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Kriz ile Iliskili Gorusler.

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[B]Bu topik kapsaminda son yasamakta oldugumuz kriz ile iliskili cesitli uzman ve yetkin kisilerin dikkate deger goruslerini toplamayi amacliyorum.[/B]

[B]FED & Moral Hazard![/B][url][/url]
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    Martin Hennecke: Freddie ve Fannie'ye devlet tarafindan el koyulmasi ekonomic depresyona yol acacak.

    [B]Bailouts Will Push US into Depression: Manager [/B]
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    [B]Roubini Says U.S. Financial Industry Facing `Disaster'[/B]
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    Istanbul dogumlu Roubini'ye gore:

    [B]Feds Right to Let Lehman Fail, But It's a 'Dangerous, Risky' Path, Roubini Says[/B]
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    [B]The Storm is Upon Us: Lehman, Merrill Lynch, Bank of America[/B]
    Updated 03-10-2008 at 02:47 by BUSHIDO
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    [QUOTE=dengeleyici;2605446]Malesef mali sektordeki domino etkisi ivmelenerek buyuyor. Gecen hafta sonu AIG icin asagidaki yorumu yaptiktan sonra bugun itibariyle [B]A-2 rating ile kisa vadede 100 milyar $ uzeri bir finansman bulmasi ile karsi karsiya kalmis durumda[/B].Batmasinin maliyetini telaffuz etmekten korkuyorum.

    Arkadaslar inanin bu mesaji durumun ciddiyetine inandigim icin yaziyorum.
    [B]AIG nin batmasi = kanserli hucrelerin baska bir organa (ozellikle Asya ya) sicramasi. [/B]

    [COLOR="Red"]FED in AIG nin batmasina izin vermemesi ve bail outu tekrar soz konusu olabilir, [/COLOR]batmasi durumunda etkisinin Lehman daha cok daha buyuk ve global cokus yaratabilcegi goz onune alinmalidir. Gozuken o ki FED hafta sonuna kadar mudahale etmek istemiyor fakat hastanin durumu 3-4 gun bekleyemeyecek kadar kritiklesti.[/QUOTE]

    Sn Dengeleyici, AIG'nin kurtarilma calismalari ile iliskili toplantilar halen devam etmekte imis! Umarim olumlu sonuclanir.

    Fed Takes Steps to Aid A.I.G.

    [B]FED'in bir sekilde bu krizin gidisini durdurmak ve kontrolu tekrar eline alabilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu gidisin kimseye bir yarari yoktur ve bu nedenle herturlu senaryoda tum partiler ellerinden geleni yapacaklardir.[/B]

    [U]FED ne yapabilir?[/U]

    [U]Ilk adim:[/U] FED iki yatirim bankasi yoneticileri ile yaptiklari toplantidan, hali hazirda ellerinde bulundurduklari degerlerinin buyuk kismini zaten yitirmis, riskli assetlerini de FED'e collateral olarak gosterebilecekleri ve boylece birkac gun daha yuzmelerinin saglanabilecegi sonucu cikabilir. ([url][/url])

    AIG'nin, FED destegi ile kurtarilabilme umudunun oldugu yonundeki(gercek ve mumkun olmasa bile:clown:) haberin olumlu karsilanmasi normal olacaktir.

    Seans acilmadan aciklanacak olan GOLDMAN SACHS 3. çeyrek bilançosu da bu olumlu hava icin yararli olabilir.

    Seans kapanmadan once aciklanacak onemli veriler de bulunmakta:

    8:30am USD Core CPI m/m [B]0.2%[/B] 0.3%
    8:30am USD CPI m/m [B]0.0%[/B] 0.8%
    9:00am USD TIC Net Long-Term Transactions [B]55.0B[/B] 53.4B

    [U]Ikinci adim:[/U] Amerikan borsalari kapandiktan sonra FED'in beklendigi gibi bir faiz indirimi (mevcut enflasyonun halihazirda verilen faizden yuksek oldugu bir ortamda nasil faiz indirimi gerceklestirilebilir bilemiyorum ama) veya borclanma penceresinde bir faiz revizyonuna gitmesi yararli olabilir. Boylece olumlu bir havanin yaratilmasi icin piyasanin eline bir firsat sunulmus olacaktir.

