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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 30,041 - 30,048 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Isvicreli ressam Albert Samuel Anker'in dogum yildonumu (1 Nisan 1831)

    Der Quacksalber, 1879

    Ziviltrauung, 1887

  2. Amerikali sair ve yazar Edgar Allan Poe, Morgue Sokagi Cinayetleri (The Murders in the Rue Morgue) oykusunu 1 Nisan 1841'de Graham's Magazine'de yayimladi.

    "Ilk karsilasmamiz Montmartre Sokagi'ndaki karanlik bir kitaplikta oldu. Ikimiz de ayni kitabi ariyorduk, ender bulunan, pek onemli bir kitapti. Bu olay bizi birbirimize yakinlastirmaya yetti. Tekrar tekrar bulustuk. Bir Fransiz'in kendisinden soz ederken takinacagi tam bir acik yureklilikle anlattigi aile oykusu, beni pek ilgilendirmisti. Okudugu kitaplarin cokluguna da sasip sasip kaliyordum, ama asil ruhumu bir ates gibi saran yaratici hayallerinin sicakligi, canliligi, tazeligiydi. Paris'te o zaman aramakta oldugum seyleri ararken, boyle bir adamin dostlugu, benim icin degeri olculmez bir hazineydi, bu dusuncemi acikca ona soyledim. Sonunda kentte kaldigim surece beraber oturmaya karar verdik, ben onun kadar darlik icinde olmadigimdan, bir ev tutup ruhlarimizin karanlik havasina uyacak bir bicimde dosemeyi uzerime aldigim ev, St Germain'in dis mahallelerinde issiz bir yerdeydi, zamanin asindirdigi cirkin, neredeyse yikilacak eski bir yapiydi, ne oldugunu sorup ogrenmedigimiz bazi bos insanlar yuzunden yillarca bos kalmisti."

    "Our first meeting was at an obscure library in the Rue Montmartre, where the accident of our both being in search of the same very rare and very remarkable volume, brought us into closer communion. We saw each other again and again. I was deeply interested in the little family history which he detailed to me with all that candor which a Frenchman indulges whenever mere self is his theme. I was astonished, too, at the vast extent of his reading; and, above all, I felt my soul enkindled within me by the wild fervor, and the vivid freshness of his imagination. Seeking in Paris the objects I then sought, I felt that the societyof such a man would be to me a treasure beyond price; and this feeling I frankly confided to him. It was at length arranged that we should live together during my stay in the city; and as my worldly circumstances were somewhat less embarrassed than his own, I was permitted to be at the expense of renting, and furnishing in a style which suited the rather fantastic gloom of our common temper, a time-eaten and grotesque mansion, long deserted through superstitions into which we did not inquire, and tottering to its fall in a retired and desolate portion of the Faubourg St. Germain."

  3. Amerikali ressam Edwin Austin Abbey'in dogum yildonumu (1 Nisan 1852)

    Richard, Duke of Gloucester, and the Lady Anne (1896), Yale University Art Gallery

    The Play Scene in Hamlet (1897), Yale University Art Gallery

  4. Ingiliz yazar Charles Dickens, 10'uncu romani olan Zor Zamanlar'i (Hard Times) kendi cikardigi haftalik Household Words dergisinde 1 Nisan 1854'den itibaren yayimlamaya basladi.

    "Stephen'in aklindan gecenlerin arasina yasamda karsilasabilecekleri icinde en adaletsiz dagitimin 'olum' konusunda yapildigi karisti. Dogum'un esitsizligi bile onun yaninda bir hicti.Diyelim ki, kralin cocuguyla dokumacinin cocugu ayni gecede doguyor. Bunu sevilen, gereksinim duyulan birinin olumuyle, kimsesiz bir kadinin olumu arasindaki celiskiyle nasil karsilastirirsin ki."

    "Stephen added to his other thoughts the stern reflection, that of all the casualties of this existence upon earth, not one was dealt out with so unequal a hand as Death. The inequality of Birth was nothing to it. For, say that the child of a King and the child of a Weaver were born to-night in the same moment, what was that disparity, to the death of any human creature who was serviceable to, or beloved by, another, while this abandoned woman lived on!"

  5. Fransiz ressam Charles Maurin'in dogum yildonumu (1 Nisan 1856)

    Self-Portrait, circa 1883

    Maternité, 1893

  6. Amerikali yazar Herman Melville, kapitalizmin mesum govdesini uzatmaya basladigi Vahsi Bati’nin ehlilestirilme surecini felsefi, alegorik ve postmodern bir sekilde anlatan romani Saglam Adam’i (The Confidence-Man) 1 Nisan 1857’de New York’ta Dix, Edwards & Co araciligiyla yayimladi.

    "Inanin bana, insan kalabaliga karismali, baskalarinin yaptigini yapmalidir. Biraz eglenmeye karsi direnmek hazin bir tutum. Hayat maskeli bir pikniktir; kisi bir rol almali, bir kisilik takinmali ve budala tavirlar icin makul bir tavirla sira beklemeli. Bir bilgic gibi sivil kiyafetle ve asik suratla gelmek, insanin kendi rahatini kacirmaktan ve sahneyi lekelemekten baska bir ise yaramaz. Sarap karaflari arasinda bir soguk su surahisi gibi, cakir keyiflerin arasinda ayik kalmaniza neden olur. Yok, yok. Bu suya sabuna bulasmayan tavri surduremezsiniz. Hem, laf aramizda, sunu da soyleyeyim, icki alemi her zaman sarhos etmez insani ama, ayikligin asiri dozu bir nevi ayyasliga donusebilir. Bu ayik ayyasligi da bana kallirsa ancak, boynuzun diger ucundan baslayarak, hergun birkac kadeh yuvarlamakla tedavi edilir."

    "Trust me, one had better mix in, and do like others. Sad business, this holding out against having a good time. Life is a picnic en costume; one must take a part, assume a character, stand ready in a sensible way to play the fool. To come in plain clothes, with a long face, as a wiseacre, only makes one a discomfort to himself, and a blot upon the scene. Like your jug of cold water among the wine-flasks, it leaves you unelated among the elated ones. No, no. This austerity won't do. Let me tell you too--en confiance--that while revelry may not always merge into ebriety, soberness, in too deep potations, may become a sort of sottishness. Which sober sottishness, in my way of thinking, is only to be cured by beginning at the other end of the horn, to tipple a little."

  7. Fransiz ressam Jules Coignet'nin olum yildonumu (1 Nisan 1860)

    Maison des Consuls à Périgueux (1833) Musée d'art et d'archéologie du Périgord

    Ruines de Balbeck (vers 1846), Toulouse, musée des Augustins.

  8. Italyan ressam Michelangelo Pacetti'nin olum yildonumu (1 Nisan 1865)

    Veduta del Foro Romano dal Colle Capitolino, con il Tempio di Saturno, l’Arco di Settimio Severo, l’Arco di Costantino e il Colosseo sullo sfondo, 1843

    Predica di Pio IX in occasione dello spostamento del crocifisso di Campo Vaccino nella cappella di S. Giuseppe dei Falegnami, 1855

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