Sayfa 1049/7020 İlkİlk ... 4954994999910391047104810491050105110591099114915492049 ... SonSon
Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 8,385 - 8,392 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Isvecli oyun ve roman yazari August Strindberg’in olum yildonumu (14 Mayis 1912)

    "Bir gun bir cocuga sormustum deniz neden tuzludur diye. Babasi uzun bir sefere cikmisti. Cocuk hemencecik karsilik verdi: ‘Deniz tuzludur cunku denizciler durmadan aglarlar!’ ‘Neden denizciler boyle cok aglar ki!’ ‘Cunku’ dedi ‘yolculukları bitmez. Onun için de mendillerini hep direklere asip kuruturlar!’ Gene sordum: ‘Ya nicin insanlar uzgun olunca aglar?’ ‘Cunku’ dedi ‘daha duru gorebilelim diye gozlerin camini ara sira yikamak gerek’ "

    “I once asked a little boy why the sea was salt, and the boy, whose father was away on a long journey, said right away, ‘The sea is salt because the sailors cry so much.’ ‘But why do the sailors cry so much?’ I asked. ‘Because,’ he said, ‘they always have to go away from home- and that's why they're always drying their handkerchiefs up on the masthead!! And then I asked him, ‘But why do people cry when they're sad?’ And he said, ‘That's because they have to wash the glasses of their eyes so they can see better.’ "

  2. Ingiliz yazar Henry Rider Haggard’in olum yildonumu (14 Mayis 1925)

    “Uc hafta - yalnızca uc hafta! Gercekten de zaman olaylarla olculmeliydi, saatlerin gecmesiyle degil. / Three weeks — and only three weeks! Truly time should be measured by events, and not by the lapse of hours.”

  3. Virginia Woolf'un Mrs. Dalloway romani 14 Mayis 1925'de yayinlandi.

    "Insanların mutlu gorunmelerini ne kadar da cok istedigini dusundu, dondu ve Bond Caddesi'ne dogru yururken sinirlendi cunku bir seyler yapmak için baska nedenler aramak ne kadar aptalcaydi. Richard gibi kendileri için bir seyler yapan o insanlardan biri olmayı istedigini dusundu karsiya gecmek icin beklerken, oysa yaptiklarinin yarisini yapilmasi gerektigi icin yapmiyorlardi; insanlarin sunu ya da bunu dusunmeleri icin yapiyorlardi; tam bir aptallik oldugunu biliyordu. Ah keske hayatimi yeni bastan yasayabilseydim diye dusundu kaldirima adim atarken, her sey o zaman bambaska olurdu!"

    "How much she wanted it- that people should look pleased as she came in, Clarissa thought and turned and walked back towards Bond Street, annoyed, because it was silly to have other reasons for doing things. Much rather would she have been one of those people like Richard who did things for themselves, whereas, she thought, waiting to cross, half the time she did things not simply, not for themselves; but to make people think this or that; perfect idiocy she knew (and now the policeman held up his hand) for no one was ever for a second taken in. Oh if she could have had her life over again! she thought, stepping on to the pavement, could have looked even differently!"

  4. Litvanya dogumlu Amerikali yazar Emma Goldman’in olum yildonumu (14 Mayis 1940)

    “Bir gun, bir gun gelecek, kadinlar ve erkekler isyan edecekler, dagin zirvesine erisecekler, askin altin isinlarinin altinda buyuk, guclu ve ozgur olarak bulusacaklar, almaya, katilmaya, keyifli bir durumun tadini cikarmaya hazir bir halde yasayacaklar. Ne fantezi, ne hayal gucu, ne siirsel zeka, kadinlarin ve erkeklerin hayatinda boyle bir gucun neler yapabilecegini ongormeye kabildir. Sayet dunya, gercek yoldasligi ve tekligi doguracaksa, boyle bir yoldasligin ve tekligin kaynagi evlilik degil, ask olacaktir.” Dans Edemeyeceksem Bu Benim Devrimim Degildir

    “Someday, someday men and women will rise, they will reach the mountain peak, they will meet big and strong and free, ready to receive, to partake, and to bask in the golden rays of love. What fancy, what imagination, what poetic genius can foresee even approximately the potentialities of such a force in the life of men and women. If the world is ever to give birth to true companionship and oneness, not marriage, but love will be the parent.”

  5. Amerikali film yapimcisi, yonetmen ve yazar George Lucas'in dogum gunu (14 Mayis 1944)

  6. Akademi Odullu Amerikali yonetmen, yapimci ve yazar Robert Lee Zemeckis’in dogum gunu (14 Mayis 1952)

  7. Ingiliz aktor, yapimci ve yonetmen Tim Roth'un dogum gunu (14 Mayis 1961)

  8. Iki Akademi Odulu, uc BAFTA Odulu ve uc Golden Globe sahibi Avustralyali aktris Cate Blanchett'in dogum gunu (14 Mayis 1969)

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