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Konu: Tradingview

  1. Doğum tarihim 16/07/2024 olarak güncellenmiştir.

    temel analizle ilgili...türkçeleştirilebilir.....
    Doğum tarihim 16/07/2024 olarak güncellenmiştir.

  3.  Alıntı Originally Posted by @yörük@ Yazıyı Oku
    farklı kullanım örnekleri....
    çeyrek-yıllık net gelir çizimi
    favök çeyrek yıllık
    favök üzerine, serbest nakit akımı yıllık

    favök-serbest nakit akımı yıllık ve gelir çeyreklik olarak
    Doğum tarihim 16/07/2024 olarak güncellenmiştir.

  4. //@version=5
    indicator(title="Parabolic SAR", shorttitle=".", overlay=true, timeframe="", timeframe_gaps=true)
    start = input(0)
    increment = input(0)
    maximum = input(0.2, "Max Value")
    out = ta.sar(start, increment, maximum)
    plot(out, "S-0", style=plot.style_cross, color=#FFFFFF,linewidth=2, transp=00)

    start1 = input(0)
    increment1 = input(0.001)
    maximum1 = input(0.2, "Max Value")
    out1 = ta.sar(start1, increment1, maximum1)
    plot(out1, "S-1", style=plot.style_cross, color=#00BCD4 , linewidth=2, transp=00)

    start12 = input(0)
    increment12 = input(0.0001)
    maximum12 = input(0.2, "Max Value")
    out12 = ta.sar(start12, increment12, maximum12)
    plot(out12, "S-2", style=plot.style_cross, color=#00E676 , linewidth=2, transp=00)

    start13 = input(0.01)
    increment13 = input(0.01)
    maximum13 = input(0.2, "Max Value")
    out13 = ta.sar(start13, increment13, maximum13)
    plot(out13, "S-3", style=plot.style_cross, color=#FFEB3B, linewidth=2, transp=00)

    Doğum tarihim 16/07/2024 olarak güncellenmiştir.

  5. //@version=4
    study("deneme",overlay=true,max_bars_back=5000,sho rttitle=".",max_lines_count=500)

    // inputs
    len = input(200, title="Length")
    mom = input(3, title="Momentum",minval=0)
    c = close
    up = ema(max(c - c[mom],0),len)
    down = ema(max(c[mom] - c,0),len)
    rmi = down == 0 ? 0 : 100 - 100 / (1 + up / down)
    RM = close / rmi

    // IvanLabrie's POCB Kalman Avg.
    resCustom = input(title="Timeframe", type=input.resolution, defval="60")
    Length = input(title="Kalman Length", type=input.integer, defval=1, minval=1)
    xPrice = security(syminfo.tickerid, resCustom, hlc3)
    xvnoise = abs(xPrice - xPrice[1])
    nfastend = 0.666
    nslowend = 0.0645
    nsignal = abs(xPrice - xPrice[Length])
    nnoise = sum(xvnoise, Length)
    nefratio = iff(nnoise != 0, nsignal / nnoise, 0)
    nsmooth = pow(nefratio * (nfastend - nslowend) + nslowend, 2)
    nAMA = 0.0
    nAMA := nz(nAMA[1]) + nsmooth * (xPrice - nz(nAMA[1]))
    basis = nAMA
    unp = RM
    upper = basis + unp
    lower = basis - unp
    plot(basis,title="MOM Saatlik", color=#FFEB3B,transp=100 )

    source = input(title="Source", type=input.source, defval=close)
    comparativeTickerId = input("BIST:XU100", type=input.symbol, title="Comparative Symbol")
    eventLength = input(200, type=input.integer, minval=1, title="Event Period")

    //Set up
    baseSymbol = security(syminfo.tickerid, timeframe.period, source)
    comparativeSymbol = security(comparativeTickerId, timeframe.period, source)

    equilibriumPrice = (comparativeSymbol * baseSymbol[eventLength])/comparativeSymbol[eventLength]
    plot(equilibriumPrice, title="RSI/X100", color=color.yellow, transp=100)

    // bullish if fast > slow, else bearish
    bullish = close >= basis
    bearish = not bullish
    did_cross_up = bearish[1] and bullish
    did_cross_dn = bullish[1] and bearish

