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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 34,129 - 34,136 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Uc Buyuk Tenor Plácido Domingo, José Carreras ve Luciano Pavarotti, birlikte ilk konserlerine 7 Temmuz 1990’da Roma, Caracalla Hamamlari'nda (Terme di Caracalla - Baths of Caracalla) ciktilar.

  2. Amerikali progressive metal grubu Dream Theater, 2. studyo albumu 'efsane' Images and Words'u 7 Temmuz 1992'de Atco Records etiketiyle piyasaya surdu.

  3. Turk roman ve oyun yazari, sair Rifat Ilgaz’in dogum yildonumu (7 Temmuz 1993)

    Doom-birds shuttling back and forth seem
    to weave in the air the rug of despair.
    Positions have been taken up, there's gunfire back there,
    Cannon-balls darkly shake the earth under your feet
    Can't you hear?

    Lift up your head you've slept enough,
    If you call this a heart, these arteries
    Let them not beat or pulse any more,
    Be something, a voice, a light, a fist.

    Before evil winds bring your roof down on your head,
    Before flood-waters acre after acre carry off
    The land you walk on to the vast seas
    Make haste

    Now is the time to start things with the rising sun
    Back, go back to the books you had spat upon
    The sweat of hard work in their every line
    The sun shining on their every page
    Don't feel ashamed the guilt is not all yours
    Tear up the degrees you were given at thirty
    Be a child with an alphabet

    Roads are blocked, fields surrounded,
    Barbed wire rampant everywhere
    Birds of prey circling overhead.
    Don't say ‘I give up, it's beyond me'
    Open both arms, open them wide
    And be a scarecrow.

    Let my hand touch yours
    Let me warm it if itís cold
    My last warmth shall not be wasted!

  4. "Sheba gecen aksam yemekte Conolly ile ilk kez opustukleri ani anlatti. Tabii ki, cogunu daha once duymustum cunku Sheba'nin Conolly olayi hakkinda bana birkac kez anlatmadigi pek bir sey kalmadi. Ama bu kez yeni bir sey ortaya cikti, ilk kucaklasmada onu sasirtan bir sey olup olmadigini sordum. Guldu. Evet, dedi, kokusu onu sasirtmisti. Onun bir kokusu olacagi hic aklina gelmemisti, gelse bile bu ciklet, kola veya ayak kokusu gibi yeni yetmelere ozgu bir sey olurdu.

    O anda, icime cektigim sabun, yeni yikanmis camasir kokusuydu. Bakimli, tertemiz, mis gibi kokuyordu. Apartmanlarin havalandirma borularinin onunden gecerken insani sarip sarmalayan o camasir makinesi kokusunu bilirsin, iste oyle. O kadar temiz. Barbara. Nefesi diger cocuklar gibi sogan ve peynir kokmuyor." Zoe Heller, Skandal

    "The other night, at dinner, Sheba talked about the first time that she and the Connolly boy kissed. I had heard most of it before of course – there being few aspects of the Connolly business that Sheba has not described to me several times over. But this time round, something new came up. I happened to ask her if anything about the first embrace had surprised her. She laughed. Yes, the smell of the whole thing had been surprising, she said. She hadn’t anticipated his personal odor, and if she had, she would probably guessed at something teenagey: bubble gum, cola, feet.

    When the moment arrived, what I actually inhaled was soap, tumble-dried laundry. He smelled of scrupulous self-maintenance. You know the washing machine fug that envelopes you sometimes, walking past the basement vents of mansion flats? Like that. So clean, Barbara. Never any of that cheese and onion breath that the other kids have."

  5. Italyan ressam Benedetto Bonfigli’nin olum yildonumu (8 Temmuz 1496)

    Annunciazione, fine del XV sec (Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria)

    Vues des maisons-tours de Pérouse sur les fresques de Sant Ercolano et San Ludovico, 1454

  6. Italyan Barok ressam ve kadinin var olma mucadelesinin simgesi Artemisia (Lomi) Gentileschi'nin dogum yildonumu (8 Temmuz 1593)

    Giaele e Sisara (Jael and Sisera, 1620)

    Conversione della Maddalena (1620)

  7. Fransiz sair ve cocuk oykuleri yazari Jean de La Fontaine'in dogum yildonumu (8 Temmuz 1621)

    Bir dala konmustu karga cenaplari;
    Agzinda bir parca peynir vardi.
    Sayin tilki kokuyu almis olmali,
    Ona nagme yapmaya basladi:
    'Ooooo! Karga cenaplari, merhaba!
    Ne kadar guzelsiniz; ne kadar sirinsiniz!
    Gozum kor olsun yalanim varsa.
    Tuyleriniz gibiyse sesiniz,
    Sultani sayilirsiniz butun bu ormanin.'
    Keyfinden akli basindan gitti Bay Karga'nin;
    Gostermek icin guzel sesini
    Acinca agzini, dusurdu nevalesini.
    Tilki kapip ona dedi ki: 'Efendicigim,
    Size guzel bir ders verecegim;
    Aliklar olmasa is kalmaz acikgozlere;
    Boyle bir ders de deger sanirim bir peynire.'
    Karga sakin, mahcup, biraz da gec ama,
    Yemin etti artik faka basmayacagina.

    Maître Corbeau, sur un arbre perché,
    Tenait en son bec un fromage.
    Maître Renard, par l'odeur alléché,
    Lui tint à peu près ce langage :
    Et bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau.
    Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau !
    Sans mentir, si votre ramage
    Se rapporte à votre plumage,
    Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois.
    À ces mots, le Corbeau ne se sent pas de joie ;
    Et pour montrer sa belle voix,
    Il ouvre un large bec, laisse tomber sa proie.
    Le Renard s'en saisit, et dit : Mon bon Monsieur,
    Apprenez que tout flatteur
    Vit aux dépens de celui qui l'écoute.
    Cette leçon vaut bien un fromage, sans doute.
    Le Corbeau honteux et confus
    Jura, mais un peu tard, qu'on ne l'y prendrait plus.

  8. Avusturyali ressam Johann Jakob Zeiller’in dogum yildonumu (8 Temmuz 1708)

    Fresco Austreibung aus dem Tempel, 1763

    Fresko in der Kuppel der Stiftskirche von Kloster Ettal, 18. Jahrhundert

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