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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 21,249 - 21,256 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. NASA'nin Apollo uzay programi icin ucakta ucus yazilimi gelistiren MIT Enstrumantasyon Laboratuvari Yazilim Muhendisligi eski Bolum direktoru, Amerikali bilgisayar bilimcisi, sistem muhendisi ve Baskanlik Ozgurluk Madalyasi sahibi Margaret Elaine Heafield'in dogum gunu (17 Agustos 1936)

    (1969 yilinda Apollo 11 ucusundaki komut ve ay modullerini milyon kilometre uzaktaki aya goturup getiren, 145,000 satir assembly kodunu tasarlayip yazmis ve bu ekibi yonetmistir.)

  2. Auschwitz-Birkenau'da olen, Ukrayna asilli Fransiz roman yazari Irène Némirovsky'nin olum yildonumu (17 Agustos 1942)

    "Evet, yirmi yasindayken mutluluk bana daha degisik, korkunc ve ucsuz bucaksiz gelirdi oysa tum arzularin sonuna dogru yaklastikca, o tutkular mukemmel bir sekilde kuculuyor ve daha erisilebilir hale geliyor."

    “Yes, at twenty happiness seemed different to me, rather terrible and overwhelming, yet one’s desires become easier to achieve once they have largely run their course."

    "Iki adam bir ara karsi karsiya, hic konusmadan oylece durdu. Sonra Alman sigarasini gosterdi ve berbat bir Fransizcayla ates istedi. Tutuncu de kotu bir Almancayla karsilik verdi, zira 1918'de Mayence'de isgale katilmisti. Oyle derindi ki sessizlik icinde (butun koy nefesini tutmustu) sozlerinin her kelimesi duyuldu. Alman yolu sordu.

    Fransiz cevap verdi, sonra cesaretlenerek: 'Ateskes imzalandi mi?' diye sordu.

    Alman kollarini iki yana acti. 'Henuz bilmiyoruz. Umuyoruz,' dedi.

    Bu sozun insani tinisi, bu tavir, kana susamis biriyle degil digerleri gibi bir askerle karsi karsiya olduklarini gosterdi."

    "For a moment, the two men just stood there, face-to-face, without saying a word. Then the German took out a cigarette and asked for a light in bad French. Then the German took out a cigarette and asked for a light in bad French. The newsagent replied in bad German; he had been among the occupying forces in Mainz in '1918. There was such total silence (the whole village was holding its breath) that you could hear each and every word. The German asked for directions.

    The Frenchman replied, then became bolder: 'Has the armistice been signed?'

    The German threw open his arms. "'We don't know yet. We hope so,' he said.

    And the humanity of his words, his gesture, everything proved they were not dealing with some bloodthirsty monster but with a simple soldier like any other."

  3. 2 Akademi, 2 Golden Globe Odulu sahibi Italyan asilli Amerikali aktor "Bobby Milk" Robert (Anthony) De Niro'nun dogum gunu (17 Agustos 1943)

  4. George Orwell, Hayvan Ciftligi (Animal Farm - La Fattoria degli Animali) romanini 17 Agustos 1945 tarihinde Secker and Warburg araciligiyla Londra’da yayimladi.

    "Tepeden asagilara bakarken Clover'in gozleri yasla doldu. Dusuncelerini dile getirebilseydi, yillar once insan soyunu alt etmek icin ise koyulduklarinda amaclarinin bu olmadigini soylerdi. Yasli Major'in onlari ilk olarak isyana tesvik ettigi gece can attiklari sey, bu teror ve katliam sahneleri degildi. Eger kendisi o zaman gelecegi hayal etmis olsaydi, acliktan ve kirbactan kurtulmus, herkesin esit, herkesin kendi kapasitesine gore calistigi, tipki Major'in konustugu gece en son kuluckada yumurtadan cikan ordek yavrularini on ayagiyla korudugu gibi, guclunun zayifi korudugu bir hayvan toplumunu hayal ederdi."

    "As Clover looked down the hillside her eyes filled with tears. If she could have spoken her thoughts, it would have been to say that this was not what they had aimed at when they had set themselves years ago to work for the overthrow of the human race. These scenes of terror and slaughter were not what they had looked forward to on that night when old Major first stirred them to rebellion. If she herself had had any picture of the future, it had been of a society of animals set free from hunger and the whip, all equal, each working according to his capacity, the strong protecting the weak, as she had protected the lost brood of ducklings with her foreleg on the night of Major's speech."

  5. Cary Grant, Ann Sheridan, Marion Marshall'in rol aldigi Harp Gelini (I Was a Male War Bride - Ero uno sposo di guerra), 17 Agustos 1949'da Los Angeles, California'da gosterime girdi.

  6. Romanya dogumlu Alman roman, deneme yazari ve sair Herta Muller’in dogum gunu (17 Agustos 1953)

    “Bir baba bahcede yazi capaliyor. Bir cocuk cicek tarhinin yaninda duruyor ve dusunuyor : Babasi nasil yasayacagini biliyor. Cunku baba vicdan azabini en ise yaramaz bitkilere yukleyip sonra da onlari koklerinden kopariyor. Az once, cocuk, en ise yaramaz bitkilerin capanin elinden kurtulup , yazin da hayatta kalmalarini istedi. Ama kacip kurtulamiyorlar, cunku ucmayi ancak sonbaharda tuylendikten sonra ogreniyorlar.”

    “Ein Vater hackt den Sommer im Garten. Ein Kind steht neben dem Beet und denkt sich: Der Vater weiß vom Leben. Denn der Vater steckt sein schlechtes Gewissen in die dümmsten Pflanzen und hackt sie ab. Kurz davor hat das Kind sich gewünscht, daß die dümmsten Pflanzen vor der Hacke fliehen und den Sommer überleben. Doch sie können nicht fliehen, weil sie erst im Herbst weiße Federn bekommen. Erst dann lernen sie fliegen.”

  7. Amerikali roman yazari Jonathan (Earl) Franzen’in dogum gunu (17 Agustos 1959)

    “Bu da dogruydu. Yine de basroldeki genc kadin oyuncunun goguslerini hayal etmenin bastan cikariciligi olmadan bu senaryoyu yazacak cesareti bulamayan Chip'e gore haksiz ve acimasiz bir gorustu. ‘Herhalde haklisin,’ dedi Chip. ‘Gerci fizikselligin bir kismi bilincli olarak veriliyor. Cunku burada bir ironi var; bak goruyorsun, kiz adamin aklini cekici bulurken, adam kizin...’

    ‘Ama bunu okuyan bir kadin acisindan,’dedi, Julia inatla, ‘tavukcu dukkanindan soz ediyormus gibi geliyor. Gogus, gogus, gogus, bacak.’ " Duzeltmeler

    “ This, too, was true. That it was true, however, seemed unfair and cruel to Chip, who would never have had the heart to write the script at all without the lure of imagining the breasts of his young female lead. ‘You’re probably right,’ he said. ‘Although some of the physicality there is intentional. Because that’s the irony, see, that she’s attracted to his mind while he’s attracted to her…’ ”

    ‘But for a woman reading it,’ Julia said obstinately, ‘it’s sort of like the poultry department. Breast, breast, breast, thigh, leg.’ ”

  8. 2 Akademi, 1 Golden Globe Odulu sahibi Amerikali aktor Sean Justin Penn'in dogum gunu (17 Agustos 1960)

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