    // Store prices that the crosses occured at.
    var float[] cross_up_prices = array.new_float(1, 0.0)
    var float[] cross_dn_prices = array.new_float(1, 0.0)

    // Push closing price if cross up or down.
    if (did_cross_up)
    array.push(cross_up_prices, close)

    if (did_cross_dn)
    array.push(cross_dn_prices, close)

    // Plotting.
    plot(bullish ? array.get(cross_up_prices, array.size(cross_up_prices)-1) : array.get(cross_dn_prices, array.size(cross_dn_prices)-1), title="Fiyat-Mom Kesişimi",color=bullish ? color.lime :, style=plot.style_circles, transp=00, linewidth=1)
    barcolor(bullish ? :

    length22 = input(200)
    astart = input(1,"A-High Position"),aend = input(0,"B-High Position")
    bstart = input(1,"A-Low Position"),bend = input(0,"B-Low Position")
    csrc = input(false,"Use Custom Source ?"),src = input(close,"Custom Source")
    up2 = pivothigh(iff(csrc,src,high),length22,length22)
    dn2 = pivotlow(iff(csrc,src,low),length22,length22)
    n = bar_index
    a12 = valuewhen(not na(up2),n,astart)
    b12 = valuewhen(not na(dn2),n,bstart)
    a22 = valuewhen(not na(up2),n,aend)
    b22 = valuewhen(not na(dn2),n,bend)
    line upper2 =[n - a12 + length22],up2[n - a12],n[n - a22 + length22],up2[n - a22],
    line lower2 =[n - b12 + length22],dn2[n - b12],n[n - b22 + length22],dn2[n - b22],
    label ahigh =[n - a12 + length22],up2[n - a12],"200H1",,style=label.style_labeldown,textco,size=size.normal)
    label bhigh =[n - a22 + length22],up2[n - a22],"200H2",,style=label.style_labeldown,textco,size=size.normal)
    label alow =[n - b12 + length22],dn2[n - b12],"200L1",
    label blow =[n - b22 + length22],dn2[n - b22],"200L2",


    len99 = input(defval=200,title="EMA Length", type=input.integer)
    coeff1 = input(defval=1,title="Coefficient1", type=input.float)
    coeff2 = input(defval=1,title="Coefficient2", type=input.float)
    bar_index_limit = input(defval=0,title="Bar Index Limit", type=input.integer)
    mov = ema(close, len99)
    data1 = coeff1 / 100 + 1
    data2 = mov * data1
    data3 = coeff2 / 100 + 1
    data4 = mov * data3
    plot(bar_index >= bar_index_limit ? data2 : na, linewidth=1, title='200Ema Kanal Takip ',color = #E040FB, transp=100)
    //plot(bar_index >= bar_index_limit ? data4 : na, linewidth=1, title='xy')
    //plot(bar_index, linewidth=2, color= #FFEB3B, title='Bar index', display=display.none)
    //l =, data2, tostring(data2),style=label.style_none)
    //m =, data4, tostring(data4),style=label.style_none)

    src99 = close
    len999 = input(defval=200, minval=1, title="Linear Regression Length")
    lrc = linreg(src99, len999, 0)
    plot(lrc, color = #E040FB , title = "200Linear Kanal Takip", linewidth = 1, transp=100)


    length77 = input(200),mult77 = input(1.),src77 = input(close)
    a=0.,b=0.,size =0.
    size := change(a[1]) > 0 or change(b[1]) < 0 ? atr(length77) : nz(size[1],tr)
    a := max(src77,nz(a[1],src77)) - size/pow(length77,2)*(nz(barssince(a[1] > a[2]) + 1,1)*mult77)
    b := min(src77,nz(b[1],src77)) + size/pow(length77,2)*(nz(barssince(b[1] < b[2]) + 1,1)*mult77)
    plot(a,"200 Zirve Olasılık",color=#0cb51a,linewidth=1,transp=100)
    plot(b,"200 Dip Olasılık",color=#ff1100,linewidth=1,transp=100)
    // Date:2018.03.15
    // Author:
    // Version: 1.0
    // Description: Swing Dectection Indicator
    // Notes:

    barsback = input(96, title='Bars back to check for a swing')
    showsig = input(true, title='Show Signal Markers')

    swing_high = false
    swing_low = false
    start = (index*2) - 1 // -1 so we have an even number of
    swing_point_high = high[index]
    swing_point_low = low[index]

