Sayfa 975/1031 İlkİlk ... 4758759259659739749759769779851025 ... SonSon
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Konu: Altın fiyatlarının geleceği (XAU)

  1. Ölümsüzlüğün Sırrı Altın'da Mı Gizli? | Hakan Yedican

  2.  Alıntı Originally Posted by kastirsef Yazıyı Oku
    Yemen boğaz geçişinin kapanması 200 Milyar $ lık ek maliyet yaratacak.

    Bu yıl Amerikada ve Avrupada enflasyon minimum %15 olur bu boğaz açılmazsa. Üstüne siz ekleyin.

    Amerika ve Avrupa ya Uzak Doğu dan giden gemilerin %95 i Güney Afrika ve Somali üzerinden Afrika yı dolaşarak gitmek zorunda kaldılar. Şimdilik böyle. Enflasyona etkisini göreceğiz.

  3. Gümüş için benim kendi koyduğum hedeflerim 2024 yılı için 34$, 2025 yılı için 50$. Görürüz görmeyiz bilemem. Ama gönlümden geçen hedefler bunlar. Buralardan fiziki Gümüşte alıcıyım.

    Gümüş üretim maliyeti Global de 25$ üstüne çıktı. Yeni bilançolar gelince görmüş olacağız. Fakat dikkat ederseniz 23$ altına inemiyor, inince alıcılar fiziki piyasayı silip süpürüyor. Mevcut stoklar bitince 25$ taban olacaktır diye düşünüyorum.

  4. Largest US Banks Set To Log Sharp Rise In Bad Loans

    Largest US banks set to log sharp rise in bad loans
    Earnings are expected to have shrunk in last quarter of 2023 due to unpaid debts and impact of high interest rates
    Various Wall Street bank logos
    Investors have been buying up bank shares, which have risen 20% since the end of October © FT montage/Bloomberg
    Largest US banks set to log sharp rise in bad loans on x (opens in a new window)
    Largest US banks set to log sharp rise in bad loans on facebook (opens in a new window)
    Largest US banks set to log sharp rise in bad loans on linkedin (opens in a new window)
    Stephen Gandel in New York
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    A pile-up of bad debt threatens to sour investors’ growing optimism about the prospects for the US’s largest banks when they report fourth-quarter earnings this week.

    Non-performing loans — debt tied to borrowers who have not made a payment in at least the past 90 days — are expected to have risen to a combined $24.4bn in the last three months of 2023 at the four largest US lenders — JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citigroup, according to a Bloomberg analysts’ consensus. That is up nearly $6bn since the end of 2022.

    The analysts estimate bank earnings shrunk in the final three months of 2023, dragged down by those unpaid loans as well as the lingering impact of higher interest rates, which has raised the cost of deposits. In addition, in December, a number of big banks said they planned to take a one-time charge by the end of the year to pay for a special assessment being imposed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to recover the $18.5bn last year’s failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature cost the regulator’s insurance fund.

    Cost-cutting also continues. Citigroup, which is in the middle of its largest reorganisation in years, is likely to take a charge to cover lay-offs and other related expenses. Wells Fargo last month said it was setting aside $1bn for severance costs in the fourth quarter.

    In all, earnings at the six big banks, which includes Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, are forecast to have dropped an average of 13 per cent in the last three months of 2023 compared with the same period a year earlier.

    “Year-ahead outlooks get a lot of attention in fourth-quarter earnings calls,†said Jason Goldberg, an analyst at Barclays. “I’m expecting that banks will indicate that the recent drop in net interest income will hit its trough this year.â€

    Despite the expected earnings drop, investors have been buying up bank shares, which have risen 20 per cent since the end of October, according to the KBW Nasdaq Bank index. Fuelling the rally is the Federal Reserve’s signal late last year that it is probably done raising interest rates. Higher rates hit banks in 2023, raising deposit costs and lowering the value of their bond portfolios.

    “Banks are very interest rate-driven,†said Matt Anderson, a banking industry analyst at commercial property research group Trepp. “And investors have an optimistic read on the economy in 2024.â€

    But even as interest rate pressures are easing, a jump in unpaid loans could continue to hold down bank profits.

    The current level of non-performing loans is still below the $30bn peak of the pandemic. The big banks have indicated they think the rise in unpaid debts could slow soon. A number of banks cut the amount of money they put away for future bad loans, so-called provisions, in the third quarter.

    Provisions are expected to have shrunk again in the final three months of the year. But if the money that banks are putting away for bad loans unexpectedly jumps, that could raise alarms for investors.

    “Credit is still very much a wild card,†said Scott Siefers, a bank analyst at Piper Sandler. “It has been very good, but I think we are going to continue to see a deterioration from here.â€

    Commercial property, and in particular mortgages on less-full office buildings, had been one of the biggest factors pushing up problem debts.


    The Long ViewJohn Plender
    Great reversals in markets are now under way
    US Federal Reserve chair Jay Powell
    More recently though, delinquencies have been rising on consumer loans, particularly credit cards and car debt. That has made some analysts nervous, especially because what the banks are putting away for loan-loss reserves now is considerably smaller than what they set aside when bad loans were rising at the start of the pandemic.

