Sayfa 4794/7020 İlkİlk ... 379442944694474447844792479347944795479648044844489452945794 ... SonSon
Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 38,345 - 38,352 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Norvecli ressam Harald Oskar Sohlberg’in dogum yildonumu (29 Eylul 1869)

    Summer Night, 1899

    Røros main street, 1903

  2. Italyan ressam Giacinto Gigante’nin olum yildonumu (29 Eylul 1876)

    Cappella di San Gennaro al duomo durante il miracolo del sangue, XIX secolo

    Marina di Posillipo, 1844

  3. Avusturya asilli Amerikali ekonomist, tarihci, filozof ve yazar Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises’in dogum yildonumu (29 Eylul 1881)

    “Asya ve Afrika'da yuz binlerce insani yoksul hale getiren seyin, onlarin ilkel uretim yontemlerine bagli olmalarinin ve daha iyi aletlerin kullanilmasinin faydalarindan istifade edememelerinin ve onlara hediye edilen teknolojik tasarimlari yenileyememelerinin oldugunu hic kimse tartismamaktadir. Ama onlarin acisini gidermenin tek bir yolu vardir, o da, laissez-faire (serbest piyasa) kapitalizmini butunuyle kabul edilmesidir. Ihtiyac duyduklari sey, ozel girisim ve yeni sermaye birikimi, kapitalistler ile mutesebbislerdir. Bu insanlarin hayatlarini idame ettirdikleri kotu sartlardan dolayi kapitalizmi ve Batinin kapitalist ulkelerini suclamak mantiki degildir. Isaret edilen cozum, ‘adalet’ degildir; aksine, laissez-faire politikalarinin guvenilir olmayan politikalarin yerine ikamesidir.”

    “No one contests that what makes hundreds of millions in Asia and Africa destitute is that they cling to primitive methods of production and miss the benefits which the employment of better tools and up-to-date technological designs could bestow upon them. But there is only one means to relieve their distress — namely, the full adoption of laissez-faire capitalism. What they need is private enterprise and the accumulation of new capital, capitalists and entrepreneurs. It is nonsensical to blame capitalism and the capitalistic nations of the West for the plight the backward peoples have brought upon themselves. The remedy indicated is not ‘justice’ but the substitution of sound, i.e., laissez-faire, policies for unsound policies.”

    “Devlet harcamalari ilave istihdam yaratmaz. Eger devlet, halktan borclanarak ve vergi alarak harcama yaparsa, bir tarafta yaratacagi istihdamdan daha fazlasini yok eder.”

    “Evrende aklimizin kavrayamayacagi ve duygularimizla sezemeyebilecegimiz seyler vardir. / There are in the universe things that our senses cannot perceive and relations that our minds cannot comprehend.”

  4. Alman ressam Alexander Kanoldt'un dogum yildonumu (29 Eylul 1881)

    Stilleben VII, 1920s

    Der rote Guertel,1929

  5. Turk sair, yazar, yayinci ve politikaci Celal Sahir Erozan'in dogum yildonumu (29 Eylul 1883)

    It is 1919,
    May the nineteenth.
    He raises his head from the reddening horizon,
    He who gives soul to the land
    And passion to the soul.
    The flame faced divine sun!
    The prow of his boat tears the Black Sea:
    You too must awake,
    Awake, O people of Samsun!
    The flame faced divine sun
    Will dry the tears of despair in all eyes!
    The smiling, rising sun over Calti cape.
    It is 1919,
    May the nineteenth.
    Awake, O people of Samsun!
    Sleep is death.
    Hoist your souls,
    There is a ship on the horizon!
    But why does it approach so slowly?
    Is it moving slowly? Has it a heavy load?
    This ship is loaded with hope, belief and passion:
    In it is the suffering bosom of the nation,
    He who thinks of its tomorrows is coming.
    A leader like the stars in the sky!
    That is why the ship is approaching slowly.
    It is 1919,
    May the nineteenth,
    The ship on the horizon is drawing closer.
    It is as if a wild flame
    Is scorching our souls.
    All hearts are suffering from waiting.
    Is it possible not to be saddened?
    This ship is loaded with hope, belief and passion.
    As that hope spread souls are warmed,
    As the passion spreads the veins are filled with blood,
    Every heart that secretly suffers will come alive,
    Like a stirring volcano spitting forth fire!
    Our eyes were darkened from standing
    Under your ever-growing shadow.
    Run, speed, o ship. Do not let
    The sea hold you back!
    Plough through the white waves and come!
    Fly like the birds, blow like the wind, and come!

  6. Italyan ressam Arturo Checchi’nin dogum yildonumu (29 Eylul 1886)

    Un paesaggio, XIX secolo

    Pizza Fiorentina, XIX secolo

  7. Fransiz Oryantalist ressam Jean-Baptiste Eugène Napoléon Flandin’in olum yildonumu (29 Eylul 1889)

    Cour de la Grande mosquée d'Ispahan, 1840

    À Tabriz: maison d'Hossein Khân, 1840

  8. Fransiz gazeteci, roman yazari ve elestirmen Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr’in olum yildonumu (29 Eylul 1890)

    “Herkesin uc kisiligi vardir; Ortaya cikardigi, sahip oldugu, sahip oldugunu sandigi. / Every man has three characters - that which he exhibits, that which he has, and that which he thinks he has. / Ogni uomo ha tre personalità: quella che mostra, quella che è e quella che crede di avere.”

    “Bazi kimseler gullerin dikeni oldugundan yakinirlar. Ben dikenlerin gulu olduguna sukrederim. / Certains se plaignent que les roses ont des épines ; moi je suis reconnaissant aux épines d'avoir des roses. / Alcune persone si lamentano perché le rose hanno spine. Io sono felice che le spine abbiano rose.”

    “Erkekler kadinlarin dusundugunu her seyi bilselerdi, yirmi kat daha fazla cesaret gosterirlerdi. / Si les hommes savaient tout ce que pensent les femmes, ils seraient vingt fois plus audacieux. / Se gli uomini sapessero tutto quello che pensano le donne, sarebbero venti volte più audaci.”

Sayfa 4794/7020 İlkİlk ... 379442944694474447844792479347944795479648044844489452945794 ... SonSon

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