Sayfa 3240/7020 İlkİlk ... 224027403140319032303238323932403241324232503290334037404240 ... SonSon
Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 25,913 - 25,920 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Meksikali ressam Diego Rivera'nin dogum yildonumu (8 Aralik 1886)

    (Meksikali ressam Frida Kahlo'nun sevgili esi)

    Il Banchetto di Wall Street (Wall Street Banquet, 1928)

    Il Mercato di Tenochtitlan (Tenochtitlan Marketplace, 1945)

  2. Ingiliz ressam Christiana Jane Herringham’in dogum yil donumu (8 Aralik 1852)

    Portrait of a woman wearing a black bonnet with a pink and white bow, c.1900

    Un Battaglia di Amore e Castità (A Battle of Love and Chastity, Tahmini 1918)

  3. Temel Reis'in (Popeye - Braccio di Ferro) yaraticisi Amerikali karikaturist Elzie Crisler Segar'in dogum yildonumu (8 Aralik 1894)

  4. Vadim O Kadar Yesildi Ki romaninin Ingiliz yazari (Richard David Vivian Llewellyn Lloyd) Richard Llewellyn’in dogum yildonumu (8 Aralik 1906)

    “Altin sesini hala duymakta oldugum Socrates oldu mu? Sesleri kulaklarimda cinlayan arkadaslarim, olduler mi? Hayir derim ve hayir demekte direnirim. Kanimi akitsalar bile hayir derim. Ceinwen oldu mu? Oyleyse, butun guzelligiyle yanimda kim yatiyor, mucevher gibi gozleriyle gozlerimin icine kim bakiyor? Kimin parmaklari kollarimi SIKIYOR, canimi acitiyor? Gercek kadin sevgisinin ne oldugunu bana ogreten Branwen oldu mu? Kadin gucunun, erkeklerin yumruklarindan, adalelerinden ve seslerinden daha ustun oldugunu bana goreten Branwen oldu mu? Babam komurlerin altinda mi can verdi? Daha neler! O simdi koyde dolasiyor, ceketinin ustune Dovy'nin kirmizi formasini giymis, sokaklarda dans ediyor, birkac dakika sonra eve gelip on odada oturacak, piposunu icerken annemin elini oksayacak. Iste, iceri girdi bile. Bakin, Kraliceye yarasir bir koruyu yoneten en buyuk ogluna Kralice tarafindan verilen resmin karsisinda nasil da gogsunu kabartiyor. Beni sevdigi icin dunyadaki tek varligini, saatini bana veren o kaya gibi adam, sevgili akil hocam, dostum Mr. Gruffydd oldu mu? Nasil olmus olabilir? Onunla vedalasmaya calisirken doktugum gozyaslari hala islak islak duruyor yuzumde. Bogazimda dugumlenen yumrular hala canimi acitiyor. Ne yazik ki, soylemek istedigim kelimeleri bir turlu cikaramamis, hicbir sey soylemeden ondan ayrilmistim. Icim kan aglarken, yalniz gozyasi dokmustum. O oldu mu?”

    “Is Socrates dead, then, when I hear the gold of his voice? Are my friends all dead, then, and their voices a glory in my ears? No, and I will stand to say no, and no, again. In blood, I say no. Is Ceinwen dead, then, and her beauty dear beside me again, and her eyes with jewels for me, and my arms hurting with the grip of her fingers? Is Bronwen dead, who showed me the truth of the love of a woman? Is she dead, who proved to me that the strength of woman is stronger than the strength of fists, and muscles, and the male shoutings of men? Did my father die under the coal? But, God in heaven, he is down there now, dancing in the street with Davy's red jersey over his coat, and coming, in a moment, to smoke his pipe in the front room and pat my mother's hand, and look, and O, the heat of his pride, at the picture of a Queen, given by the hand of a Queen, in the Palace of a Queen, to his eldest son, whose baton lifted voices in music fit for a Queen to hear. Is Mr. Gruffydd dead, him, that one of rock and flame, who was friend and mentor, who gave me his watch that was all in the world he had, because he loved me? Is he dead, and the tears still wet on my face and my voice still cutting through rocks in my throat for minutes while I tried to say good-bye, and, O God, the words were shy to come, and I went from him wordless, in tears and with blood. Is he dead?”

