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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 33,145 - 33,152 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. 19. Yuzyilda Fransa'yi gercekcilik akimiyla tanistiran Fransiz ressam Gustave Courbet'nin dogum yildonumu (10 Haziran 1819)

    Il disperato (Le Désespéré The Desperate Man, 1844 - 1845)

    Gli spaccapietre (Les Casseurs de pierres - The Stonebreakers, 1849)

  2. Almanca librettosu Gottfried von Strassburg tarafindan yazilan, Alman besteci Richard Wagner'in besteledigi 3 perdelik Tristan ve Isolde (Tristan und Isolde) operasi ilk kez kez 10 Haziran 1865'te Munich, Königliches Hof- und Nationaltheater'da sahnelendi.

  3. Fovizm hareketinin onculerinden Fransiz ressam ve heykeltiras André Derain'in dogum yildonumu (10 Haziran 1880)

    Il Ponte di Charing Cross (Charing Cross Bridge, 1906)

    Baigneuses, 1908

  4. AFI'nin (American Film Institute) "100 yilin 100 Stari" listesinde 9. sirada yer alan, sinemanin en iyi aktorlerinden biri kabul edilen Amerikali aktor ve tiyatro oyuncusu Spencer (Bonaventure) Tracy'nin dogum yildonumu (10 Haziran 1900)

  5. Irlandali yazar James Joyce, hayatinin aski Nora Barnacle ile ilk kez bulustu.

    Joyce ve Nora, Nora'nin calistigi Finn's Hotel yakinlarindaki Nassau Caddesi'nde 10 Haziran 1904 Cuma gunu ilk kez bir araya geldiler.

  6. Amerikali yazar ve tarihci Edward Everett Hale'nin olum yildonumu (10 Haziran 1909)

    "Tek basimayim. Ama hala birim. Her seyi yapamam ama hala bir sey yapabilirim. Her seyi yapamayacagim icin yapmayi geri cevirmeyecegim. Yapabilecegim seyleri."

  7. Turk sair Oktay Rifat Horozcu’nun dogum yildonumu (10 Haziran 1914)

    Kopurerek kosuyordu atlarimiz
    Durgun denize dogru.
    Bu ucus, guvercindeki,
    Ozgurluk sevinci mi ne!
    Opusmek yasakti, bilir misiniz,
    Dusunmek yasak,
    Isgucunu savunmak yasak!
    Urunu ayirmislar agacindan,
    Satiyorlar pazarda;
    Emegin dallari kirlimis, yerde.
    Isik kor edicidir, diyorlar,
    Ozgurluk patlayici.
    Lambamizi bozan da,
    Ozgurluge kundak sokan da onlar.
    Uzandik mi patlasin istiyorlar,
    Yaktik mi tutusalim.
    Mayin tarlalari var,
    Karanlikta duruyor ekmekle su.
    Elleri var ozgurlugun,
    Gozleri, ayaklari;
    Silmek icin kanli teri,
    Bakmak icin yarinlara,
    Esitlige ggiden.
    Ben kafes, sen sarmasik;
    Dolan dolanabildigin kadar!
    Ozgurluk sevgisi bu,
    Insan kapilmaya gorsun bir kez;
    Bir urba ki eskimez,
    Bir dus ki gercekten daha g.
    Yigit suruculeri tarihsel akisin,
    Isciler, evren kovaninin arilari;
    Bir kara somunun cevresinde dondukce
    Dunyamiza ozgurluk getiren kardesler.
    O somunla dogrulur uykusundan akil,
    Agarir o somunla bitmeyen gecemiz;
    O gunesle bagimsizliga erer kisi.
    Bu umut ozgur olmanin kapisi;
    Mutlu gunlere insanca aralik.
    Bu sevinc mutlu gunlerin isigi;
    Vurur ustumuze usulca urkek.
    Gel yurdumun insani gorun artik,
    Ozgurlugun kapisinda dal gibi;
    Ardinda gokyuzu kardesce mavi!

