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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 26,225 - 26,232 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Sovalyelik Nisani'na sahip Ingiliz mucit ve bilimkurgu yazari Arthur C. Clarke’in dogum yildonumu (16 Aralik 1917)

    “Gelecekte yasanacaklari dusunuyordu; bundan bir kac yil sonra Dunya ne hale gelecekti? Ne kadar sansli olduklarini asla anlamayacaklardi. Bir omurluk zaman diliminde insanlik, bir irkin gorup gorebilecegi her turlu mutlulugu elde etmisti. Altin Cagini yasamisti. Ancak altin ayni zamanda gun batiminin, Sonbaharin rengiydi ve kis firtinalarinin ilk esintilerini yalnizca Karellen'in kulaklari isitiyordu.

    Ve yalnizca Karellen biliyordu Altin Cag'in ne amansiz bir hizla nihayet ilerledigini.”

    "He thought of all that lay ahead, and what this world would be only a dozen years from now.They would never know how lucky they had been. For a lifetime, mankind had achieved as much happiness as any race can ever know. It had been the Golden Age. But gold was also the color of sunset, of autumn: and only Karellen's ears could catch the first wailings of the winter storms.

    And only Karellen knew with what inexorable swiftness the Golden Age was rushing to its close.”

    "Bu adada insanligin bagimsizligini, sanatsal geleneklerini de korumaya calisiyoruz. Hukumdarlara karsi dusmanlik besledigimizden degil; tek istedigimiz, kendi kafamiza gore yasamak. Eski zamanlarin ulus anlayisi yok edip, insanligin tarihin baslangicindan beri suregelen yasayis bicimine son verdiklerinde, kurunun yaninda yas da yandi. Artik ortada son derece ruhsuz, siradan ve kulturel acidan olu bir Dunya var. Hukumdarlar geldiginden beri yeni hicbir sey uretilmedi. Sebebi de acik. Mucadele etmeye deger bir sey kalmadi. Insanlar gunubirlik eglencelerle oyalaniyor. Her gun bir suru kanaldan yaklasik bes yuz saatlik radyo ve televizyon yayini yapildiginin farkinda misiniz? Hic uyumayip surekli bunlari takip etseniz, bir tik uzaginizdaki onca eglence programinin yuzde yirmisine bile yetisemezsiniz. Milletin tembel sungerlere donusmesine sasirmamali; her daim emiyorlar, ama asla uretmiyorlar. Yakinda kimse kendi hayatini yasamiyor olacak. Televizyon dizilerindeki aileleri izlemekten baska seye vakit kalmayacak."

    "Here on this island we're trying to save something of humanity's independence, its artistic traditions. We've no hostility towards the Overlords: we simply want to be left alone to go our own way. When they destroyed the old nations and the way of life man had known since the beginning of history, they swept away many good things with the bad. The world's now placid, featureless and culturally dead: nothing really new has been created since the Overlords came. The reason's obvious. There's nothing left to struggle for, and there are too many distractions and entertainments. Do you realize that every day something like five hundred hours of radio and TV pour out over the various channels? If you went without sleep and did nothing else, you could follow less than a twentieth of the entertainment that's available at the turn of a switch! No wonder that people are becoming passive sponges-absorbing but never creating. Did you know that the average viewing time per person is now three hours a day? Soon people won't be living their own lives any more. It will be a full-time job keeping up with the various family serials on TV!”

  2. Amerikali sair ve roman yazari Elinor Wylie’nin olum yildonumu (16 Aralik 1928)

    Yuruyelim beyaz karda
    Sessiz bir yerde;
    Sakin ve yavas adimlarla,
    Durgun bir gidiste,
    Beyaz danteladan yasmaklar altinda.

    Kaplayacagim ayagimi ipekle,
    Ve senin ayagini yunle,
    Ak inegin sutunce ak,
    Bir martinin bagrina gore
    Daha da berrak.

