Sayfa 3762/7020 İlkİlk ... 276232623662371237523760376137623763376437723812386242624762 ... SonSon
Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 30,089 - 30,096 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Italyan ressam Luigi Garzi'nin olum yildonumu (2 Nisan 1721)

    Allegoria della Fede, San Carlo al Corso, Roma, Data sconosciuta

    Martirio di Santo Stefano, 17th / 18th century

  2. Unlu maceraci ve yazar Giacomo Giralomo Casanova'nin dogum yildonumu (2 Nisan 1725)

    "Sevdim ve sevildim. Sagligim yerindeydi. Cok param oldu, cok harcadim. Mutlu oldum ve bunu kendime itiraf etmekten hic cekinmedim"

    "Amavo, ero amato, stavo bene, avevo molto denaro e lo spendevo, ero felice, e me lo dicevo, ridendo degli sciocchi moralisti che dicono che non c'è vera felicità sulla terra."

    "Gercegi oylesine tutkuyla sevmistim ki SIK SIK cazibelerinden bihaber olan zihinlere sokmanin bir yolu olarak yalan soylemeye basvurmustum. / Ho sempre amato la verità con tanta passione che spesso ho cominciato a mentire per riuscire a farla entrare nella testa."

  3. Alman ressam Heinrich Christoph Kolbe'nin dogum yildonumu (2 Nisan 1771)

    Étienne Maria und Christine Louise Kolbe, die Kinder des Künstlers, 1820

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1822

  4. Belcikali ressam Ignace Brice'in dogum yildonumu (2 Nisan 1795)

    Street view in which a man tries to sell a pigeon to a young woman with a basket of vegetables, 1827

    Portrait de Madame Eugène van Dievoet, 1840

  5. Alman milli marsini da yazan Alman sair August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben'in dogum yildonumu (2 Nisan 1798)

    Birlik ve adalet ve ozgurluk
    Alman vatani icin!
    Bu yolda hep ileri
    Kardesce el ele, kalp kalbe!
    Birlik ve adalet ve ozgurluk
    Saadetin guvencesidir.

    Serpil saadetin pariltisiyla,
    Serpil, Alman vatani!

  6. Fransiz ressam Auguste-Hyacinthe Debay'in dogum yildonumu (2 Nisan 1804)

    The Nation Is in Danger, or the Enrollment of Volunteers at the Place du Palais-Royal in July 1792 (1832)

    Executions of the sisters, 1793 (1838)

  7. Danimarkali masal, oyun, roman, siir, gezi kitabi, biyografi yazari ve Kibritci Kiz, Kucuk Deniz Kizi, Cirkin Ordek Yavrusu gibi eserlerin yaraticisi Hans Christian Andersen'in dogum yildonumu (2 Nisan 1805)

    "Bir zamanlar bir prens varmis, bir prensesle evlenmek istiyormus ama bu hakiki bir prenses olmaliymis. Boyle birini bulmak icin butun dunyayi dolasmis ama her seferinde bir eksiklik cikmis karsisina. Prenses bulmus ama bunlar hakiki prenses mi degil mi, bir turlu anlayamiyormus prens.Hep aksayan bir seyler oluyormus. Sonunda yurduna donmus, cok uzgunmus, cunku hakiki bir prensesle evlenmeyi cok istiyormus.

    Bir gece korkunc bir firtina cikmis; simsekler cakiyor, gok gurluyor, bardaktan bosanircasina yagmur yagiyor, kiyametler kopuyormus. Derken sehrin kapisi calinmis, yasli kral gidip kapiyi acmis. Bir prensesmis gelen. Fakat aman Tanrim, yagmurdan, firtinadan ne hale gelmis zavalli! Saclarindan, elbisesinden sular akiyormus, tepeden tirnaga sirilsiklam olmus ama gercek bir prenses oldugunu soyluyormus iste." Prenses ve Bezelye Tanesi

    "Once upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess; but she would have to be a real princess. He travelled all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. There were princesses enough, but it was difficult to find out whether they were real ones. There was always something about them that was not as it should be. So he came home again and was sad, for he would have liked very much to have a real princess.

    One evening a terrible storm came on; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was heard at the city gate, and the old king went to open it.It was a princess standing out there in front of the gate. But, good gracious! what a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down from her hair and clothes; it ran down into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she said that she was a real princess."

  8. Alman ressam Balthasar Anton Dunker'in olum yildonumu (2 Nisan 1807)

    William Tell fights the revolution, 1798 (Swiss National Museum)

    Landscape with ruins and three figures, 1807

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