    Benim gorusume gore bu belkide FED'in finansal krizi bir olcuye kadar kontrol altina alabilmesi icin elindeki en iyi yontemdir. [B]Bu ve buna benzer psikolojik destekler ile bugunu borsalar asiri kayip yasamadan kapatabilir. Daha sonraki gunler belkide daha da kolay olabilir.[/B]

    Eger butun bunlar planlandigi gibi gitmez ise neler olabiliri zaten cogu kisi tahmin edebiliyor. Bir noktaya dikkat cekmek isterim. [B]Bo America, [/B] cok zor durumda olan Countrywide dan sonra bir buyuk sorunlu yatirim bankasi olan ML'i de bunyesine katarak herkesi sasirti. Kimileri bunun [U]BoA'nin finansal yapisinin guclulugu sonucunu cikarabilir ama sanirim durum o kadar basit ve masumane olmayabilir! [/U]

    [B][COLOR="red"]BoA gibi kimi bankalar, krizden kurtulmak icin batmalarina izin verilemiyecek kadar buyumeye calismaktadir[/COLOR]. BoA'nin, ML'i satin almasinin da bu amacli bir manevra oldugu gorulmekte, ama bu asmada ortaliktaki tozu dagitmis olmasindan kimse de bunu dile getirmemektedir.[/B]

    [B]Eger FED bu krizi kontrol altina alamaz ise, bu asamada sanki cozulmus gibi sorunlar(BoA, Countrywide, ML birlesmesi gibi) daha buyuk boyut ve sonuclari ile karsimiza cikabilir.[/B]

    Sonuc olarak, krizin gelisimi acisindan ozellikle onemli bir gune baslamaktayiz, hayirlisi olsun diyelim.
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    [B]What Went Wrong?[/B] – The Only Explanation You’ll Ever Need To Read

    Text ve video goruntu...
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    Digg ItTools:[B]Picking Apart the Plan[/B]

    Analysis on the $700B bailout, with Chris Whalen, Institutional Risk Analytics and CNBC's Steve Liesman
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    [B]Peter Schiff: bu paket kabul edilirse dolar serbest dususe gececektir![/B]:yes:

    [B]Peter Schiff September 22 2008 Bloomberg[/B]
    Updated 03-10-2008 at 02:46 by BUSHIDO
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    [B]Marc Faber on the multi-billion dollar bailout[/B]

    Marc Faber discusses the Fed-backed Treasury plan to bailout the U.S. financial industry with Bloomberg TV on 25 or 26 September, 2008.

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    [B]Americans have reached a point in history where they will be deciding whether they would like to give away their freedoms to the bankers or remain a free people[/B]. This proposed Paulson Bailout plan for Wall Street is, in our opinion, the single most important issue since the colonists decided to sign the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Americans and their representatives in Congress will literally decide whether two hundred and thirty two years of freedom of the American individual will be abolished in the course of one week!

    If the 110th Congress of these United States votes in favor of the Paulson plan the concept of individual liberty and freedom will be buried for generations to come! What hope does the rest of the world have if America gives up on liberty?

    We should not forget what [B]Sir Josiah Stamp [/B](Director of the Bank of England in the 1920s) said about the system of Central Banking from which he personally benefited:

    “Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits.”

    We should also not forget what [B]Thomas Jefferson[/B] said about banking institutions:

    “I sincerely believe… that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale.”

    Let us hope that the 110th Congress votes for liberty.
  11.  Avatarı
    [B]Nouriel Roubini's Global EconoMonitor[/B]

    Is Purchasing $700 billion of Toxic Assets the Best Way to Recapitalize the Financial System? [B]No! It is Rather a Disgrace and Rip-Off Benefitting only the Shareholders and Unsecured Creditors of Banks[/B]

    [COLOR="Blue"][B]Asagidaki sonuc bolumu gercekten ibretle okunmali.[/B][/COLOR]