    //Swing Highs
    for i = 0 to start
    swing_high := true
    if i < index
    if high[i] > swing_point_high
    swing_high := false
    // Have to do checks before pivot and after seperately because we can get
    // two highs of the same value in a row. Notice the > and >= difference
    if i > index
    if high[i] >= swing_point_high
    swing_high := false

    //Swing lows
    for i = 0 to start
    swing_low := true
    if i < index
    if low[i] < swing_point_low
    swing_low := false
    // Have to do checks before pivot and after seperately because we can get
    // two lows of the same value in a row. Notice the > and >= difference
    if i > index
    if low[i] <= swing_point_low
    swing_low := false

    [swing_high, swing_low]

    // Check for a swing
    [swing_high, swing_low] = swing_detection(barsback)

    // Plotting
    plotshape(swing_high, style=shape.arrowdown, location=location.abovebar, color=#FFEB3B , text='60Bar SH',size=size.normal, offset=-barsback)
    plotshape(swing_low, style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar, color=#FFEB3B , text='60Bar SL',size=size.normal, offset=-barsback)
    //plotshape(showsig ? swing_high : na, style=shape.arrowdown, location=location.abovebar, color=#FFFFFF , text='SAT',size=size.normal)
    //plotshape(showsig ? swing_low : na, style=shape.arrowup, location=location.belowbar, color=#FFFFFF , text='AL',size=size.normal)

    // This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
    // © LuxAlgo

    // Popgun Bar Pattern Indicator
    // Written by Wes Bennett
    // 9-26-2020

    ATRrange = input(33, minval=1, title="ATR Period")
    ATRstopbuffer = input(33, minval=1, title="Stop Buffer Percent") / 100
    ATRentrybuffer = input(33, minval=1, title="Entry Buffer Percent") / 100
    stoprange = input(11, minval=1, title="Stop Bar Range")
    R1 = input (3, minval=1, title="Reward Multiple")

    ATR = ema(tr, ATRrange)

    // Evaluations
    popguncheckbull = high[2] > high[1] and high[1] < high and low[2] < low[1] and low[1] > low and close > high[1]
    popguncheckbear = high[2] > high[1] and high[1] < high and low[2] < low[1] and low[1] > low and close < low[1]

    // Calcs
    popgunbull = iff(popguncheckbull, high + (ATR * ATRentrybuffer), na)
    popgunbear = iff(popguncheckbear, low - (ATR * ATRentrybuffer), na)
    bullstop = lowest(stoprange) - (ATR * ATRstopbuffer)
    bearstop = highest(stoprange) + (ATR * ATRstopbuffer)
    bulltarget = ((popgunbull - bullstop) * R1) + popgunbull
    beartarget = popgunbear - ((bearstop - popgunbear) * R1)

    // Plots
    plot(popgunbull, style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=4, title ='Boğalar Güçlü', color=color.white,transp=100)
    plot(popgunbear, style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=4, title ='Ayılar Güçlü',,transp=100)
    plot(iff(popguncheckbull, bullstop, na), style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=4, title ='Boğalıktan VAZGEÇ Ayı Ol', color=color.maroon,transp=100)
    plot(iff(popguncheckbear, bearstop, na), style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=4, title ='Ayılıktan VAZGEÇ Boğa Ol',,transp=100)
    plot(iff(popguncheckbull, bulltarget, na), style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=4, title ='Boğaların Olası Hedefi', color=color.white,transp=100)
    plot(iff(popguncheckbear, beartarget, na), style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=4, title ='Ayıların Olası Hedefi',,transp=100)

    //bgcolor(iff(popguncheckbull, #52BE80, na), title="Boğa", transp=00)
    //bgcolor(iff(popguncheckbear, #E13207, na), title="Ayı", transp=00)

