Sayfa 3087/7020 İlkİlk ... 208725872987303730773085308630873088308930973137318735874087 ... SonSon
Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 24,689 - 24,696 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Fransiz ressam Paul Victor Jules Signac’in dogum yildonumu (11 Kasim 1863)

    Ritratto di Félix Fénéon (Le portrait de Félix Fénéon, 1890)

    Capo di Noli, 1898

  2. Fransiz ressam Jean-Édouard Vuillard’in dogum yildonumu (11 Kasim 1868)

    Amici intorno al Tavolo (The friends around the table, 1909)

    Colazione presso Villerville (Breakfast at Villerville, 1910)

  3. Danimarkali filozof ve teolog Søren (Aabye) Kierkegaard'in olum yildonumu (11 Kasim 1855)

    "Sasirt beni, tukendim, takatim kalmadi, gel namus ve seref icin savasalim. O kizi bana goster, olanaksiz gibi gorunen bir olanak goster bana, yer alti dunyasinin golgeleri arasinda goster bana onu, alip yukari cikaririm, birak benden nefret etsin, beni asagilasin, kayitsiz kalsin, bir baskasini sevsin, korkmuyorum; ama sulari karistir, sessizligi boz. Benden daha guclu oldugunu hayal etmene yatiyor diye bana boyle sefalet cektirdigin icin alcaksin sen." Bastan Cikaricinin Gunlugu

    "Take me by surprise, I am ready. No stakes, let us fight for honor. Show her to me, show me a possibility which seems an impossibility; show her to me among the shades of the underworld, I shall fetch her up; let her hate me, despise me, be indifferent to me, love another, I am not afraid; only let the waters be troubled, the silence be broken. To starve me in this way is paltry of you, you who imagine that you are stronger than I am."

    “Bir gun sokakta ona rastladim. Beni tanimadigindan ya da burali oldugumu bilmediginden emindim. Tek basina yuruyordu. Yuz yuze gelecek sekilde yolumu ayarladim. Yol vermek icin kenara cekildim, o kaldirimda kaldi. Tam o anda huzunlu bir sekilde baktim ona, sanirim gozlerim nerdeyse sulanmisti. Sapkami cikardim. Durakladi. Titrek bir ses ve bugulu gozlerle soyle dedim: “Kizmayin, sevimli hanimefendi; sizin tum ruhumla sevdigim ama benden uzakta yasayan birisine benzerliginiz oylesine carpici ki bu garip davranisimi bagislamalisiniz.”

    “One day I met her on the street. I was certain she didn't know me or know I belonged here in town. She was walking. I slipped past her so that I could meet. I stepped aside for her; she kept to the flagstones. Just then I cast a sorrowful glance at her, I think I almost had tears in my eyes. I took off my hat. She paused. In an agitated voice and with a dreamy look. I said 'Do not be angry, gracious lady; the resemblance between you and someone I love with all my soul, but who lives far away from me, is so striking that you must forgive my strange behaviour.”

  4. Italyan ressam Gerardo Dottori'nin dogum yildonumu (11 Kasim 1884)

    Primavera Umbria, 1923

    Aurora Volando, 1933

  5. Italyan sair, yazar, gazeteci ve vecize yazari (Graziella) Lalla Romano'nun dogum yildonumu (11 Kasim 1906)

    Icindeyim senin
    Vucudun degerli kokusu gibi
    nem gibi gozun icindeki
    ve tatli salya

    Icindeyim senin
    Gizemli yonteminde
    Hayatin eridigi kanin icinde
    Ve nefesin icinde karistigi

    Io sono in te come
    il caro odore del corpo
    come l’umore dell’occhio
    e la dolce saliva.

    Io sono dentro di te
    nel misterioso modo
    che la vita è disciolta nel sangue
    e mescolata al respiro.

  6. Silili - Italyan ressam (Roberto Sebastián Antonio Matta Echaurren) Roberto Matta'nin dogum yildonumu (11 Kasim 1911)

    Three Figures, 1958

    Elle Loge La Folie, 1970

  7. Amerikali roman yazari Howard (Melvin) Fast’in dogum yildonumu (11 Kasim 1914)

    "Butun dunya Roma'nin, oyleyse Roma'yi yikacagiz. Artik dunya Roma'dan bikti. Roma'yi ve Roma'nin inandiklarini yikacagiz. Roma'nin bulundugu yere, insanlarin baris icinde yasayacagi, gladyatorlerin, arenalarin, kolelerin, kole efendilerinin olmadigi yepyeni bir hayat kuracagiz." Spartakus

    “The whole world belongs to Rome so Rome must be destroyed and made only a bad memory, and then where Rome was, we will build a new life where all men will live in peace and brotherhood and love, no slaves and no slave masters, no gladiators and no arenas, but a Tme like the old Tmes, like the golden age. We will build new ciTes of brotherhood, and there will be no walls around them.”

  8. Rus ressam Pavel Petrovich Chistyakov'un olum yildonumu (11 Kasim 1919)

    Patriarch Hermogenes refusing to bless the Poles, 1860

    Giovannina seduta sul davanzale della finestra (Giovannina is sitting on the windowsill, 1864) Museo di Stato Russo, San Pietroburgo

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