    O dingin sehrin arasindan yuruyecegiz
    Ruzgarsiz erincte;
    Beyaz ustune inecegiz,
    Gumus yun ustune,
    Bunlardan daha da yumusak seyler ustune.

    Kadife ayakkabilarda yuruyecegiz:
    Gidelim, onemli degil nereye,
    Dusecek sebnemler misali sessiz,
    Beyaz sukut ustunde.
    Karda yuruyecegiz.

  3. Amerikali bilim kurgu ve kisa oyku yazari Philip Kindred Dick’in dogum yildonumu (16 Aralik 1928)

    “Solup giden bir irk icin ne yapilabilirdi? Mars'in yerli halki icin zaman, 60'larda ilk Sovyet gemisinin televizyon kameralariyla birlikte gokyuzunde belirmesinden cok daha once tukenmisti.Hicbir insan grubu onlari yok etmek icin komplo kurmamisti, cunku buna gerek kalmamisti. Ilk baslarda muazzam bir merak kaynagi olmuslardi. Cunku onlar, ugruna milyarlar harcanan Mars'a ulasma projelerinin sonucunda elde edilen kesiflerdi. Onlar dünyadisi bir irkti.”Mars’ta Zaman Kaymasi

    “But what could be done for a waning race? Time had run out for the natives of Mars long before the first Soviet ship had appeared in the sky with its television cameras grinding away, back in the '60s. No human group had conspired to exterminate them; it had not been necessary. And anyhow they had been a vast curiosity, at first. Here was a discovery worth the billions spent in the task of reaching Mars. Here was an extraterrestrial race.”

    “Yine de, Amerikan yerlilerinden kurtulmak iki yuz sene surmustu ve Almanya Afrika'da ayni isi on bes senede basarmisti. Bu yuzden tum elestiriler yersizdi. Aslinda bunu gecenlerde, o diger dukkan sahiplerinden bazilariyla yemek yerken tartismisti. Onlar acikca mucize bekliyorlardi, sanki Naziler dunyayi buyu yoluyla yeniden bicimlendirebilirlermis gibi. Hayir, sonuc alinmasini saglayan sey bilim, teknoloji ve o meshur SIKI calisma yetenegiydi; Almanlar kendilerini yaptiklari ise adamaktan asla vazgecmiyorlardi. Ve bir isi yaptiklarinda, onu adam gibi yapiyorlardi.” Yuksek Satodaki Adam

    “Still, it had taken two hundred years to dispose of the American aborigines, and Germany had almost done it in Africa in fifteen years. So no criticism was legitimately in order. Childan had, in fact, argued it out recently while having lunch with certain of those other merchants. They expected miracles, evidently, as if the Nazis could remold the world by magic. No, it was science and technology and that fabulous talent for hard work; the Germans never stopped applying themselves. And when they did a task, they did it right.”

  4. 2 Akademi Odul adayligi bulunan, 1 Golden Globe Odul sahibi Norvec asilli aktris Liv Ullmann’in dogum gunu (16 Aralik 1938)

  5. 22 yasindaki 'Cocuk Yildiz' Shirley (Jane) Temple, 16 Aralik 1950'de sinema kariyerini sonlandirdigini acikladi.

  6. Ingiliz oyun, hikaye ve roman yazari William Somerset Maugham’in olum yildonumu (16 Aralik 1965)

    'Bana haksizlik ettigini dusunuyorum. Aptal, onemsiz ve basit biri oldugum icin beni suclaman adil degil.Ben boyle yetistirildim.Tanidigim butun kizlar da boyle.Bu, muzik kulagi olmayan birini senfoni dinlerken SIKILDIGI icin azarlamaya benziyor.Bana sahip olmadigim nitelikler yakistirdigin icin beni suclaman adil mi? Seni hicbir zaman olmadigim biri gibi gorunerek kandirmaya calimadim.Sadece hos ve neseliydim.Sen carsida gezerken inci kolye ya da samur kurku degil; teneke bir trompet ve oyuncak balon istedin.'' Boyali Pece