    //alertcondition((popguncheckbull or popguncheckbear), title='Popgun Trigger', message='Popgun Bar Pattern!')
    n88 = input(20.0,"% Sensitivity 1 (0-100)",minval=0,maxval=100)
    src88 = input(open,"Source",type=input.source)
    ma = 0.0
    ma := na(ma[1]) ? src88 : ma[1] + (n88/100)*(src88-ma[1])
    p0 = plot(ma,color=color.white,transp=100, title="İz Süren Stop")

    n2 = input(5.0,"% Sensitivity 2 (0-100)",minval=0,maxval=100)
    src2 = input(close,"Source 2",type=input.source)
    ma2 = 0.0
    ma2 := na(ma2[1]) ? src2 : ma2[1] + (n2/100)*(src2-ma2[1])
    p1 = plot(ma2,color=color.white,transp=100,title="Fiyat Takibi")

    co = ma>ma2? color.white:color.white

    // Variables
    src55 = close
    fastInput = input(50, title="Fast EMA")
    slowInput = input(200, title="Slow EMA")
    defaultEMA = input(200, title="Consolidated EMA")

    // Allow the option to show single or double EMA
    bothEMAs = input(title="Show Both EMAs", defval=false)

    // Define EMAs
    fastEMA = ema(src55, fastInput)
    slowEMA = ema(src55, slowInput)
    biasEMA = ema(src55, defaultEMA)

    // Color the EMAs
    emaColor = fastEMA > slowEMA ? color(#B2B5BE)
    : fastEMA < slowEMA ? color(#B2B5BE)
    : #B2B5BE

    // Plot EMAs
    plot(bothEMAs ? na : biasEMA, color = emaColor, linewidth = 2, title="50/200EMA")
    //plot(bothEMAs ? fastEMA : na, title="Fast EMA")
    //plot(bothEMAs ? slowEMA : na, title="Slow EMA")

    Doğum tarihim 16/07/2024 olarak güncellenmiştir.

  6. study("Volatility Stop", shorttitle=".", overlay=true)
    length = input(1)
    mult = input(1)
    atr_ = atr(length)
    max1 = max(nz(max_[1]), close)
    min1 = min(nz(min_[1]), close)
    is_uptrend_prev = nz(is_uptrend[1], true)
    stop = is_uptrend_prev ? max1 - mult * atr_ : min1 + mult * atr_
    vstop_prev = nz(vstop[1])
    vstop1 = is_uptrend_prev ? max(vstop_prev, stop) : min(vstop_prev, stop)
    is_uptrend = close - vstop1 >= 0
    is_trend_changed = is_uptrend != is_uptrend_prev
    max_ = is_trend_changed ? close : max1
    min_ = is_trend_changed ? close : min1
    vstop = is_trend_changed ? is_uptrend ? max_ - mult * atr_ : min_ + mult * atr_ : vstop1
    plot(vstop, color = is_uptrend ? lime : red, style=cross, linewidth=1, transp=00, title="1")

    length22 = input(2)
    mult22 = input(2)
    atr_22 = atr(length22)
    max122 = max(nz(max_22[1]), close)
    min122 = min(nz(min_22[1]), close)
    is_uptrend_prev22 = nz(is_uptrend22[1], true)
    stop22 = is_uptrend_prev22 ? max122 - mult22 * atr_22 : min122 + mult22 * atr_22
    vstop_prev22 = nz(vstop22[1])
    vstop122 = is_uptrend_prev22 ? max(vstop_prev22, stop22) : min(vstop_prev22, stop22)
    is_uptrend22 = close - vstop122 >= 0
    is_trend_changed22 = is_uptrend22 != is_uptrend_prev22
    max_22 = is_trend_changed22 ? close : max122
    min_22 = is_trend_changed22 ? close : min122
    vstop22 = is_trend_changed22 ? is_uptrend22 ? max_22 - mult22 * atr_22 : min_22 + mult22 * atr_22 : vstop122
    plot(vstop22, color = is_uptrend22 ? lime : red, style=cross, linewidth=1, transp=00,title="2")