    Thus, the Treasury plan is a disgrace: a bailout of reckless bankers, lenders and investors that provides little direct debt relief to borrowers and financially stressed households and that will come at a very high cost to the US taxpayer. And the plan does nothing to resolve the severe stress in money markets and interbank markets that are now close to a systemic meltdown. It is pathetic that Congress did not consult any of the many professional economists that have presented - many on the RGE Monitor Finance blog forum - alternative plans that were more fair and efficient and less costly ways to resolve this crisis. This is again a case of privatizing the gains and socializing the losses; a bailout and socialism for the rich, the well-connected and Wall Street. And it is a scandal that even Congressional Democrats have fallen for this Treasury scam that does little to resolve the debt burden of millions of distressed home owners.
  12.  Avatarı
    [B]Let's Play "WALLSTREET BAILOUT" The Rules Are... Rep Kaptur[/B]

    Updated 03-10-2008 at 02:45 by BUSHIDO
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    Oldukca yarali ve doyurucu.:yes:
    [B]Crisis on Wall Street[/B]
    [U]vtunnel[/U] araciligi ile sanirim izlenebiliyormus!
    Updated 03-10-2008 at 02:44 by BUSHIDO
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    [B]Youtube[/B] baglantilarinin nasil [B]vtunnel[/B] uzerinden izlenebilecegini Sevgili Jonathan iletmisti, buraya yapistiriyorum belki yararlanmak isteyen olur.

    [QUOTE=JoNaThAn;2637028]Sevgili dostum; [url][/url] a giriyorsun..

    Girmek istediğin web sitesinin linkini oraya yazıyorsun ve begin browsing yapıyorsun. Böylelikle herangi bir yasağa maruz kalmıyorsun.. Normal girişe göre bir takım eksiklikleri oluyor elbette ama; bu gibi bir yaptırımın olduğu bir 3. dünya ülkesinde o kadarına da şükredeceğiz artık:) Bilirsin; bizim toplumun en önemli özelliğidir bu şükretme durumu.. İyi öğrettiler bize; bende bir şeyler kapmışım demek..

    Yadırgamıyorum. Sevgiler.. Ve link için teşekkürler. Bundan sonra açık linkleri verebilirsen ve [url][/url] konusunu belirtirsen; sanıyorum arkadaşlar daha net yararlanabilirler.[/QUOTE]
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    Collateralized Debt Obligation (CDO)

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    [B]Senator Boxer Temsilciler Meclisinde kullanmis oldugu oyun gerekcelerini bir mektup ile aciklamis.[/B]

    Thank you for contacting me regarding the financial rescue legislation (H.R.1424). I appreciate hearing from you on this critical issue.

    The fundamentals of our economy have been shaken, and Americans are deeply concerned. When Secretary Paulson and Chairman Bernanke placed an urgent phone call a few weeks ago to Congress to say we needed emergency action to prevent a major financial meltdown, I expected they would come forward with a plan that was targeted and reasonable, with appropriate oversight and taxpayer protections.

    Unfortunately, what they brought us was a $700 billion blank check, which they asked us to sign with no questions asked. This plan contained no oversight, no taxpayer equity, and no control over CEO pay. I strongly opposed this proposal - and thanks to your phone calls, e-mails, and letters, Congress stopped it in its tracks.

    The Senate made major improvements designed to strengthen our economy and protect our taxpayers. Instead of a blank check, the Senate plan included significant Congressional oversight, equity for taxpayers, curbs on executive compensation, an increase in FDIC insurance protection for bank depositors, middle-class tax relief, and job-creating tax incentives for renewable energy. The bill passed the Senate by an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote of 74-25 and the House by a vote of 263-171.

    These were very important changes. But let me be honest: There were still aspects of this package that I didn't like. I preferred the government acquiring more equity instead of toxic assets. I wanted the package to be put forward in smaller installments and to include more checks and balances to make sure it would work.

    For me, the deciding factor in my Yes vote was information I received from the State of California. I was told by the Treasurer's office that without access to credit, which is the goal of this legislation, California wouldn't be able to sell voter-approved highway, school, and water bonds that are desperately needed for our economy and the creation of good-paying new jobs. In addition, I was told by the Governor's office, that without action, our state might be forced to withhold funds for law enforcement, schools, and other needed services. This would bring our state to its knees and many middle-class families would be in deep trouble. Small businesses are beginning to tell me they cannot get lines of credit to meet payroll, as well.