  5. Fransiz ressam Tony Robert-Fleury'nin olum yildonumu (8 Aralik 1911)

    Russian army fires into Polish patriots Warsaw, 1861

    Le Dernier Jour de Corinthe (L'ultimo giorno di corinto, 1870)

  6. Yunan sair, cevirmen ve soz yazari Nikos Gatsos'un dogum yildonumu (8 Aralik 1911)

    Kemal′in oykusudur bu dinlediginiz
    Dogunun genc prensi o, hani bildiginiz…
    Soylu denizci Sinbad′a dayanir koku
    Bu dunyayi degistirilebilecegini dusunurdu
    Fakat Allah′in iradesi daha acidir
    ve ruhu insanin oldukca karanliktir.

    Bir zamanlar doguda
    Cuzdanlar bos, sular durgundu.
    Musul’da, Basra’da yasli bir hurma altinda
    Cocuklar aci icinde agliyordu.
    Eski ve soylu bir irkin bu genc adami
    Duyup agitlarini cocuklarin yanina geldi
    Bedeviler ona baktilar huzunle
    Ve o Allah adina yemin etti:
    Her seyi degistirecegine.
    Genc adamin korkusuzlugunu ogrendiklerinde
    Kurt disli ve aslan yeleli Krallar yola cikti
    Dicle’den Firat’a, gokyuzunden yeryuzune
    Onu canli yakalamak icin kosusturdular
    Av kopekleri gibi her yonden atildilar
    Bir kanca atip boynuna, goturduler Halife’ye.
    Siyah bal, siyah suttu o sabah yiyip ictigi
    Daragacinda vermeden once son nefesini.

    Iki yasli deve ve al renkli bir tay ile
    Peygamberdi bekleyen cennetin kapisinda
    Beraber yuruduler bulutlarin icinde
    Sam Yildiz’i eslik ediyordu onlara.
    Buldular Allah’i tam bir ay ve bir yil sonra
    ve yuksek makamindan soyle seslendi ona:

    “Ah benim acemim, caylagim, hicbir sey degismez
    Ates ve kilictir donduren dunyayi, insanoglu baska bir sey bilmez.”

    Iyi geceler Kemal, dunya degismeyecektir, iyi geceler...

    Hear now the story of Kemal
    A young prince from the East
    A descendant of Sinbad the Sailor,
    Who thought he could change the world.
    But bitter is the will of Allah,
    And dark the souls of men …

    Once upon a time in the East,
    The coffers are empty, the waters are stagnant.
    In Mosul, in Basrah, under an old date-palm,
    The children of the desert are bitterly crying.
    A young man of ancient and royal race
    Overhears their lament and goes to them.
    The Bedouins look at him sadly
    And he swears by Allah that things will change.

    When they learn of the young man’s fearlessness,
    The rulers set off with wolf-like teeth and a lion’s mane.
    From the Tigris to the Euphrates, in heaven and on earth,
    They pursue the renegade to catch him alive.
    They pounce on him like uncontrollable hounds,
    And take him to the caliph to put the noose around his neck.
    Black honey, black milk he drank that morning
    Before breathing his last on the gallows.

    With two aged camels and a red steed,
    At the gates of heaven the prophet awaits.
    They walk together among the clouds
    With the star of Damascus to keep them company.
    After a month, after a year, they find Allah
    Who, from his high throne, tells foolish Sinbad:
    "O my vanquished upstart, things never change;
    Fire and knives are the only things men know."

    Goodnight, Kemal. The world will never change. Goodnight…

  7. Amerikali sair ve kisa oyku yazari Delmore Schwartz’in dogum yildonumu (8 Aralik 1913)

    Yorgun ve mutsuz, yumusak halili, sicak
    Evleri dusunuyorsun Aralik aksaminda,
    Beyaz kar tanecikleri ucusurken camda
    Ve turuncu alevler ocakta oynasirken.
    Bir genc kiz
    Gluck’tan Orpheus’un Olume yalvardigi o sarkiyi
    Buyukleri mutluluk icinde baslarini sallayarak
    Zamanin yeniden canlanisini gormek icin onun
    cekingen gozlerinde:
    Hizmetciler kahve getiriyor, cocuklar odalarina
    Esneyip yataklarina gidiyor yaslisi genci,
    Pembe, kulrengi korlar parlayip sonuyor ocakta,
    Silkin artik, vaktidir uyanip bu budala dusten
    Basini yer altina inen telasli insanlara
    Ve o ince binalarin agirligina cevirmenin.
    Bak, metroyu dolduran kalabaligin icinde
    Adsiz seyirciler arasinda, iyi giyimli, yoksul
    Nice insan nasil senin yazginin canlarini
    Sasmayan bir carkin ofkesiyle cevreni sarip.

  8. Amerikali ressam Julian Alden Weir'in olum yildonumu (8 Aralik 1919)

    The Factory Village, 1897

    After the Ride aka Visiting Neighbors, 1903

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