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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 41,281 - 41,288 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Amerikali yazar Charlaine Harris Schulz'un dogum gunu (25 Kasim 1951)

    "Ama upuzun, gur, kestane rengi saclara sahipti. Onlari her zaman bakimli tutuyor olmasi, henuz umudunu yitirdiginin bir kanitiydi.

    Andy ve benim aramdaki iliskiye arkadaslik demek icin insanin hayal gucunu oldukca zorlamasi gerek. Iste bu yuzden ona neler oldugunu dogrudan soramazdim."

    "But she had long, thick, chestnut hair. Keeping it beautifully tended was Portia's one signal that she hadn't given up yet.

    Andy and I aren't friends by any stretch of the imag-ination, so I couldn't ask him outright. But other means were open to me, and I decided to use them."

  2. Pulitzer Odullu Amerikali yazar Upton (Beall) Sinclair'in olum yildonumu (25 Kasim 1968)

    "Insanlarin fikirlerini ortbas ettigimizde, onlari cevaplayamiyormusuz gibi gorunmemizi sagladik; mitingleri basarak yuzlerce insani mitinglere katiliyor diye hapse attigimizda ise ancak ortbas etmeye calistigimiz fikirlerin reklamini yapmis ve pek cok diger insanin kurbanlara sempati duymasini saglamis olduk." Petrol

    "When we suppressed people's ideas, we made it seem that we couldn't answer them; when we smashed up meetings and threw hundreds of people into jail for trying to attend meetings, we simply advertised the ideas we were trying to suppress, we made lots of other people sympathize with the victims."

    "Size yalvarmak için buradayim. Sefalet hala gerekeni yapmadi mi size? Baski ve haksizlik, hala acmadi mi gözlerinizi? Ben beklemeye devam edecegim. Cunku başka yapabilecegim hic bir sey yok. Butun bunlardan kacip saklanabilecegim tenha ve vahsi bir yer, kacabilecegim bir cennet yok. Dunyanin sonuna kadar gittigim halde, her yerde ayni lanetlenmis, ayni kahrolasi sisteme rastladim. Insanligin asil ve namuslu duygulari, ozanlarin dusleri, bir dava ugruna olen sehitlerin acilari, prangalara vurularak, orgutlenmis bir hirsin emrine verilmis. Sirf bu yuzden dinlenemedim, susadim, sirf bu yuzden rahati, mutlulugu, refahi ve iyi bir sohreti kiyiya iterek, dunyaya, ruhumun cektigi acilari haykirabilmek icin yollara dustum. Bu yuzden ne fakirlik, ne hastalik, ne nefret, ne kotuleme, ne tehdit, ne rezalet beni susturabilir. Eger basima, hapis yatmak, ceza yemek gelecekse bile ne bu dunyanin uzerindeki, ne de yukarisindaki, yapilan, yapilacak ve yapilmis olan hic bir kuvvet korkutamaz beni. Eger bu gece basarisiz olursam, kabahatin bende oldugunu bilip, yarin yeniden deneyecegim." Chicago Mezbahalari

    "I am here to plead with you, to know if want and misery have yet done their work with you, if injustice and oppression have yet opened your eyes! I shall still be waiting--there is nothing else that I can do. There is no wilderness where I can hide from these things, there is no haven where I can escape them; though I travel to the ends of the earth, I find the same accursed system--I find that all the fair and noble impulses of humanity, the dreams of poets and the agonies of martyrs, are shackled and bound in the service of organized and predatory Greed! And therefore I cannot rest, I cannot be silent; therefore I cast aside comfort and happiness, health and good repute--and go out into the world and cry out the pain of my spirit! Therefore I am not to be silenced by poverty and sickness, not by hatred and obloquy, by threats and ridicule--not by prison and persecution, if they should come--not by any power that is upon the earth or above the earth, that was, or is, or ever can be created. If I fail tonight, I can only try tomorrow; knowing that the fault must be mine."

  3. Japon oyku yazari (Kimitake Hiraoka) Yukio Misima’nin olum yildonumu (25 Kasim 1970)

    (Japon toplumunun cok yozlastigini, eskiye donmenin, japonyanin silahlanmasi gerektigini tum japon toplumunun onunde iddia ederek intihar etti.)

