulse any more,
    Be something, a voice, a light, a fist.

    Before evil winds bring your roof down on your head,
    Before flood-waters acre after acre carry off
    The land you walk on to the vast seas
    Make haste

    Now is the time to start things with the rising sun
    Back, go back to the books you had spat upon
    The sweat of hard work in their every line
    The sun shining on their every page
    Don't feel ashamed the guilt is not all yours
    Tear up the degrees you were given at thirty
    Be a child with an alphabet

    Roads are blocked, fields surrounded,
    Barbed wire rampant everywhere
    Birds of prey circling overhead.
    Don't say ‘I give up, it's beyond me'
    Open both arms, open them wide
    And be a scarecrow.

  2. Ingiliz roman ve oyku yazari Angela Carter’in dogum yildonumu (7 Mayis 1940)

    “Bir kitabi okumak onu kendiniz icin bastan yazmak gibidir.”

  3. Iskoc antropolog, insanbilimci, yazar ve halk bilimci James George Frazer’in olum yildonumu (7 Mayis 1941)

    “Caglar boyu insanlarin umut ve hayallerinin, tipki saglam bir kuleymiscesine hayatin sikintki ve firtinasindan kacip sigindiklari inanclarin temellerine saldirmak hakikaten hazin ve takdir edilmeyen bir ugrastir. Fakat er ya da gec, karsilastirmali yontemin saldirisi, sarmasiklarla, yosunlarla ve binlerce hassas, kutsal kurumun cicekleriyle kapli bu muhterem kurumu asmasi kacinilmazdir. Gunumuzde bizler yalnizca silahlari cepheye tasiyoruz: henuz ateslenmediler. Boyle kaba bir bicimde parcalanan eski yapilari daha zarif ve dayanikli sekillere sokmak baska ellere, belki de farkli ve daha mutlu devirlere kalmistir.”

    “In some respects a thankless task to strike at the foundations of beliefs in which, as in a strong tower, the hopes and aspirations of humanity through long ages have sought a refuge from the storm and stress of life. Yet sooner or later it is inevitable that the battery of the comparative method should breach these venerable walls, mantled over with the ivy and mosses and wild flowers of a thousand tender and sacred associations. At present we are only dragging the guns into position :they have hardly yet begun to speak. The task of building up into fairer and more enduring forms the old structures so rudely shattered is reserved for other hands, perhaps for other and happier ages.”

  4. Avustralyali roman yazari Peter Carey’in dogum gunu (7 Mayis 1943)

    “Ne benim esrari, ruhlarla aciklayacak vaktim vardi ne de Matthew’nun. Cunku bizler merak duygusunu ve Vermeer ile Monet’ye hayranligini yitirmeyen karmasik, kimyasal makinelerdik. Bedeni tuzlu suda yuzen, batan gunesin karsisinda cosku duyan makineler. Fakat simdi isigim gitmisti. Bir saat icinde topraga gomulecekti. Bense sanki bir farenin gazeteden yuvasini eseliyordum.” Gozyasinin Kimyasi

    “Neither I nor Matthew had time for souls. That we were intricate chemical machines never diminished our sense of wonder, our reverence for Vermeer and for Monet, our floating bodies in the salty water, our evanescent joy before the dying of the light. But now the light was gone. In one hour it would be suffocated in the earth. I dug into the rat's nest of newspaper.”

    “O kucuk bir burjuva maceraperestiydi. Iste simdi de bu tanrinin cezasi veledi getirmisti buraya. Pervasizca yapivermisti bunu. Devrimin yari zamanli bir is oldugunu saniyordu.”

    “She was a petit bourgeois adventurist. And she brings this fucking brat here, now. She just went and did it. She thinks the revolution is a part-time job.”

  5. Ispanyol yazar Almudena Grandes’in dogum gunu (7 Mayis 1960)

    “ 'Bana soz vermeni istiyorum.' Basimi olur anlaminda salladim. 'Ne olursa olsun daima iki seyi hatırlayacagina soz vermeni istiyorum. Bunu hatirlayacagini soyle bana.' Basimi tekrar salladim. 'Birincisi, seks ve ask birbirinden tamamen farklidir. Ikincisi, dun gece yaptigimiz bir ask eylemiydi.' Gozlerine dikkatle baktim, 'Soz veriyorum.' Gulumseyip alnimdan optu ve benimle vedalasti.’ ‘Gule gule Lulu. Cici ol ve buyume!’ “

    “ ’Quiero que me prometas algo ’. Asentí con la cabeza. ‘Quiero que me prometas que, pase lo que pase, recordarás siempre dos cosas. Dime que lo harás!.’ Asentí nuevamente. ‘La primera es que el sexo y el amor no tienen nada que ver.’ ‘Eso ya me lo dijiste anoche.’ ‘Bien. La segunda es que lo de anoche fue un acto de amor –me miró a los ojos con una intensidad especial. Me sonrió, me dio un beso en la frente, me abrió la puerta y se despidió de mí. ‘Adiós Lulú, sé buena, y no crezcas.!’ “

  6. Gelir esitsizligi konularinda arastirmalariyla unlu Fransiz ekonomist Thomas Piketty’nin dogum gunu (7 Mayis 1971)

    “Gelirin her zaman iki bilesenden olustugunu hatirlatmakta yarar var: Bir yanda emek geliri (yevmiye, ucret, ikramiye, ucret disi emek gelirleri vs. ve emekle iliskilendirilen, hukuki bicimi ne olursa olsun her turlu hakedis); diger yanda sermaye geliri (kira, kar payi, faiz, kar, arti deger, gayrimaddi hak odemeleri –telif ucretleri- vs. ve toprak, gayrimenkul, finansal urunler, endustriyel donanim vs. cinsinden ve yine hukuki bicimi ne olursa olsun sahip olunan sermayeden elde edilen gelirler).” Yirmi Birinci Yuzyilda Kapital

    “Indeed, income consists of two components: income from labor (wages, salaries, bonuses, earnings from nonwage labor, and other remuneration statutorily classified as labor related) and income from capital (rent, dividends, interest, profits, capital gains, royalties, and other income derived from the mere fact of owning capital in the form of land, real estate, financial instruments, industrial equipment, etc., again regardless of its precise legal classification).”

  7. Johnny Depp, Penélope Cruz ve Ian McShane’nin rol aldigi aksiyon-macera-fantezi Karayip Korsanları: Gizemli Denizlerde (Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - Pirati dei Caraibi: Oltre i confini del mare ), 7 Mayis 2011’de Anaheim, California’da gosterime girdi.

  8. Barok ve Rococo stillerinde eserler yaratan Italyan ressam Baciccia'nin (Giovanni Battista Gaulli) dogum yildonumu (8 Mayis 1639)

    Baco e Ariadne (Bacchus and Ariadne, 1675)

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