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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 19,801 - 19,808 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. 1985 yilinda Nobel Edebiyat Odulunu'nu kazanan, 'Yeni Roman' akiminin uyesi Fransiz yazar Claude Simon'un olum yildonumu (6 Temmuz 2005)

    "Almanlarin, boynuna bir kopek gibi tasma gecirip butun kampta gezdirdikleri o tutukluyu animsatıyordu bana: Tasmasinin ucu baska iki tutuklunun elindeydi, buyruklara uyarak yavas yavas yuruyordu, gogsunun ustunde, boynuna bir telle asilmis bir tugla vardi (yoksa bir kesme tas miydi?), onun ustunde de 'yoldaslarimin ekmegini caldim' yaziliydi."

    "Me rappelant ce prisonnier que les Allemands avaient promené dans tout le camp, tenu en laisse comme un chien par deux autres marchant sur ordre lentement et portant sur la poitrine, suspendue au cou par un fil de fer, une lourde brique (ou un moellon ?) sur laquelle était écrit 'j’ai volé le pain de mes camarades' "

  2. Amerikali roman yazari Kathleen E. Woodiwiss’in olum yildonumu (6 Temmuz 2007)

    “28 Ekim 1066

    Savasin gumburtusu artik cinlamiyordu. Yaralilardan yukselen cigliklar ve iniltiler teker teker sessizlige gomulmustu. Gece sessizce uzanmis, zamansa durmus gibiydi. Sonbahar ayi, renkli ve bitkin, belli belirsiz ufkun uzerinde parildiyor ve avlanan bir kurdun uzaklardan gelen ulumasi geceyi titretip, tuhaf sessizligi zemine daha siki hapsediyordu. Sis parcaciklari bataklik boyunca, parcalanmis ve dogranmis olulerin uzerindeydi. Taslarla hafifce desteklenmis balciktan alcak duvar, kasabanin parcalanmis erkekleriyle bir kefen gibi ortulmustu. On ikiden buyuk gostermeyen genc bir oglan babasinin yaninda yatiyordu. Darkenwald Malikanesi’nin muazzam govdesi bunun otesinde uzaniyor, kulesinin diregi gogu deliyordu.

    Aislinn malikanenin icinde, kizila boyanmis zeminde, Darkenwald’in bir onceki lordu olan babasinin derebeyligini idare ettigi tahtin onunde oturmaktaydi. Incecik boynuna kalin bir ip gecirilmisti. Bu iple, Lord Erland’in makaminda dinlenen, zirhli, uzun, esmer bir Norman’in sol bilegine baglanmisti. Ragnor de Marte, bes para etmez seyler icin bile malikaneyi altust edip deliler gibi kosturan, yatak odalarinin merdivenlerine tirmanip, arayislari icin agir kapilari kirarcasina acan, hazine sandiklarinin altini ustune getirip daha degerli seyleri onune serili bir ortunun ustune koyan adamlarini izliyordu. Aislinn kisa bir sure once belinden cekip alinan mucevher kakmali hancerini ve telkari kemerini, bir zamanlar evini onurlandiran diger hazinelerin olusturdugu yiginin icinden tanidi.” Kurt ve Kumru

    “October 28, 1066

    The clash of battle rang no more. The screams and the moans of the wounded were silenced one by one. The night lay quiet and time seemed suspended. The autumn moon, bloody hued and weary, shone upon the indistinct horizon, and the distant howl of a hunting wolf shivered down the night, locking the eerie silence tighter upon the land. Shreds of fog drifted through the marsh over the split and hewn bodies of the dead. The low wall of earth, weakly buttressed by stones, was covered with the heroic shroud of the town’s butchered manhood. A young boy of no more than twelve summers lay beside his father. The great black bulk of Darkenwald’s hall rose beyond this, the shaft of its single watchtower piercing the sky.

    Within the hall Aislinn sat upon the rush-covered floor before the chair from which her father, the late lord of Darkenwald, had ruled his fief. A rough rope was knotted about her slender neck. It bound her by its length to the left wrist of a tall, dark Norman who rested his mail-clad frame upon the rough-hewn symbol of Lord Erland’s status. Ragnor de Marte watched as his men tore the hall apart in a rampaging search for the smallest item of value, climbing the stairs to the bedchambers, slamming heavy doors open in their search, rummaging through coffers, then casting on a cloth spread before him the more worthy trophies. Aislinn recognized her jeweled dagger and gold filigree girdle, torn from her hips only a short time ago, thrown into the pile among the other treasures that had graced her home.”

    "Bir kadin dunyanin en yumusak ama ayni zamanda en keskin bicagidir. / A woman is the softest yet the sharpest steel this earth can bear."

  3. Fantastik ve bilim kurgu tarzdaki eserleriyle taninan Turk cizgi romanci Galip Tekin'in olum yildonumu (6 Temmuz 2017)

  4. Wenn ich Pflanze werden sollte
    dann lieber Wiese oder Rasen
    giftiger Schierling will ich nicht sein
    Wenn ich unter einem Weg begraben werde
    Dann sollen da oben Hochzeitskutschen fahren
    Nicht die Kettenpanzer
    Kinder sollen laufen über mir
    Keine fliehenden oder jagenden Soldaten
    Wenn Ihr Lehmziegel aus mir macht
    Dann nutzt mich für Schulen
    Nicht für Gefängnisse
    Wenn etwas Atem von mir übrig bleibt
    Pfeift damit ein Lied
    Bloß nicht mit der Trillerpfeife
    Macht ein Stift aus mir
    Der Gedichte über die Liebe schreibt
    niemals aber ein Todesurteil
    Wenn ich sterbe
    Soll ich in Lorbeerblättern leben
    Niemals aber in Waffen

    Aziz Nesin

  5. "Hic dikkat ettin mi, kadinlarla erkeklerin bazi hareketlerinin sebeplerini yeniden sekillendirmeye calistigimizda eski erdemlerden kaynaklandiklari inancina, hirsizin tamahtan degil sevgiden caldigina, katilin nefretten degil merhametten oldurdugune hayretle o yegane mumkun inanca kapilmis buluruz kendimizi SIK SIK." William Faulkner, Absalom, Absalom

    "Have you noticed how so often when we try to reconstruct the causes which lead up to the actions of men and women, how with a sort of astonishment we find ourselves now and then reduced to the belief, the only possible belief, that they stemmed from some of the old virtues? The thief who steals not for greed but for love, the murderer who kills not out of lust but pity?"

  6. "Duyduguma gore buyuk bir yildiz olmus. Anlamaliydik degil mi? Kazananlar, cikis anindan bellidir. Tipki kaybedenler gibi."

    Noodles: We should have known, huh? You can always tell the winners at the starting gate. You can always tell the winners, and you can tell the losers.

    (Perché, non si capiva? I vincenti si riconoscono alla partenza. Riconosci i vincenti e i brocchi. Chi avrebbe puntato su te?)

    Bir Zamanlar Amerika (Once Upon a Time in America - C'era una volta in America) Yonetmen: Sergio Leone

  7. Dogum Gunu Kizi Eva Green

  8. 7 Temmuz Dunya Cikolata Gunu

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