    “Gercek tehlike yasama eyleminin ta kendisidir. Fakat varolusu her an aslinda oldugu duzensiz haline cozumleyip ortaya cikan endiseden hareketle, her an ilk kargasayi yeniden yaratmaya calisan kacik bir eylemdir yasamak. Bu denli tehlikeli baska bir is daha olamaz. Varolusun kendinde hic bir korku ya da hic bir ortulu yan yoktur, bu korku ve tedirginligi yaratan yasamak eylemidir.” Denizi Yitiren Denizci

    “Real danger is nothing more than just living. Of course, living is merely the chaos of existence, but more than that it's a crazy mixed-up business of dismantling existence instant by instant to the point where the original chaos is restored, and taking strength from the uncertainty and the fear that chaos brings to re-create existence instant by instant. You won't find another job as dangerous as that. There isn't any fear in existence itself, or any uncertainty, but living creates it.”

    “Tarihten ders almak demek belli bir donemin belli bir yonune saplanip kalmak onu simdiki zamanin belli bir yonunu yeniden bicimlemek icin model olarak kullanmak degildir. Gecmisin parcali bulmacasindan belli bir parcayi alip onu simdiki zamana yerlestirmeye calismak basariyla sonuclanabilecek bir girisim degildir. Bu tarihle oynamak demektir. Bu turden bir eglenceyse cocuklara uygundur. Insan birbirine ne kadar benzese de dunku ictenlik ile bugunkunun farkli tarihsel kosullara sahip oldugunu bilmeli. Benzer aralikta kararlar olusturma pesindeysek bunu gunumuzun '180 derece zit, karsit,' ideolojisinde o gunku tarihsel kosullar icinde varolan bir ideolojide aramaliyiz. Cunku boylelikle iyi niyetimizi tarihsel bir sorun olarak soyutlayabilir ve tarihi asan bu insanca guduyu arastirmalarimizin konusu yapabiliriz. O zaman doneminin tarihsel kosullari denklemdeki sabit carpanlardan olusur.” Kacak Atlar

    “Learning from history should never mean fastening upon a particular aspect of a particular era and using it as a model to reform a particular aspect of a particular era and using it as a model to reform a particular aspect of the present. To take out of the jigsaw puzzle of the past a piece with a set form and attempt to fit it into the present is not an enterprise that could have a happy outcome. To do so is to toy with history, a pastime fit for children. One must realize that yesterday's sincerity and today's sincerity, however much they may resemble each other, have different historical conditions. If one seeks a kindred purity of resolve, one should seek it in a “diametrically opposed ideology” of the present day, existing under the same historical conditions. A modest attitude of this sort is appropriate for the characteristically limited “present-day me."

    “Beni ask konusunda, yani ugrunda olmeye degecek, insani bitirip tuketen ask konusunda gizliden gizliye dusunmeye yonelten deniz oldu. Evet, kesinlikle deniz.Tanri'nin gunu celik bir gemide kapali kalan bizler icin, deniz tipki kadin gibidir. Durgunlugu ve firtinalariyla, kaprisleriyle, batan gunesi yansitan gogsunun guzelligiyle bu benzerlik ortadadir. Daha da otesi, denizin uzerine uzanan ve denizin uzerinde gidip gelen, yine de denizin kendini vermeyi reddettigi bir geminin icerisindesiniz. Altinizdan akip gecen sonsuz miktardaki bu su, susuzlugunuzu gideremez. Doga, denizciyi kadina benzeyen bu unsurlarla sarmalar da, denizci yine kadinin sicak, diri govdesinden oldugu kadar uzak kalir denizden.”

    “It was the sea that made me begin thinking secretly about love more than anything else; you know, a love worth dying for, or a love that consumes you. To a man locked up in a steel ship all the time, the sea is too much like a woman. Things like her lulls and storms, or her caprice, or the beauty of her breast reflecting the setting sun, are all obvious. More than that, you’re in a ship that mounts the sea and rides her and yet is constantly denied her. It’s the old saw about miles and miles of lovely water and you can’t quench your thirst. Nature surrounds a sailor with all these elements so like a woman and yet he is kept as far as a man can be from her warm, living body.”

  4. Emmy odullu Amerikali aktris ve dansci Christina Applegate'in dogum gunu (25 Kasim 1971)

  5. Ingiliz sarkici, soz yazari, kendine ozgu akustik gitar calis teknigine sahip muzisyen Nicholas Rodney Drake'in olum yildonumu (25 Kasim 1974)

  6. Rocky Balboa, 25 Kasim 1976 tarihindeki rovans macinin 15. raundunda Apollo Creed'i nakavt etti. (Philadelphia, PA - Rocky II filmi)

  7. Eric Clapton, solo albumu Slowhand'i 25 Kasim 1977'de RSO Records etiketiyle piyasaya surdu.

  8. Ingiliz heavy metal grubu Def Leppard, Pyromania albumunden Too Late For Love'i 25 Kasim 1983'de Mercury Records etiketiyle yayinladi.

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