Sayfa 5474/7020 İlkİlk ... 447449745374542454645472547354745475547654845524557459746474 ... SonSon
Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 43,785 - 43,792 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Isvecli ressam Carl Gustaf Pilo’nun olum yildonumu (2 Mart 1793)

    Portrait of Mrs Charlotta Pilo, née Desmarez, the artist's wife. 1756 (In the collection of the Nationalmuseum, Stockholm. The National Museum of Fine Arts, Stockholm)

    The Coronation of Gustaf III, 1782 (in the collection of the National Museum, Stockholm, Sweden)

  2. Fransiz ressam Charles Emile Callande de Champmartin’in dogum yildonumu (2 Mart 1797)

    Actress Juliette Drouet as princesse Negroni, ca. 1827

    Madame de Mirbel, 19th century

  3. Ingiliz sanat tarihcisi, gotik yazar, antikaci ve politikaci Horace Walpole'un olum yildonumu (2 Mart 1797)

    "Dunya, dusunenler icin komedi, hissedenler icin trajedidir. / Il mondo è una commedia per coloro che pensano, una tragedia per coloro che sentono." Il Castello di Otranto

    "Gecen Haziran'in baslarinda bir sabah bir dusle uyandim ve bu dusten animsayabildigim tek sey kendimi eski bir satoda gormem (Gotik oykulerle dolu benimkisi gibi bir beyin icin cok dogal bir dus) ve buyuk bir merdivenin en ust basamaginda devasa bir zirhli ele bakmamdir. Aksam ustu oturup yazmaya koyuldum, neler soyleyecegimi ve anlatacagimi hic bilmeden."Otranto Satosu

    "I waked one morning at the beginning of last June from a dream, of which all I could recover was, that I had thought myself in an ancient castle (a very natural dream for a head filled like mine with Gothic story) and that on the uppermost bannister of a great staircase I saw a gigantic hand in armour. In the evening I sat down and began to write, without knowing in the least what I intended to say or relate."

    “Genc Conrad'in dugununun, dogum gununde yapilmasina karar verilmisti. Topluluk, satonun sapelinde toplanmisti, ama kutsal torenin baslamasi icin her seyin hazir olmasina ragmen Conrad ortalarda yoktu. En ufak gecikmeye bile dayanamayan ve oglunun, odasina cekildigini fark etmemis olan Prens, hizmetkarlardan birini genc Prens'i cagirmasi icin gonderdi. Hizmetkar henuz Conrad'in odasina giden avludan gececek kadar bile uzaklasmamisti ki nefes nefese geri dondu; delirmis gibiydi, bakislari sabitti ve agzindan kopukler saciyordu. Hicbir sey soylemiyor, avluyu isaret ediyordu. Topluluk dehset ve saskinlik icinde oldugu yerde kalmisti. Konunun ne oldugunu anlamayan, ama oglu icin kaygilanan Prenses Hippolita bayginlik gecirdi. Kaygilanmaktan cok dugun toreninin gecikmesine ve hizmetcisinin aptalligina kizan Manfred, emir verircesine neler olup bittigini sordu. Hizmetkar cevap vermiyor, hala parmagiyla avluyu isaret ediyordu; en sonunda, pes pese sorulan sorularin ardindan, "Ah! Migfer! Migfer!" diye bagirdi. Bu arada toplulugun bir kismi, birbirine karis- mis cigliklarin, korku ve saskinlik dolu seslerin geldigi avluya akin etmisti.”

    “Young Conrad's birthday was fixed for his espousals. The company was assembled in the chapel of the Castle, and everything ready for beginning the divine office, when Conrad himself was missing. Manfred, impatient of the least delay, and who had not observed his son retire, despatched one of his attendants to summon the young Prince. The servant, who had not stayed long enough to have crossed the court to Conrad's apartment, came running back breathless, in a frantic manner, his eyes staring, and foaming at the mouth. He said nothing, but pointed to the court.The company were struck with terror and amazement. The Princess Hippolita, without knowing what was the matter, but anxious for her son, swooned away. Manfred, less apprehensive than enraged at the procrastination of the nuptials, and at the folly of his domestic, asked imperiously what was the matter? The fellow made no answer, but continued pointing towards the courtyard; and at last, after repeated questions put to him, cried out, éOh! the helmet! the helmet!"

  4. Fransiz ressam Léon Benett’in dogum yildonumu (2 Mart 1839)

    Bazaar in Samarkand, 1892

    L'Invasion de la mer, 1905

  5. Rus asilli Israilli yazar (Solomon Naumovich Rabinovich) Sholom Aleichem’in dogum yildonumu (2 Marts 1859)

    "Yoksul adam tavuk yerse ya tavuk hastadır.ya da adam. / When a poor man eats a chicken, one of them is sick” Damdaki Kemanci

    “Atasozunun dedigi gibi: Eger Tanri butun delileri dinleseydi, ne guzel bir dunya olurdu bu. / As the saying goes, if God listened to fools, the world would have another face.”

    “Demezler mi ki: ‘Asker misin, barut kokusuna dayanmalisin.’ Tipki kirik testi meselesine benzer bu. Butun dunya dedim, bir ruyadir. / As they say, if you're a soldier you must smell gunpowder. 'Man is likened to a broken pot'- — the whole world,"

  6. Italyan ressam Italo Nunes Vai'nin dogum yildonumu (2 Mart 1860)

    Giuseppe Garibaldi a Taganrok, 1881 (Italyan general, yurtsever, lider ve yazar)

    Viale con villa, XIX secolo

  7. Fransiz ressam Victor Charreton’un dogum yildonumu (2 Mart 1864)

    Neige fondante, Auvergne, 1899 (New York, Brooklyn Museum)

    Effet de neige, musée des Beaux-Arts de Carcassonne, XIXe siècle

  8. 1846 - 1852 yillari arasinda Roma'daki Fransiz Akademisi'nin direktorlugunu de yapmis olan Fransiz ressam (Jean Alaux) Le Romain'in olum yildonumu (2 Mart 1864)

    L'atelier d'Ingres à Rome (Lo studio di Ingres a Roma, 1818) Musée Ingres, Montauban

    La bataille de Denain (La battaglia di Denain, 1839)

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