    “Bank reserves are adequate right now because we are nowhere near the stress levels of back then,†said Gerard Cassidy, a bank analyst at RBC Capital Markets. “But have they reserved enough for an economic hard landing? The answer is no.â€

    BofA, Citi, JPMorgan and Wells will be the first of the large banks to disclose their results for the final three months of 2023 on January 12.

    Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, whose businesses skew more towards investment banking, trading and asset management, report results on January 16.
    Son düzenleme : kastirsef; 08-01-2024 saat: 10:48.

  5.  Alıntı Originally Posted by kastirsef Yazıyı Oku
    Largest US Banks Set To Log Sharp Rise In Bad Loans

    Largest US banks set to log sharp rise in bad loans
    Earnings are expected to have shrunk in last quarter of 2023 due to unpaid debts and impact of high interest rates
    Various Wall Street bank logos
    Investors have been buying up bank shares, which have risen 20% since the end of October © FT montage/Bloomberg
    Largest US banks set to log sharp rise in bad loans on x (opens in a new window)
    Largest US banks set to log sharp rise in bad loans on facebook (opens in a new window)
    Largest US banks set to log sharp rise in bad loans on linkedin (opens in a new window)
    Stephen Gandel in New York
    Print this page
    Stay informed with free updates
    Simply sign up to the US banks myFT Digest -- delivered directly to your inbox.

    A pile-up of bad debt threatens to sour investorsâ€╠growing optimism about the prospects for the USâ€â•s largest banks when they report fourth-quarter earnings this week.

    Non-performing loans â۠debt tied to borrowers who have not made a payment in at least the past 90 days â۠are expected to have risen to a combined $24.4bn in the last three months of 2023 at the four largest US lenders â۠JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citigroup, according to a Bloomberg analystsâ€╠consensus. That is up nearly $6bn since the end of 2022.

    The analysts estimate bank earnings shrunk in the final three months of 2023, dragged down by those unpaid loans as well as the lingering impact of higher interest rates, which has raised the cost of deposits. In addition, in December, a number of big banks said they planned to take a one-time charge by the end of the year to pay for a special assessment being imposed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to recover the $18.5bn last yearâ€â•s failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature cost the regulatorâ€â•s insurance fund.

    Cost-cutting also continues. Citigroup, which is in the middle of its largest reorganisation in years, is likely to take a charge to cover lay-offs and other related expenses. Wells Fargo last month said it was setting aside $1bn for severance costs in the fourth quarter.

    In all, earnings at the six big banks, which includes Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, are forecast to have dropped an average of 13 per cent in the last three months of 2023 compared with the same period a year earlier.

    “Year-ahead outlooks get a lot of attention in fourth-quarter earnings calls,†said Jason Goldberg, an analyst at Barclays. “Iâ€â•m expecting that banks will indicate that the recent drop in net interest income will hit its trough this year.â€

    Despite the expected earnings drop, investors have been buying up bank shares, which have risen 20 per cent since the end of October, according to the KBW Nasdaq Bank index. Fuelling the rally is the Federal Reserveâ€â•s signal late last year that it is probably done raising interest rates. Higher rates hit banks in 2023, raising deposit costs and lowering the value of their bond portfolios.

    “Banks are very interest rate-driven,†said Matt Anderson, a banking industry analyst at commercial property research group Trepp. “And investors have an optimistic read on the economy in 2024.â€

    But even as interest rate pressures are easing, a jump in unpaid loans could continue to hold down bank profits.

    The current level of non-performing loans is still below the $30bn peak of the pandemic. The big banks have indicated they think the rise in unpaid debts could slow soon. A number of banks cut the amount of money they put away for future bad loans, so-called provisions, in the third quarter.

    Provisions are expected to have shrunk again in the final three months of the year. But if the money that banks are putting away for bad loans unexpectedly jumps, that could raise alarms for investors.

    “Credit is still very much a wild card,†said Scott Siefers, a bank analyst at Piper Sandler. “It has been very good, but I think we are going to continue to see a deterioration from here.â€

    Commercial property, and in particular mortgages on less-full office buildings, had been one of the biggest factors pushing up problem debts.


    The Long ViewJohn Plender
    Great reversals in markets are now under way
    US Federal Reserve chair Jay Powell
    More recently though, delinquencies have been rising on consumer loans, particularly credit cards and car debt. That has made some analysts nervous, especially because what the banks are putting away for loan-loss reserves now is considerably smaller than what they set aside when bad loans were rising at the start of the pandemic.

    “Bank reserves are adequate right now because we are nowhere near the stress levels of back then,†said Gerard Cassidy, a bank analyst at RBC Capital Markets. “But have they reserved enough for an economic hard landing? The answer is no.â€

    BofA, Citi, JPMorgan and Wells will be the first of the large banks to disclose their results for the final three months of 2023 on January 12.

    Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, whose businesses skew more towards investment banking, trading and asset management, report results on January 16.

    Citi, BoFA, Wells Fargo döt altına. Under water.

    Böyle zamanlarda fiziki HEAVY METAL ci olunur.

    Batan batar. Çıkan çıkar. Kalan sağlar bizimdir.

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  8. Altın rekor üstüne rekor kırıyor. Şimdilik sadece Dolar direniyor. ABD genel seçimlerine kadar belki dayanabilirler, FED iflas etmezse tabi.

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