    length2233 = input(3)
    mult2233 = input(3)
    atr_2233 = atr(length2233)
    max12233 = max(nz(max_2233[1]), close)
    min12233 = min(nz(min_2233[1]), close)
    is_uptrend_prev2233 = nz(is_uptrend2233[1], true)
    stop2233 = is_uptrend_prev2233 ? max12233 - mult2233 * atr_2233 : min12233 + mult2233 * atr_2233
    vstop_prev2233 = nz(vstop2233[1])
    vstop12233 = is_uptrend_prev2233 ? max(vstop_prev2233, stop2233) : min(vstop_prev2233, stop2233)
    is_uptrend2233 = close - vstop12233 >= 0
    is_trend_changed2233 = is_uptrend2233 != is_uptrend_prev2233
    max_2233 = is_trend_changed2233 ? close : max12233
    min_2233 = is_trend_changed2233 ? close : min12233
    vstop2233 = is_trend_changed2233 ? is_uptrend2233 ? max_2233 - mult2233 * atr_2233 : min_2233 + mult2233 * atr_2233 : vstop12233
    plot(vstop2233, color = is_uptrend2233 ? lime : red, style=cross, linewidth=1, transp=00, title="3")

    length223344 = input(4)
    mult223344 = input(4)
    atr_223344 = atr(length223344)
    max1223344 = max(nz(max_223344[1]), close)
    min1223344 = min(nz(min_223344[1]), close)
    is_uptrend_prev223344 = nz(is_uptrend223344[1], true)
    stop223344 = is_uptrend_prev223344 ? max1223344 - mult223344 * atr_223344 : min1223344 + mult223344 * atr_223344
    vstop_prev223344 = nz(vstop223344[1])
    vstop1223344 = is_uptrend_prev223344 ? max(vstop_prev223344, stop223344) : min(vstop_prev223344, stop223344)
    is_uptrend223344 = close - vstop1223344 >= 0
    is_trend_changed223344 = is_uptrend223344 != is_uptrend_prev223344
    max_223344 = is_trend_changed223344 ? close : max1223344
    min_223344 = is_trend_changed223344 ? close : min1223344
    vstop223344 = is_trend_changed223344 ? is_uptrend223344 ? max_223344 - mult223344 * atr_223344 : min_223344 + mult223344 * atr_223344 : vstop1223344
    plot(vstop223344, color = is_uptrend223344 ? lime : red, style=cross, linewidth=1, transp=00, title="4")

    length22334455 = input(5)
    mult22334455 = input(5)
    atr_22334455 = atr(length22334455)
    max122334455 = max(nz(max_22334455[1]), close)
    min122334455 = min(nz(min_22334455[1]), close)
    is_uptrend_prev22334455 = nz(is_uptrend22334455[1], true)
    stop22334455 = is_uptrend_prev22334455 ? max122334455 - mult22334455 * atr_22334455 : min122334455 + mult22334455 * atr_22334455
    vstop_prev22334455 = nz(vstop22334455[1])
    vstop122334455 = is_uptrend_prev22334455 ? max(vstop_prev22334455, stop22334455) : min(vstop_prev22334455, stop22334455)
    is_uptrend22334455 = close - vstop122334455 >= 0
    is_trend_changed22334455 = is_uptrend22334455 != is_uptrend_prev22334455
    max_22334455 = is_trend_changed22334455 ? close : max122334455
    min_22334455 = is_trend_changed22334455 ? close : min122334455
    vstop22334455 = is_trend_changed22334455 ? is_uptrend22334455 ? max_22334455 - mult22334455 * atr_22334455 : min_22334455 + mult22334455 * atr_22334455 : vstop122334455
    plot(vstop22334455, color = is_uptrend22334455 ? lime : red, style=cross, linewidth=1, transp=00, title="5")

    res1=input("15", type=resolution, title="Resolution")
    //output functions
    out1 = sar(1,0.001,0.2)
    out2 = sar(0.1,0.001,0.2)
    out3 = sar(0,0.0001,0.2)
    // Security

    SAR1 = security(tickerid, res1, out1)
    SAR11 = security(tickerid, res1, out2)
    SAR111 = security(tickerid, res1, out3)
    acx32 = input(true, title="Adaptive Coloring", type=bool)
    //plot(SAR1, title="1", style=circles, color=acx32?(SAR1>close?red:lime):silver, transp=100, linewidth=1)
    //plot(SAR11, title="0-1", style=circles, color=acx32?(SAR11>close?red:lime):silver, transp=100, linewidth=1)
    plot(SAR111, title="Sıfır", style=line, color=acx32?(SAR111>close?aqua:aqua):silver, transp=00, linewidth=1)


