Sayfa 75/137 İlkİlk ... 2565737475767785125 ... SonSon
Arama sonucu : 1094 madde; 593 - 600 arası.

Konu: GMSTRF QNB Finans Portföy Gümüş Borsa Yatırım Fonu

  1. Bu nasıl bir fondur arkadaş ....

  2.  Alıntı Originally Posted by ayhanol1 Yazıyı Oku
    Bu nasıl bir fondur arkadaş ....

  3.  Alıntı Originally Posted by tortumlu Yazıyı Oku
    Wayne 26.36....ons ve pariteye gore24.36 olmalıydı....pek bişey de kalmadı...bu arada parite 1.200

    M2004J19C cihazımdan mobile app kullanarak gönderildi.
    Hemen banka Xag/usd ana para korumalı vs... fon kurmuş. Bu bankaların yatacak yeri yok. Kefal gibi avlıyorlar milleti

  4. Dün 6.95 gören gümüş az önce 6.11 gördü alanlar. Satanlar,Gülenler,Ağlayanlar 18 saatte hepsi yaşandı

    M2004J19C cihazımdan mobile app kullanarak gönderildi.

  5. Merhaba arkadaşlar. Bankadan hesap açıp gram olarak almak mı mantıklı yoksa bu fon aracılığıyla mı? Bu konuda değerli bilgilerinizi paylaşabilirseniz sevinirim.

    %10 kar kesintisinden bahsediliyor. Anlamadığım şu: Bu fonun extra ne avantajı var ki insanlar bu payı da ödemeyi göze alarak bankadan almak yerine buradan alıyor.

    Sn. Hkm eski mesajlarda bahsetmiş; takasbank güvencesi vs. fakat bazı bankalar fiziki teslimat da yapıyor. Açıkcası gönlüm buradan almaktan yana işlem kolaylığı açısından fakat bu %10 konusu kafamı karıştırıyor.

    Şimdiden yanıtlarınız için teşekkür ederim.
    "Boğa piyasaları kötümserlikle doğar, şüphecilikle büyür, iyimserlikle olgunlaşır, coşkuyla ölür”

  6. Fon bugün bulamadı galiba....mal satmadı?

    M2004J19C cihazımdan mobile app kullanarak gönderildi.

  7. Gecen sene Kanada Merkez bankasinin yayinlanan gorusu Gumus konusunda.

    BMO said in an April 5 note that while gold is still a "natural beneficiary" of even lower global interest rates and its safe-haven status should "receive another airing" in 2020, the bank sees silver as "not only hanging on gold's coattails" but potentially even outperforming gold.

    BMO Capital Markets Managing Director Colin Hamilton said he views silver as an "infrastructure precious metal" given incremental growth coming through in 5G, cell and solar technology.

    While Chinese infrastructure investment could rise 20% year over year in terms of fixed asset investment, Hamilton said the construction of over 500,000 5G base towers in the country is a key part of that investment given such towers typically use silver for electromagnetic shielding.

    Also, many more base towers are needed for 5G than for 4G due to the higher frequencies and shorter wavelengths.

    "Moreover, as we see more economies go down the fiscal route, this infrastructure spend could provide good impetus for silver demand over the next couple years and we anticipate silver could outperform gold over that period," Hamilton said.

    Hamilton also noted that while the silver was "hit hard" with the broader market sell-off in March, it has started to show signs of a recovery, a similar pattern to what was observed during the global financial crisis before silver went on a steep bull run along with gold.

    BMO equity research analyst Ryan Thompson said the bank also sees the potential for silver to outperform gold at current levels given the currently "unprecedented" gold/silver ratio, near-term mine supply going offline and a precious metals positive macro environment.

    Australia's RM Research Consulting backed that view of the macro environment in an April 6 note regarding small-scale gold producer Tribune Resources Ltd., in which it said gold's role as a hedge against economic uncertainty remains "negatively correlated" to equity markets and base metals.

    RM Research is confident that gold will break through US$1,700 per ounce in the medium term as the new coronavirus continues to slow economic growth, it said, citing Morgan Stanley's forecast for global growth to fall 30% and unemployment rising to 12.8% as factors likely to drive gold prices higher.

    In the case of Tribune, RM Research said Australian-dollar gold prices tracking above A$2,700/oz means the company can continue to generate strong margins with all-in sustaining costs of about A$1,000/oz.

    Central banks act

    In such an environment, BMO also said central banks could be seen to "pull back a bit as they put their ammunition elsewhere," after having been net purchasers of gold since 2009.

    Krishan Gopaul of the World Gold Council's Market Intelligence Group said in an April 2 blog that while central banks bought a net 36 tonnes of gold in February, almost a third higher than January's net purchases, it was 52% lower year over year.

    That brought their year-to-date net purchases to 64.5 tonnes, 44% lower than the 116.1 tonnes of net purchases over the first two months of 2019.

    Gopaul said five central banks have increased gold reserves by at least a tonne so far this year, compared with eight over the first two months of 2019. The steady decline in monthly net purchases since August 2019 resulted in a five-month low of 16.3 tonnes in December.

    While the past two months suggest that gold continues to be an important component of foreign reserves despite heightened levels of demand in recent years, Gopaul said the recent market instability and uncertainty will be at the forefront of central bankers' minds.

    "While we believe central banks will remain net buyers in 2020, it's reasonable to think we may not see as much buying as we did over the past two years," Gopaul said.

  8. Silver to Play a Critical Role in 5G Technologies

Sayfa 75/137 İlkİlk ... 2565737475767785125 ... SonSon

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