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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 32,153 - 32,160 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Fransiz ressam Évariste-Vital Luminais'nin olum yildonumu (14 Mayis 1896)

    Les Énervés de Jumièges, 1880

    Gaulois revenant de la chasse, 1906

  2. Ispanyol ressam Miquel Carbonell Selva'nin olum yildonumu (14 Mayis 1896)

    Death of Sappho, 1881

    Cadaques, 1896

  3. Hollandali ressam Jan Evert Morel II'nun olum yildonumu (14 Mayis 1905)

    Panoramic landscape, unknown date

    Weite holländische Landschaft, 1905

  4. Arjantinli ressam Delesio Antonio Berni'nin dogum yildonumu (14 Mayis 1905)

    Manifestación (Public Demonstration , 1934)

    Desocupados (Unemployment, 1934)

    Juanito Dormido (Sleeping Juanito, 1978)

  5. Isvecli oyun - roman yazari, sair ve ressam August Strindberg’in olum yildonumu (14 Mayis 1912)

    "Bir gun bir cocuga sormustum deniz neden tuzludur diye. Babasi uzun bir sefere cikmisti. Cocuk hemencecik karsilik verdi: ‘Deniz tuzludur cunku denizciler durmadan aglarlar!’ ‘Neden denizciler boyle cok aglar ki!’ ‘Cunku’ dedi ‘yolculuklari bitmez. Onun icin de mendillerini hep direklere asip kuruturlar!’ Gene sordum: ‘Ya nicin insanlar uzgun olunca aglar?’ ‘Cunku’ dedi ‘daha duru gorebilelim diye gozlerin camini ara sira yikamak gerek’ "

    “I once asked a little boy why the sea was salt, and the boy, whose father was away on a long journey, said right away, ‘The sea is salt because the sailors cry so much.’ ‘But why do the sailors cry so much?’ I asked. ‘Because,’ he said, ‘they always have to go away from home- and that's why they're always drying their handkerchiefs up on the masthead!! And then I asked him, ‘But why do people cry when they're sad?’ And he said, ‘That's because they have to wash the glasses of their eyes so they can see better.’ "

    The Pine, 1873

    The White Mare II, 1892

  6. Ingiliz yazar Henry Rider Haggard’in olum yildonumu (14 Mayis 1925)

    "Insan elleriyle alabilecegi hicbir seyden memnun olmaz. Elinin altinda karanlikta kendisine isik verecek bin lamba olsa, neden yildiz degil diye onu tuttugu gibi yere atar. Mutluluk, batakliklardaki atesler gibi hep bir adim onunde dans eder, o da atesi yakalamaya, yildizi elde etmeye calisir! Guzellik ona hicbir sey ifade etmez, cunku baldan tatli dudaklar vardir; servet yoksulluktur, cunku baskalari daha fazla servetle onun onune gecebilir; sohretse bosluktur, cunku ondan daha buyuk adamlar olmustur."

    "Man can never be content with that which his hand can pluck. If a lamp be in his reach to light him through the darkness, he must needs cast it down because it is no star. Happiness danceth ever apace before him, like the marsh-fires in the swamps, and he must catch the fire, and he must hold the star! Beauty is naught to him, because there are lips more honey-sweet; and wealth is naught, because others can weigh him down with heavier shekels; and fame is naught, because there have been greater men than he."

    "Dunyamiz tas yurekli, cocuklarina her gun yesinler diye tas veren bir anne. Yemeleri icin tas, icmeleri icin aci su ve sefkat olarak kamci. Kim buna omurler boyu katlanabilir?"

    "A stony-hearted mother is our earth, and stones are the bread she gives her children for their daily food. Stones to eat and bitter water for their thirst, and stripes for tender nurture. Who would endure this for many lives?"

    “Uc hafta - yalnizca uc hafta! Gercekten de zaman olaylarla olculmeliydi, saatlerin gecmesiyle degil. / Three weeks — and only three weeks! Truly time should be measured by events, and not by the lapse of hours.”

  7. Ingiliz roman yazari Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway romanini 14 Mayis 1925 tarihinde Hogarth Press araciligiyla yayimladi.

    "Insanlarin mutlu gorunmelerini ne kadar da cok istedigini dusundu, dondu ve Bond Caddesi'ne dogru yururken sinirlendi cunku bir seyler yapmak icin baska nedenler aramak ne kadar aptalcaydi. Richard gibi kendileri icin bir seyler yapan o insanlardan biri olmayi istedigini dusundu karsiya gecmek icin beklerken, oysa yaptiklarinin yarisini yapilmasi gerektigi icin yapmiyorlardi; insanlarin sunu ya da bunu dusunmeleri icin yapiyorlardi; tam bir aptallik oldugunu biliyordu. Ah keske hayatimi yeni bastan yasayabilseydim diye dusundu kaldirima adim atarken, her sey o zaman bambaska olurdu!"

    "How much she wanted it- that people should look pleased as she came in, Clarissa thought and turned and walked back towards Bond Street, annoyed, because it was silly to have other reasons for doing things. Much rather would she have been one of those people like Richard who did things for themselves, whereas, she thought, waiting to cross, half the time she did things not simply, not for themselves; but to make people think this or that; perfect idiocy she knew (and now the policeman held up his hand) for no one was ever for a second taken in. Oh if she could have had her life over again! she thought, stepping on to the pavement, could have looked even differently!"

  8. Isvecli yazar Goran Tunstrom'un dogum yildonumu (14 Mayis 1937)

    "Iste, col burasi. Burada, colde, beni Tanri'dan ayiran ince duvara vurabiliyorum ve biliyorum ki Rab bana gulumsuyor. Iste col diyor. Seni bekleyenler, seni insanlarin oldugu yerde bekliyor."

    "Ici, dans le désert, je peux frapper sur la mince cloison qui me sépare du divin et je sais que le Seigneur me sourit. Voici le désert, dit-il. Ceux qui t’attendent, t’attendent où sont les hommes."

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