    length223344556 = input(10)
    mult223344556 = input(10)
    atr_223344556 = atr(length223344556)
    max1223344556 = max(nz(max_223344556[1]), close)
    min1223344556 = min(nz(min_223344556[1]), close)
    is_uptrend_prev223344556 = nz(is_uptrend223344556[1], true)
    stop223344556 = is_uptrend_prev223344556 ? max1223344556 - mult223344556 * atr_223344556 : min1223344556 + mult223344556 * atr_223344556
    vstop_prev223344556 = nz(vstop223344556[1])
    vstop1223344556 = is_uptrend_prev223344556 ? max(vstop_prev223344556, stop223344556) : min(vstop_prev223344556, stop223344556)
    is_uptrend223344556 = close - vstop1223344556 >= 0
    is_trend_changed223344556 = is_uptrend223344556 != is_uptrend_prev223344556
    max_223344556 = is_trend_changed223344556 ? close : max1223344556
    min_223344556 = is_trend_changed223344556 ? close : min1223344556
    vstop223344556 = is_trend_changed223344556 ? is_uptrend223344556 ? max_223344556 - mult223344556 * atr_223344556 : min_223344556 + mult223344556 * atr_223344556 : vstop1223344556
    plot(vstop223344556, color = is_uptrend223344556 ? silver : fuchsia, style=cross, linewidth=1, transp=00, title="10")

    length2233445567 = input(20)
    mult2233445567 = input(20)
    atr_2233445567 = atr(length2233445567)
    max12233445567 = max(nz(max_2233445567[1]), close)
    min12233445567 = min(nz(min_2233445567[1]), close)
    is_uptrend_prev2233445567 = nz(is_uptrend2233445567[1], true)
    stop2233445567 = is_uptrend_prev2233445567 ? max12233445567 - mult2233445567 * atr_2233445567 : min12233445567 + mult2233445567 * atr_2233445567
    vstop_prev2233445567 = nz(vstop2233445567[1])
    vstop12233445567 = is_uptrend_prev2233445567 ? max(vstop_prev2233445567, stop2233445567) : min(vstop_prev2233445567, stop2233445567)
    is_uptrend2233445567 = close - vstop12233445567 >= 0
    is_trend_changed2233445567 = is_uptrend2233445567 != is_uptrend_prev2233445567
    max_2233445567 = is_trend_changed2233445567 ? close : max12233445567
    min_2233445567 = is_trend_changed2233445567 ? close : min12233445567
    vstop2233445567 = is_trend_changed2233445567 ? is_uptrend2233445567 ? max_2233445567 - mult2233445567 * atr_2233445567 : min_2233445567 + mult2233445567 * atr_2233445567 : vstop12233445567
    plot(vstop2233445567, color = is_uptrend2233445567 ? silver : fuchsia, style=cross, linewidth=1, transp=00, title="20")

    length22334455678 = input(30)
    mult22334455678 = input(30)
    atr_22334455678 = atr(length22334455678)
    max122334455678 = max(nz(max_22334455678[1]), close)
    min122334455678 = min(nz(min_22334455678[1]), close)
    is_uptrend_prev22334455678 = nz(is_uptrend22334455678[1], true)
    stop22334455678 = is_uptrend_prev22334455678 ? max122334455678 - mult22334455678 * atr_22334455678 : min122334455678 + mult22334455678 * atr_22334455678
    vstop_prev22334455678 = nz(vstop22334455678[1])
    vstop122334455678 = is_uptrend_prev22334455678 ? max(vstop_prev22334455678, stop22334455678) : min(vstop_prev22334455678, stop22334455678)
    is_uptrend22334455678 = close - vstop122334455678 >= 0
    is_trend_changed22334455678 = is_uptrend22334455678 != is_uptrend_prev22334455678
    max_22334455678 = is_trend_changed22334455678 ? close : max122334455678
    min_22334455678 = is_trend_changed22334455678 ? close : min122334455678
    vstop22334455678 = is_trend_changed22334455678 ? is_uptrend22334455678 ? max_22334455678 - mult22334455678 * atr_22334455678 : min_22334455678 + mult22334455678 * atr_22334455678 : vstop122334455678
    plot(vstop22334455678, color = is_uptrend22334455678 ? silver : fuchsia, style=cross, linewidth=1, transp=00, title="30")

