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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 28,193 - 28,200 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Alman Sembolist ressam Max Klinger'in dogum yildonumu (18 Subat 1857)

    Tritonen und Najaden, 1884

    Venus im Muschelwagen, 1884

  2. Isvecli ressam Anders Leonard Zorn'un dogum yildonumu (18 Subat 1860)

    Lady with fur cape, 1887

    Portrait de Mme Ashley, 1920

  3. Isvicreli ressam Albert Welti'nin dogum yildonumu (18 Subat 1862)

    Walpurgisnacht, 1897

    Landsgemeinde 3, 1912

  4. Fransiz ressam Claude Firmin'nin dogum yildonumu (18 Subat 1864)

    Le départ (1914), Avignon, musée Louis Vouland.

    Intérieur de ferme (1903), Avignon, musée Louis Vouland

  5. Yunan yazar, sair, siyasetci ve filozof Nikos Kazancakis'in dogum yildonumu (18 Subat 1883)

    "Ben bir seye ozlem duydum mu ne yaparim bilir misin? Bir daha bikip da hatirlamayacak kadar yerim yerim.Ya da tiksintiyle hatirlamak icin. Bak bir zamanlar cocukken kirazlara karsi anlasilmaz tutkum vardi. Param olmadigi icin azar azar aliyor, yiyor yine istiyordum. Gece gunduz kiraz dusunurdum, salyalarim akardi; iskenceydi bu! Gunun birinde kizdim mi, utandim mi, bilmiyorum; baktim ki kirazlar bana istediklerini yaptiriyorlar ve beni rezil ediyorlar, ne plan kurdum bilir misin? Geceleyin yavasca kalktim, babamin ceplerini yokladim, gumus bir mecidiye bulup caldim. Sabah sabah da kalktim, bir bahceye gidip bir sepet dolusu kiraz aldim, bir cukurun icinde oturup basladim yemeye. Yedim, yedim, sistim, midem bulandi, kustum. Kustum patron! O zamandan beri de kirazlardan kurtuldum; bir daha gozume gorunmelerini dahi istemedim. Ozgur oldum. Artik kirazlara bakip soyle diyordum. Size ihtiyacim yok! Sarap icin ayni seyi yaptim, sigara icin de. Hala iciyorum ama istedigim anda harp diye bicakla keser gibi kesiyorum. Tutku bana egemen olamamistir. Yurdum icinde ayni sey. Hasret cektim, biktim, kustum kurtuldum!" Zorba

    "When I have a longing for something myself do you know what I do? I cram myself chockful of it, and so I get rid of it and don't think about it any longer. Or, if I do, it makes me retch. Once when I was a kid - this'll show you -1 was mad on cherries. I had no money, so I couldn't buy many at a time, and when I'd eaten all I could buy I still wanted more. Day and night I thought of nothing but cherries. I foamed at the mouth; it was torture! But one day I got mad, or ashamed, I don't know which. Anyway, I just felt cherries were doing what they liked with me and it was ludicrous. So what did I do? I got up one night, searched my father's pockets and found a silver mejidie and pinched it. I was up early the next morning, went to a market-gardener and bought a basket o' cherries. I settled down in a ditch and began eating. I stuffed and stuffed till I was all swollen out. My stomach began to ache and I was sick. Yes, boss, I was thoroughly sick, and from that day to this I've never wanted a cherry. I couldn't bear the sight of them. I was saved. I could say to any cherry: I don't need you any more. And I did the same thing later with wine and tobacco. I still drink and smoke, but at any second, if I want to, whoop! I can cut it out. I'm not ruled by passion. It's the same with my country. I thought too much about it, so I stuffed myself up to the neck with it, spewed it up, and it's never troubled me since."

  6. Amerikali yazar (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn'in Maceralari (Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) romanini 18 Subat 1885’de Amerika’da Charles L. Webster and Company araciligiyla yayinladi. (Ingiltere: Aralik 1884)

    “Eski bir teneke lamba ve demir yuzuk alip ormana giderek ovalamaya basladim. Bir saray yaptirip sonra da satma hevesiyle kan ter icinde kalana kadar ha bire ovaladim, hicbir ise yaramadi, cinlerden hicbiri gelmedi.”

    “I got an old tin lamp and an iron ring, and went out in the woods and rubbed and rubbed till I sweat like an Injun, calculating to build a palace and sell it; but it warn't no use, none of the genies come.”

  7. Italyan araba pilotu ve otomobil ureticisi Ferrari’ni kurucusu Enzo Anselmo Ferrari’nin dogum yildonumu (18 Subat 1898)

    "Ikinci olan ilk kaybedendir."

  8. Porto Rikolu sair Luis Muñoz Marín'in dogum yildonumu (18 Subat 1898)

    Bir esek
    daga tirmaniyor
    agir agir,
    heybelerin altinda titreyerek.
    (Dorugu gosteriyor iyimser kulaklari.)

    Bir duvarci
    tugla koyuyor tugla ustune.
    (Miriltisi tekduze,
    bitmek bilmiyor.)

    yildizlara vermis kendini.
    (Derin bir sessizlik icinde.)

    Un burro
    escalando una montaña,
    vibrando bajo el peso de las banastas.
    (Sus orejas optimistas
    se inclinan hacia la cumbre).

    Un albañil
    colocando ladrillo sobre ladrillo.
    (Su tararear es monótono,

    bregando con las estrellas.
    (su silencio es profundo)

Sayfa 3525/7020 İlkİlk ... 252530253425347535153523352435253526352735353575362540254525 ... SonSon

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