    Rest assured, I will continue to speak out forcefully about the failures that led us to this place and keep working with my colleagues to strengthen confidence in our markets, protect the American taxpayers, and enact regulatory reform to ensure that we don't end up in this mess again.

    Again, thank you for writing to me about this very important matter. Even though you may feel frustrated with the outcome of the legislation that passed, your voice absolutely resulted in the enactment of a better bill. Feel free to contact me again about any issue of importance to you.

    Barbara Boxer
    United States Senator
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    [B]Bernanke'nin aksam yapmis oldugu aciklamalar dogru olabilir ama zamanlama acisindan o kadar mantikli degil![/B]

    Bernanke at NABE:

    "As you know, financial systems in the United States and in much of the rest of the world are under extraordinary stress, particularly the credit and money markets. The losses suffered by many banks and nonbank financial firms have both constrained their ability to lend and reduced the willingness of other market participants to deal with them. Great uncertainty about the values of financial assets, particularly more complex and opaque assets, has made investors extremely reluctant to bear credit risk, resulting in further declines in asset prices and a drying up of liquidity in a number of funding markets. Even secured funding has become expensive and difficult to obtain, as lenders worry about their ability to sell collateral in illiquid markets in the event of default. In addition, many securitization markets, such as the secondary market for private-label mortgage-backed securities, remain closed or impaired.

    Considerable experience in both industrialized and emerging economies has shown that severe financial instability, together with the associated declines in asset prices and disruptions in credit markets, can take a heavy toll on the broader economy if left unchecked. For this reason, the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, and other agencies are committed to restoring market stability and are working assiduously to ensure that the financial system is able to perform its critical economic functions. Recent actions by the Congress have given the Treasury new tools and resources to address the stressed conditions of our financial markets and institutions. The Federal Reserve has also been granted a new authority, the ability to pay interest on bank reserves, which will allow us to expand our lending as needed to support the system while better managing the federal funds rate. These tools will provide important additional support for the government's efforts to strengthen financial markets and the economy.
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    [B]What Lies At The Heart Of The Financial Crisis [/B]

    I have read a considerable amount over the past while on the genesis of the current crisis.

    Some blame CEO stock options in creating a risk-free environment to create an illusion of short-term wealth (at the expense of real long term wealth);
    Others have blamed greed in general;
    While still others have pointed to lax underwriting standards as the culprit;
    Others point to flawed business models;
    While still others identified Greenspan's cheap money as the problem;
    Others have pointed to excess leverage in the system;
    Others have pointed to the disconnect between the borrowers and ultimate holders of the debt as it was securitized.
    I have no doubt that each and every one of these were factors in this crisis balloning to something that may well be out of control.

    Still, almost all of them miss the basic moral property that this crisis arose from: LIES. Essentially, everyone told the same lie, a lie that can be summarized as everyone saying, "it's all good".

    Enough borrowers lied to the lender about their income (often with a wink, wink, from the broker or loans officer);

    Enough loan officers lied to their superiors about the borrower, knowing these undocumented incomes were bogus;

    When a loan officer did express concern, enough superiors lied to them about the potential impact of passing on just one lie would have, thus encouraging further lies;

    Enough bank executives, by commission or omission (remember how your parents hated lies by omission?), lied to both the rating agencies and to the sellers of the debt as it got sliced and diced six ways to Sunday assuring them it was all good.

    I'm sure I've missed some of the many lies that were told in this whole sorid tale of lies, lies and more lies.

    In case anyone is in doubt about the interconnected of the world today, and how one lie can hurt everyone - just look at this mess. The financial system of the entire world is at risk today, simply due to one lie - one lie too many.

    What lies at the heart of the financial crisis? LIES.


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    Nouriel Roubini, [B]Presentation, Impact of Financial Crisis [/B]

    10 Ekim 2008

    Updated 12-10-2008 at 06:03 by BUSHIDO
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    [B]George Soros[/B], October 10, 2008

    Bill Moyers talks with one of the world's most successful investors George Soros about the global capital meltdown, how he saw it coming, and what can be done now.

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