Sayfa 2243/2243 İlkİlk ... 12431743214321932233224122422243
Arama sonucu : 17942 madde; 17,937 - 17,942 arası.

Konu: ...:::vobelıt:::...

  1. #17937
    Geçen haftaki çağrı cihazi telsiz operasyonundan sonra israilin lubnan a hava saldırıları başlamış
    yazdıklarım tamamen kişisel yorumlarım olup hiçbir şekilde yatırım tavsiyesi değildir ... sizi mutlu edecek ninja yolunu kendiniz çizmeniz dileğiyle...

  2. #17938

    China central bank releases slate of support measures amid a deepening economic slump

    People's Bank of China Gov. Pan Gongsheng announced a flood of support measures in a rare press conference Tuesday amid a deepening economic slump.
    Beijing will cut the amount of cash banks need to have on hand, known as the reserve requirement ratio, or RRR, by 50 basis points in the near term, he said.
    Pan also said the PBOC would cut the 7-day repo rate by 0.2 percentage points, and signaled that a 0.2-0.25% cut in the loan prime rate is possible
    China's 10-year government bond yield hit a record low of 2% after Pan's opening remarks.

  3. ...:::vobelıt:::...

     Alıntı Originally Posted by deniz43 Yazıyı Oku

    Exclusive: US to propose ban on Chinese software, hardware in connected vehicles, sources say

    The proposed regulation would ban the import and sale of vehicles from China with key communications or automated driving system software or hardware, said the two sources, who declined to be identified because the decision had not been publicly disclosed.
    The move is a significant escalation in the United States' ongoing restrictions on Chinese vehicles, software and components. Last week, the Biden administration locked in steep tariff hikes on Chinese imports, including a 100% duty on electric vehicles as well as new hikes on EV batteries and key minerals.

    Daha önce birkaç kere yazdığım gibi;artık "küreselleşme" dönemi geride kalmış gözüküyor.Yeni dünya düzeninde bir tarafta demokrasi,özgürlükler,güçlerin ayrılığı,bağımsız medaya,bağımsız yargı,şeffaflık ve hesap verilebirliğin olduğu ülkeler;diğer tarafta da bunların hiç birinin olmadığı baskıcı totaliter rejimler gruplaşacak.Her grup kendi içinde ve arasnda üretim ve ticaret yapacak.Gruplar arasındaki ticaret çok azalacak,sınırlandırılacak,büyük ölçüde emtia ve ham madde ile sınırlı kalacak..
    Batının mevcut yapısıyla (sosyal devlet+ asgari savunma harcaması) doğu ile ticaret yapmadan mevcut refahını sürdürmesi mümkün gözükmüyor.
    Üstüne batının aldığı göçün ekonomik temelli bir göç olduğunuda eklersek.
    Önümüdeki dönemde toplumu etkilemenin en ekonomik yolu olan medyanın. Her türlü iletişimi kullanarak bize belli fikirleri aşılamaya çalışacağını varsayabiliriz.

    Batman kara şövalye yükseliyor filmi bu konuda ilginç bir örnektir.

    Tapatalk kullanarak iPhone aracılığıyla gönderildi

  4.  Alıntı Originally Posted by dxq84
    The most characteristic feature of the business cycles which have followed World War II is that they have originated in deliberately inflationary policies directed and coordinated by central banks. During the post-war decades and well into the late sixties Keynesian theory led to the belief that an “expansive” fiscal and monetary policy could avert any crisis.

    Grim reality sank in with the arrival of severe recession in the 1970s, when stagflation undermined and discredited Keynesian assumptions. Moreover the 1970s and the emergence of stagflation actually marked the rebirth of interest in Austrian economics, and Hayek received the 1974 Nobel Prize in Economics precisely for his studies on the theory of the business cycle. As a matter of fact, the crisis and stagflation of the seventies were a “trial by fire” which Keynesians did not survive, and which earned great recognition for Austrian School theorists, who had been predicting it for some time. Their only error, as Hayek admits, lay in their initial misjudgment of the duration of the inflationary process, which, unrestricted by old gold-standard requirements, was prolonged by additional doses of credit expansion and spanned two decades.

    The result was an unprecedented phenomenon: an acute depression accompanied by high rates of inflation and unemployment.
    Aptallığın en büyük kanıtı, aynı şeyi defalarca yapıp farklı bir sonuç almayı ummaktır. " Albert Einstein.

  5. #17942

Sayfa 2243/2243 İlkİlk ... 12431743214321932233224122422243

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