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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 36,025 - 36,032 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Ingiliz siyaset teorisyeni, yazar, yayinci, devlet memuru ve yazar Virginia Woolf'un kocasi Leonard Sidney Woolf'un olum yildonumu (14 Agustos 1969)

    “Silindu, sulh yargicinin sorusturmasi icin Beddagama’ya goturuluyordu ama bunu anlamiyordu. Durusmanin ve cinayetin heyecani, yolda gecen uzun gunler ve cok az yemek yuzunden zayif ve yorgun dusmustu. Teslim oldugu icin aptallik ettigini dusunmeye basladi; her agacini ve her patikasini bildigi cangil boyunca polis cavusunun ardinda yururken cangil ve ozgurluk tutkusu tekrar bastirdi. Hucre kapisinin buyuk parmakliklarini dusundu, gunlerdir ilk defa o sabah gun isigi gormustu. Babun simdi bile o parmakliklarin ardinda yatiyordu ve alti ay daha yatacakti. Ya kendisi? O anin haricinde omrunun geri kalaninda bir daha asla gun isigi goremeyebilirdi — tabii eger onu asmazlarsa. Kilometrelerce otede cangili boydan boya ayiran buyuk nehri dusundu: orasi hostu; soguk ve berrak suda yikanmak, gunun sicak saatlerinde kocaman ve yabani incir agaclarinin altindaki nehir kiyisinda uzanmak. Eger teslim olmasaydi simdiye kadar oraya ulasmis, gri bogrunu bol suyla yikayan filleri veya nehrin karsi kiyisina inen geyik surusunu izliyor olabilirdi. O an bile cangila suzulup kaybolma dusuncesi aklina dustu; budala bir polis cavusu onu asla yakalayamazdi, mahkumunun kactigini fark edene kadar birkac kilometre giderdi. Ama hala polis cavusunun pesinden gidiyordu ve boyle kararli bir adima, hep boyun egdigi kosullardan kacmaya, kendi hayatinin kontrolunu ellerine almaya ve onu kendisi icin sekillendirmeye ne istegi ne de kuvveti vardi. Arachchi ve Mudalali’yi oldurdugunde yasami icin savasmayi bir kez denemisti; akintiya kapilmisti artik; basina kotu seyler gelebilirdi ama daha fazla mucadele edemeyecekti.”

    "Silindu was being taken to Beddagama to be present at the magistrate's inquiry, but he did not understand this. He was weak and tired after the excitement of the trial and the murder, the long days upon the road, and the little food. He began to think that he had been a fool to give himself up; as he walked behind the police sergeant through the jungle, of which he knew every tree and track, a great desire for it and for freedom came upon him again. He thought of the great bars of the cell door through which he had seen the daylight for the first time that morning. Babun was even now lying behind such bars, and would lie there for six months. And he himself? He might never see the daylight except through such bars now for the rest of his life—unless they hanged him. He thought of the great river that cut through the jungle many miles away: it was pleasant there, to bathe in the cool clear water, and to lie on the bank under the great wild fig-trees in the heat of the day. If he had not given himself up, he might have been there by now, watching the elephant sluicing water over its grey sides or the herd of deer coming down the opposite bank to drink. The thought came to him even now to slip into the jungle and disappear; the fool of a police sergeant would never catch him, would go on for a mile or two probably without knowing that his prisoner had escaped. But he still followed the police sergeant and had not the will or the energy for so decisive a step, for breaking away from the circumstances to which he had always yielded, for taking his life in his hands and moulding it for himself. He had tried once to fight against life when he killed the Arachchi and the Mudalali; he was now caught again in the stream; evil might come, but he could struggle no more."

  2. Ingiliz rock grubu The Who, 5. studyo albumu Who's Next'i 14 Agustos 1971'de Decca Records etiketiyle piyasaya surdu.

  3. Fransiz yazar ve sair (Louis Farigoule) Jules Romains’in olum yildonumu (14 Agustos 1972)

    Ey cokluk! Iste karsimdasin surada tiyatronun cukurunda.
    Duvarlara uymus.Yapinin kalibina dokmussun etini.
    Kara kara siralarin benden cikip cogaliyor sanki dalga dalga.
    icinde durdugum isik senin.
    Aydinligin ustune germissin kanatlarini, seviyorsun aydinligi
    Bir kartal yumurtalarini sever gibi yuvasinda.
    Sehir surada, yani basinda; ama sen artik duymaz olmussun onu.
    Sisirsin sisirebildigi kadar sokaklarin gumburtusunu;
    Yuklensin duvarlarina, oldurmek istesin seni,duymayacaksin!
    Cunku, sen artik ey Cokluk!
    Kendi sessizligin ve benim sesimle dolacaksin.

    O Foule ! Te voici dans le creux du théâtre,
    Docile aux murs, moulant ta chair à la carcasse ;
    Et tes rangs noirs partent de moi comme un reflux.
    Tu es.
    Cette lumière où je suis est à toi.
    Tu couves la clarté sous tes ailes trop lourdes,
    Et tu l’aimes ainsi qu’une aigle aime ses œufs.
    La ville est là, tout près, mais tu ne l’entends plus ;
    Elle aura beau gonfler la rumeur de ses rues,
    Frapper contre tes murs et vouloir que tu meures,
    Tu ne l’entendras pas, et tu seras, ô Foule !
    Pleine de ton silence unique et de ma voix.

  4. Amerikali aktris Milena Markovna 'Mila' Kunis’in dogum gunu (14 Agustos 1983)

  5. Ingiliz roman ve oyun yazari, senarist, sosyal yorumcu ve yayinci John Boynton Priestley'in olum yildonumu (14 Agustos 1984)

    "Futbolun 22 adamin topun pesinden kosmasi oldugunu dusunmenin, kemanin telden ve yaydan, Hamlet'in kagit ve murekkepten ibaret oldugunu soylemekten bir farki yoktur." J. B. Priestley, The Good Companions, 1928

  6. Turk ressam Fatma Nazli Ecevit’in olum yildonumu (14 Agustos 1985)

    Guverteden Bakis, 20.yuzyil

    Salacak'tan, 20.yuzyil

  7. Kevin Costner, Gene Hackman ve Sean Young'in basrollerini paylastigi aksiyon-suc-drama No Way Out (Cikis Yok), 14 Agustos 1987 tarihinde vizyona girdi.

  8. Ferrari otomobillerinin ureticisi ve Scuderia Ferrari takiminin kurucusu Enzo Anselmo Ferrari'nin olum yildonumu (14 Agustos 1988)

    "Ikinci Olan Ilk Kaybedendir."

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