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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 13,985 - 13,992 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. James Stewart, Wallace Ford ve William H. Lynn'in rol aldigi komedi Harvey, 20 Aralik 1950'de New York ve Londra'da gosterime girdi.

  2. Ingiliz roman yazari Kate Atkinson'in dogum gunu (20 Aralik 1951)

    Civi dusse nal durmaz
    Nal olmazsa at kosmaz
    Atsiz suvari olmaz
    Atli yoksa cenk olmaz
    Cenk etmezsen hanlik kalmaz
    Tek bir civi yuzunden, hep o civi yuzunden

    For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
    For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
    For want of a horse the rider was lost.
    For want of a rider the battle was lost.
    For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
    And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

    ‘’Bu gunlerde genclerde, gelecegi kendileri icat etmisler gibi oyle cok coskunluk vardi ki. Iste savas bu nesil icin savasilmisti ve onlar simdi 'baris’ kelimesini bir reklam slogani gibi gelisiguzel her yerde kullaniyorlardi. Savasin nasil bir sey oldugunu deneyimleyememislerdi (Sylvie’nin ‘Ki bu da iyi bir sey’ dedigini duyar gibi oluyordu, ‘sonusta umuldugu gibi insanlara donusmemis olsalar da’) Churchill’in deyisiyle ozgurlugun tapu sicili ellerine verilmisti. Onunla ne yaptiklari artik kendi bilecekleri isti herhalde.’’ Hayat, Sil Bastan

    "Young people these days had so much enthusiasm for themselves, as if they had invented the future. This was the generation the war had been fought for and now they bandied the word 'peace' around glibly as though it were an advertising slogan. They had not experienced a war ('And that's a good thing she heard Sylvie say 'no matter how unsatisfactory they turn out. They had been handed, in Churchill's phrase, the title deeds of freedom. What they did with them was their affair now, she supposed."

  3. Emmy ve BAFTA Odullu Ingiliz aktris (Jennifer Ann Agutter) Jenny Agutter'in 66.dogum gunu (20 Aralik 1952)

  4. American Book Award sahibi Meksika asilli Amerikali yazar Sandra Cisneros’un dogum gunu (20 Aralik 1954)

    “Gokyuzunun fazlasi olmaz. Gokyuzunde uykuya dalabilir ve sarhos halde uyanabilirsiniz ve uzgun oldugunuzda sizi gokyuzu koruyabilir. Burada cok fazla uzuntu var ve yeteri kadar gokyuzu yok. Kelebekler de az ve ayni sekilde cicekler ve guzel olan diger bir cok sey de. Yine de alabildigimiz kadarini alip, elimizden geleni yapiyoruz.” Mango Sokagi'ndaki Ev

    “You can never have too much sky . You can fall asleep and wake up drunk on sky, and sky can keep you safe when you are sad. Here there is too much sadness and not enough sky. Butterflies too are few and so are flowers and most things that are beautiful. Still, we take what we can get and make the best of it.”

  5. Ingiliz roman yazari James Hilton’in olum yildonumu (20 Aralik 1954)

    “Dudaklarda purolar bitmeye yuz tutmustu; yillar sonra bir araya gelip de birbirlerinden ne kadar uzaklasmis olduklarini anlayan butun eski okul arkadaslarinin duydugu hayal kirikligi bizim de icimize cokmeye basliyordu. Rutherford yazar olmustu; romanlar yaziyordu. Wyland, buyukelcilik sekreterlerinden biriydi. Biraz once Tempelhof’ta yedigimiz aksam yemegini bizlere o ismarlamisti. Bana kalirsa pek cani gonulden yapmasa bile diplomatlarin boyle durumlar icin hazir bulundurduklari kibarlik ve guler yuzle gelmisti bu isin ustesinden. Bir yabancı ulke baskentinde uc yalniz ve bekar Ingiliz erkegi olmamiz disinda hicbir sey bizi bir araya getiremezdi saniyorum. Wyland Tertius’un, okul günlerinden aklimda kalan hafif ukala ve dar kafali kisiliginin sunca yildir hic duzelmemis oldugunun coktan farkina varmistim. Rutherford’u ise daha bir gozum tutmustu. Okul yillarinda kah zorbalikla hukmettigim, kah tepeden bakarak kanadimin altina aldigim o ustun zekali ve pisirik cocugu cok iyi asmis, cok gerilerde birakmayi basarmisti. Onun ikimizden de daha cok kazanip daha keyifli bir yaşam surdugunu bilmek, o gece Wyland’la beni ortak bir histe bulusturdu: hafif bir kiskanclik!” Yitik Ufuklar

    “Cigars had burned low, and we were beginning to sample the disillusionment that usually afflicts old school friends who have met again as men and found themselves with less in common than they had believed they had. Rutherford wrote novels; Wyland was one of the Embassy secretaries; he had just given us dinner at Tempelhof—not very cheerfully, I fancied, but with the equanimity which a diplomat must always keep on tap for such occasions. It seemed likely that nothing but the fact of being three celibate Englishmen in a foreign capital could have brought us together, and I had already reached the conclusion that the slight touch of priggishness which I remembered in Wyland Tertius had not diminished with years and an M.V.O. Rutherford I liked more; he had ripened well out of the skinny, precocious infant whom I had once alternately bullied and patronized. The probability that he was making much more money and having a more interesting life than either of us gave Wyland and me our one mutual emotion—a touch of envy.”

  6. Elvis Presley, 20 Aralik 1957’de Orduya katilma bildirimini teslim aldi.

  7. Jamaika dogumlu Kanadali kurgu roman yazari Nalo Hopkinson'in dogum gunu (20 Aralik 1960)

    “Arkadaslarim bahari gormus kurbagalar gibi —ya da kurbagalar hangi donemde yumurtluyorlarsa artik—yavrulamaya basladiklari zaman, benim de ayni seyi yapmaktaki gonulsuzlugum daha buyuk bir sorun haline geldi.”

    "When I reached the age where my friends were starting to spawn like frogs in springtime—or whenever the hell frogs spawn—my unwillingness to do the same became more of a problem."

    “Bir yetiskin olarak hayatimda cocuklar olmadan hatiri sayilir on yillar boyunca yasamayi basarmistim. Onlardan nefret etmiyorum. Her cocuksuz insanin, surunun erdemli ureyicileri tarafindan olumune gagalanmamak adina boyle soylemek zorunda oldugumu biliyorum.”

    "I’ve managed to live a good many decades as an adult without having children in my life. I don’t hate them, though I know that every childless person is supposed to say that so as not to be pecked to death by the righteous breeders of the flock."

  8. Jean-Luc Godard'nin yonettigi, Brigitte Bardot, Jack Palance, Michel Piccoli'nin rol aldigi drama Nefret (Le mépris - Contempt - Il disprezzo) 20 Aralik 1963'de Fransa'da vizyona girdi.

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