    Our horses galloped foaming
    to the calm sea.
    What is this flight? Is it the dove's
    joy of freedom?
    It was forbidden to kiss, did you know
    forbidden to think
    forbidden to defend the work force.
    They've picked the fruit from the tree
    and they sell it in the market
    for as much as they can get,
    labor's broken branches on the ground.
    Light is blinding, they say
    and freedom is explosive.
    Arsonists smash our lamps
    and with oily rags set fire to freedom.
    As soon as we reach out, they want an explosion
    and they want us to catch fire when we light the flame.
    There are minefields
    bread and water wait in the darkness.
    Freedom has hands
    eyes, feet;
    to wipe the bloody sweat
    to look at tomorrows
    heading straight for equality.
    I'm the cage, you are the ivy;
    tangle, tangle as much as you are able!
    Love of freedom is this:
    once you're tempted there's no escape
    it's a habit that never gets old
    a dream that is truer than reality.
    The historic flow of brave herdsmen
    the workers, bees of the universe's beehive;
    milling round black bread
    brothers who bring freedom to our world.
    By that bread the mind is roused from sleep
    our endless night dawns with that bread;
    people attain independence with that sun.
    This hope is the door to freedom
    half-open to happy days.
    This joy is the light of happy days
    gently, timidly, its rays strike us.
    Come people of my land, show yourselves
    like a budding branch at the door of freedom
    and behind you the sky is brotherly blue.

  8. 1976 yilinda Nobel Edebiyat Odulunu kazanan, Kanada dogumlu Amerikali yazar Saul Bellow'un dogum yildonumu (10 Haziran 1915)

    "Gunes kaybolmustu; kar atistiriyordu. Siyah asfaltin uzerine benek benek sacilmis, damlarin uzerinde yavas yavas birikmeye baslamisti. Bulundugum ucuncu kat yuksekliginden epeyce uzaklara kadar aciklik vardi. Yakinda gogun grisinden biraz daha acik tonda, bacalarindan dumanlar tuten damlar goruluyordu. Yoksul evler, depolar, ilan tahtalari, yol kemerleri, donuk bir isikla yanan elektrik lambalari, park etmis ve gelip gecen arabalar ve yol uzerinde tek tuk ciplak agaclar goruntuyu tamamlayarak uzaniyordu onumde."

    "The sun had been covered up; snow was beginning to fall. It was sprinkled over the black pores of the gravel and was lying in thin slips on the slanting roofs.I could see a long way from this third-floor height. Not far off there were chimneys, their smoke a lighter gray than the gray of the sky; and, straight before me, ranges of poor dwellings, warehouses, billboards, culverts, electric signs blankly burning, parked cars and moving cars, and the occasional bare plan of a tree. These I surveyed, pressing my forehead on the glass."

    "Sabah sekiz bucukta kahvaltimi ederim. Sonra eve doner, pencere onundeki sallanan koltuguma yerlesip gazetemi okurum bastan sona, satir atlamaksizin. Once komik dizilere goz atarim. (Bunları izleyisim cocuklugumdan kalma bir aliskanliktir. Oyle ki, en yenilerini hatta en tatsiz olanlari bile okurum). Sonra ciddi haberlere gecerim, sutun yazarlarindan dedikodu sayfasina, yemek tariflerine, olum ilanlarina, sosyete haberlerine, reklamlara, cocuk bilmecelerine ve her seye tek tek goz gezdiririm. Gazeteyi elimden birakmak istemedigimden komik dizileri, herhangi birini atlamis olmayayim diye bastan okudugum coktur."

    "At half-past eight I eat breakfast. Afterward I walk home and settle down to read the paper in the rocker by the window. I cover it from end to end, ritualistically, missing not a word. First come the comic strips (i follow them because I have done so since childhood, and I compel myself to read even the newest, most unpalatable ones), then I read the serious news and the columnists, and, finally, the gossip, the family page, the recipes, the obituaries, the society news, the ads, the children's puzzles, everything. Reluctant to put it aside, I even reread thecomics to see if I have missed anything."

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