    “I think you do me an injustice. It’s not fair to blame me because I was silly and frivolous and vulgar. I was brought up like that. All the girls I know are like that…It’s like reproaching someone who has no ear for music because he’s bored at a symphony concert. Is it fair to blame me because you ascribed to me qualities that I hadn’t got? I never tried to deceive you by pretending I was anything I wasn’t. I was just pretty and gay. You don’t ask for a pearl necklace or a sable coat at a booth in a fair; you ask for a tin trumpet and a toy balloon.”

  7. Ask Hikayesi’nin (Love Story) 49. Yili (16 Aralik 1970, Amerika)

    "Ne anlatilabilir artik hayatta olmayan 25 yasindaki bir kiz hakkinda? Guzelligi, olaganustulugu? Mozart’i ve Bach’i sevdigi. Beatles’i da… Ve beni de… / Che cosa si può dire di una ragazza morta a venticinque anni? Che era bella. E simpatica. Che amava Mozart e Bach… E i Beatles. E me…"

  8. Yunan sair Kostas Varnalis'in olum yildonumu (16 Aralik 1974)

    Bodrumdaki tavernada,
    sigara dumanlari ve kufurler arasinda,
    yukarida laternanin tiz sesi
    butun arkadaslar ictik dun,
    dun, butun aksamlar gibi,
    acilari unutalim diye.

    Biri digerinin yaninda SIKILIYOR
    ve ara sira yere tukuruyordu,
    Ah! Ne buyuk bir acidir
    hayatin yuku
    Akil cile cektigi surece
    hatirlamiyor beyaz bir gunu

    Gunes ve firuze deniz
    ve sefih gokyuzunun derinligi,
    Ah! Sari seffafligi safagin,
    gunbatiminin karanfilleri,
    uzagimizda yanip sonuyorsunuz,
    giremeden kalbimize!

    Birinin babasi on yildir
    koturum – ayni hortlak,
    digerinin karisinin gunleri yaz
    eriyor evde veremden,
    Mazis’in oglu Palamidi’de hapiste,
    Yavis’in kizi Gazi’de genelevde.

    Carpik kaderimizin sucu!
    Bizden nefret eden Tanri’nin sucu!
    Tehlikeli fikirlerimizin sucu!
    Hepsinden once sarabin sucu!
    «Suclu kim? Suclu kim?..» Henuz
    hicbir agiz bulup soyleyemedi.

    Bu yuzden, karanlik tavernada
    boynu bukuk iceriz daima,
    her topuk solucanlar gibi
    ezer bizi nerede bulsa:
    korkak, talihsiz ve kararsiz
    Bekliyoruz, belki de, bir mucizeyi.

    In the underground tavern
    In between smoke and swearing
    (Upstairs the lantern was screaming)
    All our company was drinking yesterday,
    Yesterday, like every other night
    Swallowing the bitter events that shape our lives.

    Tightly stacked besides each other
    Spitting on the earth’s face
    Oh what a big torture
    The torture of life is
    No matter how hard our mind tries,
    It remembers no happy day

    Sun and oh blue sea
    Depth of the fatherless sky
    Of the dawn egg-yolked wrap
    Carnation of the dusk
    You shine then fade afar
    Never entering our heart.

    One’s father years ten now
    Paralyzed, same as skeleton
    The other’s wife life is short
    slowing melting away
    At Palamidi the son of Mazis
    The daughter of Yiavis at Gkazi

    It’s our cursed fate
    It’s God’s hatred for us
    It’s our own stupidity
    But above all it’s all the wine we’ve drunk
    Whose fault it is?
    No mouth has ever found the answer

    Thus in the dark underground tavern
    we drink always heads down
    Like worms, every heel
    that finds us steps on us
    Cowardly, destined and without any willpower
    We are, perhaps, expecting some miracle!

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