Sayfa 4974/7020 İlkİlk ... 397444744874492449644972497349744975497649845024507454745974 ... SonSon
Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 39,785 - 39,792 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Hollandali ressam Aert de Gelder'in dogum yildonumu (26 Ekim 1645)

    Ahimelech Giving the Sword of Goliath to David, circa 1680s

    The Banquet of Ahasuerus, circa 1680s

  2. Barok donem Italyan besteci Giuseppe Domencio Scarlatti'nin dogum yildonumu (26 Ekim 1685)

  3. Flaman ressam Peter Jacob Horemans'in dogum yildonumu (26 Ekim 1700)

    Karussellrennen bei Schloß Fürstenried, 18.Jahrhundert

    View of Munich from the home of Johann Kaspar Basselet von La Rosée, 1749

  4. Ingiliz ressam William Hogarth'in olum yildonumu (26 Ekim 1764)

    Un partito di pesca (A Fishing Party, 1730)

    La campagna elettorale (An Election Entertainment, 1755)

  5. Fransiz ressam Alexandre-Évariste Fragonard'nin dogum yildonumu (26 Ekim 1780)

    The Immured, first half of 19th century

    Scène du massacre de la Saint-Barthélémy, 1836

  6. Ingiliz ressam Mary Ellen Best'in dogum yildonumu (26 Ekim 1809)

    The Sideboard, 19th century

    An Interior, a drawing by Best, c.1837 – 1840

  7. Rus ressam Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchaguin'in dogum yildonumu (26 Ekim 1842)

    They are triumphant, 1872

    Victors, 1878

  8. Fransiz ressam Jean-Eugène Buland'in dogum yildonumu (26 Ekim 1852)

    Alms of a Beggar (Almosen eines Bettlers, 1880)

    Offering to the Virgin the Day After the Wedding, 1885

Sayfa 4974/7020 İlkİlk ... 397444744874492449644972497349744975497649845024507454745974 ... SonSon

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