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Konu: Veri Önişleme

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  1. #1
    Feb 2017

    Veri Önişleme

    konuyu bir açalım..

    önbilgi için döküman linki verelim ==>

  2. #2
    Feb 2017
    When designing trading models, the sensitivity of the algorithm to both the market and the model parameters is a key concern. Ideally, a model should be “smooth” in the sense that small variations in parameters or market conditions should cause small (for some definition of small) variations in the model behavior. Non-smooth models will of course have behavior that is much harder to predict because future market conditions and optimal parameterizations are never known with certainty, meaning that a region of the parameter space that is expected to perform well could actually perform poorly. This probably seems like a fairly obvious point to most readers but avoiding this difficulty isn’t necessarily trivial–many modeling ideas with intuitive appeal have this problem.

    One of the most common signs of a non-smooth model is the presence of triggers or switches that toggle the behavior between different modes. For example, consider a simple model trading a single stock with one parameter p: the model sells one hundred shares when the stock price reaches p but doesn’t do anything else. If the price of the stock starts at p-a and goes to p-1 then back down to p-a, the model makes 0 dollars profit. If instead the price does something slightly different and goes from p-a to p then back to p-a, the model makes 100*a dollars. This model is therefore very sensitive to both small variations in the market and the parameter p, which will make deciding what p should be difficult.

    In analysis of models with non-smooth surfaces, very often the “optimal” region of the parameter space will be near the edge of one of these discontinuities because this is where the profit potential is often highest. The discontinuity makes the model unpredictable, but it can also make the model very profitable when it happens to be correct. Naive optimizations on these non-smooth surfaces will simply pick which points along the edges of a discontinuity happen to have performed best, turning what should be a well-behaved continuous optimization that considers the shape of the parameter space into an operation that simply totals up a number of discrete events.

    If we modify the model above to sell shares continuously as the price moves from p-a to p, we suddenly have a much smoother model. It will not make as much money as the price moves from p-a to p back to p-a, but it will make money for any p > p-a and price movement from p-a to p-b back to p-a, with b < a. This will result in a much broader “optimal” region in the parameter space and give it a well defined shape that can be analyzed.

    In general, it is best to make the state of a trading system be as much as possible a smooth function of market variables rather than a piecemeal summation of discrete events. This tends to both make the parameter space easier to analyze and give the model a more stable behavior.

  3. #3
    Feb 2017

  4. #4
     Alıntı Originally Posted by RePuLSe Yazıyı Oku

    centered moving mi diyelim buna ?

    yoksa alekta moving moving mi

  5. #5
    bu gidişle kutsal kaseyi sen bulacaksın ya ona yanıyorum üstat )

  6. #6
    Feb 2017

  7. Papa don't preach

    9 yıllik grafta 82 nin altı naaa mümkün gozukuyor

    Poşetleri hazırla ,

    Göze çarpanlar : Ak , vakıf

    Vesaire vesaire .... mobile app kullanarak gönderildi.

  8. #8
    Feb 2017
    insanı hayvandan ayıran en önemli özellik "düşünebilme" yetisi..

    hayvanlar "algıları" ile tepki verirler.. düşünemezler..

    oturup ta "- eğer şu şöyle olursa bu böyle olur" diyemezler.

    onlardaki sistem etki-tepki mekanizması..

    insanlar ise akıl yürütme yetisine sahiptirler..

    işte şimdi tam burada dön borsaya ve trading işine.. ))

    "etki" dediğin ekranda gördüğün fiyat

    "tepki" dediğin ; etki karşısında senin yaptığın karşı hamle

    işte burada "hayvanlaşmanın" lüzumu yok... ))

    etki-tepki işi bize göre değil..

    etki = gözünle gördüğün rakam veya bar. neye bakıyorsan yani.

    ekranda gördüğün şey bir "etkileme" aracı.

    yapman gereken şey ; sana ekranda gösterilene anında tepki vermemek..

    kısaca "hayvanlaşmamak" ))

    bence ;

    gerçek veriler yerine,

    kendi algoritman dahilinde oluşturacağın

    suni (yapay) bir veri seti (etki aracı) kullanmalısın tepki vermezden evvel.

    sonuç olarak : Veri Önişleme'ye geleceksin tıpış tıpış.. aklın yolu bir.. ))

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