    length223344556789 = input(40)
    mult223344556789 = input(40)
    atr_223344556789 = atr(length223344556789)
    max1223344556789 = max(nz(max_223344556789[1]), close)
    min1223344556789 = min(nz(min_223344556789[1]), close)
    is_uptrend_prev223344556789 = nz(is_uptrend223344556789[1], true)
    stop223344556789 = is_uptrend_prev223344556789 ? max1223344556789 - mult223344556789 * atr_223344556789 : min1223344556789 + mult223344556789 * atr_223344556789
    vstop_prev223344556789 = nz(vstop223344556789[1])
    vstop1223344556789 = is_uptrend_prev223344556789 ? max(vstop_prev223344556789, stop223344556789) : min(vstop_prev223344556789, stop223344556789)
    is_uptrend223344556789 = close - vstop1223344556789 >= 0
    is_trend_changed223344556789 = is_uptrend223344556789 != is_uptrend_prev223344556789
    max_223344556789 = is_trend_changed223344556789 ? close : max1223344556789
    min_223344556789 = is_trend_changed223344556789 ? close : min1223344556789
    vstop223344556789 = is_trend_changed223344556789 ? is_uptrend223344556789 ? max_223344556789 - mult223344556789 * atr_223344556789 : min_223344556789 + mult223344556789 * atr_223344556789 : vstop1223344556789
    plot(vstop223344556789, color = is_uptrend223344556789 ? silver : fuchsia, style=cross, linewidth=1, transp=00, title="40")

    length2233445567891 = input(50)
    mult2233445567891 = input(50)
    atr_2233445567891 = atr(length2233445567891)
    max12233445567891 = max(nz(max_2233445567891[1]), close)
    min12233445567891 = min(nz(min_2233445567891[1]), close)
    is_uptrend_prev2233445567891 = nz(is_uptrend2233445567891[1], true)
    stop2233445567891 = is_uptrend_prev2233445567891 ? max12233445567891 - mult2233445567891 * atr_2233445567891 : min12233445567891 + mult2233445567891 * atr_2233445567891
    vstop_prev2233445567891 = nz(vstop2233445567891[1])
    vstop12233445567891 = is_uptrend_prev2233445567891 ? max(vstop_prev2233445567891, stop2233445567891) : min(vstop_prev2233445567891, stop2233445567891)
    is_uptrend2233445567891 = close - vstop12233445567891 >= 0
    is_trend_changed2233445567891 = is_uptrend2233445567891 != is_uptrend_prev2233445567891
    max_2233445567891 = is_trend_changed2233445567891 ? close : max12233445567891
    min_2233445567891 = is_trend_changed2233445567891 ? close : min12233445567891
    vstop2233445567891 = is_trend_changed2233445567891 ? is_uptrend2233445567891 ? max_2233445567891 - mult2233445567891 * atr_2233445567891 : min_2233445567891 + mult2233445567891 * atr_2233445567891 : vstop12233445567891
    plot(vstop2233445567891, color = is_uptrend2233445567891 ? silver : fuchsia, style=cross, linewidth=1, transp=00, title="50")

    Doğum tarihim 16/07/2024 olarak güncellenmiştir.

  7. Selamlar Sayın Yörük

    Tradingview teknik göstergeler altında '' Göreceli güç endeksi ( RSI ) Updated var

    Bu indikatorda ;

    RSI - RSI - Based MA 'yi kestiğinde indikator üzerinde yeşil nokta oluşsun ve grafikteki bari sariya boyasın
    RSI - Based MA - RSI'yı kesiğinde de indikator üzerinde kırmızı nokta oluşşsun ve grafikte bari maviye boyasın


    Gorselde ornegi mevcut pine dan denedim ancak basaramadim bu mumkun mudur yardimci olabilir misiniz ?

    SM-M526BR cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi

  8. aleyküm selam.... bahsettiğiniz bu galiba....

    wt cross lb yi anlamadım.....

    ikisi mi birleş bar renklenecek....anlamadım tam.....
    Doğum tarihim 16/07/2024 olarak güncellenmiştir.

Sayfa 101/272 İlkİlk ... 519199100101102103111151201 ... SonSon

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