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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 32,953 - 32,960 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Sergio Leone'nin yonettigi, Robert De Niro, James Woods, Joe Pesci ve Elizabeth McGovern'in basrollerini paylastigi ve Ennio Morricone'nin soundtracklerini yaptigi muhtesem film Once Upon a Time in America (Bir Zamanlar Amerika’da - C'era una volta in America) 1 Haziran 1984 tarihinde vizyona girdi.

    "Duyduguma gore buyuk bir yildiz olmus. Anlamaliydik degil mi? Kazananlar, cikis anindan bellidir. Tipki kaybedenler gibi."

    Noodles: We should have known, huh? You can always tell the winners at the starting gate. You can always tell the winners, and you can tell the losers.

    (Perché, non si capiva? I vincenti si riconoscono alla partenza. Riconosci i vincenti e i brocchi. Chi avrebbe puntato su te?)

    “Cok uzun yillar elime silah almadim. Gozlerim eskisi kadar iyi degil, gozlukle bile. Ellerim titriyor. Ve inanin, iskalamak istemem. (...) Bakin, sayin Bakan. Benim de bir hikayem var. Sizinkinden biraz daha basit. Yillar once bir dostum vardi. Degerli bir dost. Hayatini kurtarabilmek icin onu ihbar ettim. Ama olduruldu. Boyle olmasini o istemisti. Buyuk bir dostluktu. Hayat onun icin de iyi gitmedi, benim icin de. Iyi aksamlar Bay Bailey. Umarim yolsuzluk sorusturmasi olumlu sonuclanir. Bir omurluk cabaniz bosa giderse cok yazik olur.”

    “I haven't had a gun in my hands for many, many years. My eyes aren't what they used to be, even with the glasses. My hands shake. And I wouldn't want to miss. (...) You see, Mr Secretary.I have a story also, a little simpler than yours. Many years ago, I had a friend, a dear friend. I turned him in to save his life, but he was killed. But he wanted it that way. It was a great friendship. But it went bad for him, and it went bad for me too. Good night, Mr Bailey. I hope the investigation turns out to be nothing. It'd be a shame to see a lifetime of work go to waste.”

  2. Amerikali yazar Danielle (Fernandes Dominique Schuelein) Steel, Sevgi Yolu (Wanderlust) romanini 1 Haziran 1986 tarihinde Dell Publications araciligiyla New York’ta yayimladi.

    “Pencerelerden iceri gunes isigi doluyor, evin icindeki her sey isildiyordu. On salonlarin birinde, sominenin uzerindeki raf neredeyse kendiliginden isik sacacak kadar cilalanmis, uzerindeki oyma rozetler ve kadin bustleri kusursuz bicimde yaglanmisti. Odanin orta yerinde duran masa da bir o kadar guzel, bir o kadar bakimliydi, ama haftalardan beri uzerinde birikmekte olan hazine degerindeki armaganlar masanin yuzeyinin gorulebilmesini engellemekteydi. Oymali yesimler, kocaman gumus tabaklar, dantel masa ortuleri, iki duzine enfes desenli kesme kristal kase ve en azindan uc duzine gumus tuzluk-biberlikle on dort gumus samdan. Dugun armaganlari teftis edilmeyi beklercesine masanin ustune siralanmis, bir uca da bir bloknotla bir dolmakalem konmustu. Buraya her armagani kimin getirdigi not ediliyor, gelinin ilerde vakit buldugu zaman onlara birer tesekkur mektubu yazmasi kolaylastiriliyordu. Hizmetcilerden biri her gun armaganlarin tozunu almaktaydi. Usak da yeni gelen gumuslerin, Driscoll'larin evindeki her sey gibi cilalanmasina ozen gosteriyordu. Bu evde olgun bir varlik havasi sezilmekteydi. Buyuk bir servetin var oldugu belliydi ama, gosterise kacilmamisti. Agir kadife dantel perdeler on salonu merakli gozlerden koruyor, evin cevresindeki bahcenin, agaclarin, demir kapinin ve kocaman parmakligin gorevini tamamliyordu. Driscoll'larin evi sato gibi bir yerdi.”

    “Everything in the house shone as the sun streamed in through the long French windows. The carved mahogany mantelpiece in one of the two front parlors had been polished until it sparkled, its carved rosettes and female busts oiled to perfection. The long marquetry table in the center of the room was equally handsome and had been equally well tended, although it was almost impossible to see it beneath the neat stacks of treasures that had been gathering there for weeks. Carved jades, enormous silver platters, lace tablecloths, two dozen magnificently carved crystal bowls, and at least three dozen silver salt and pepper shakers, and fourteen silver candelabra. The wedding gifts were lined up on the table, as though waiting for inspection and at the end of the table a pad and black fountain pen, where each name could be inscribed, the donor and the gift, to be thanked when the bride had time. One of the pantry maids dusted the offerings daily, and the butler had seen to it that the silver was polished, just as everything in the Driscoll mansion was. There was an aura of restrained opulence here, of enormous wealth that was clearly apparent but never flaunted. The heavy velvet drapes and lace curtains in the front parlor kept out curious eyes, as did the heavy gate surrounding the house, the well-tended hedge, the trees beyond. The Driscoll home was something of a fortress.”

  3. Rus sair Andrey Andreyevic Voznesenski’nin olum yildonumu (1 Haziran 2010)

    Telefon kulubesinde titriyor bir kiz
    Buyuk mantosunun icine gizlemis
    Gozyaslarinin dudak boyasina
    Karistigi yuzunu.

    Incecik avuclarina hohluyor
    Parmaklari buz tutmus.
    Bir basina donecek evine
    Buzlu sokaklarda.

    Ilk buz. Buzun ilk tutusudur.
    Telefon cumlelerinin ilk buzu.

    Donmus yaslar parliyor yanaklarinda
    Gonul kirikliginin ilk buzlari.

    A girl is freezing in a telephone booth,
    huddled in her flimsy coat,
    her face stained by tears
    and smeared with lipstick.

    She breathes on her thin little fingers.
    Fingers like ice. Glass beads in her ears.

    She has to beat her way back alone
    down the icy street.

    First frost. A beginning of losses.
    The first frost of telephone phrases.

    It is the start of winter glittering on her cheek,
    the first frost of having been hurt.

  4. 36.yil

  5. "Kimse seni, benim sevdigim kadar sevemez. Kodeste, bazen dayanamayacagim anlar oldu. O anlarda hep seni dusundum. 'Deborah yasiyor' dedim, 'disarida bir yerlerde' dedim. Senin varligini dusundum. Ve bu da dayanmami sagladi. Benim icin ne kadar onemli oldugunu biliyor muydun?" David 'Noodles' Aaronson

    "Nobody's gonna love you the way I loved you. There were times I couldn't stand it any more. I used to think of you. I'd think,'Deborah lives. She's out there. She exists.' And that would get me through it all. You know how important that was to me? / Nessuno t'amerà mai come ti ho amato io. C'erano momenti disperati che non ne potevo più e allora pensavo a te e mi dicevo: 'Deborah esiste, è la fuori, esiste!' E con quello superavo tutto. Capisci ora cosa sei per me?"

  6. Italyan Ronesans ressami Domenico Ghirlandaio'nun dogum yildonumu (2 Haziran 1448)

    The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1482 – 1485 (Sassetti Chapel)

    Visitation, circa 1491

  7. Ispanyol ressam Francisco Ribalta’nin dogum yildonumu (2 Haziran 1565)

    Cristo muerto, c. 1615

    Deposed Christ embracing St. Bernard Clairvaux, 1625 - 1627

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