Sayfa 4044/7020 İlkİlk ... 304435443944399440344042404340444045404640544094414445445044 ... SonSon
Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 32,345 - 32,352 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Ingiliz ressam Clarkson Frederick Stanfield'in olum yildonumu (18 Mayis 1867)

    Mount St Michael, Cornwall, 1830

    The Battle of Trafalgar, 21 Ekim 1805 (1836)

  2. 1950 yilinda Nobel Edebiyat Odulu’nu kazanan, Ingiliz filozof, mantikci, matematikci, tarihci, yazar, sosyal elestirmen, politik eylemci Bertrand (Arthur William) Russell'in dogum yildonumu (18 Mayis 1872)

    "Saygideger kadinlarin arasinda cekememezlik onemli bir yer tutar. Yeralti treninde oturuyorsunuz, guzel giyinmis bir hanim giriyor iceriye, vagondaki kadinlarin gozlerine dikkat edin. Goreceksiniz ki, her biri bu kadina kotu niyetli bakislar firlatmakta ve onda bir kusur bulmak icin cirpinmaktadir.

    Ayni seye erkekler arasinda da rastlanir; yalniz su farkla ki, diger butun kadinlari kendilerine rakip olarak gordukleri halde, erkekler bu duyguyu ancak kendi meslektaslarina beslerler." Mutlu Olma Sanati

    "Among average respectable women envy plays an extraordinarily large part. If you are sitting in the underground and a well-dressed woman happens to walk along the car, watch the eyes of the other women. You will see that every one of then, with the possible exception of those who are better dressed, will watch the woman with malevolent glances, and will be struggling to draw inferences derogatory to her.

    Exactly the same thing, however, is to be observed among men, except that women regard all other women as their competitors, whereas men as a rule only have this feeling towards other men in the same profession."

    "Bugunku haliyle uygar insanoglu nefrete dostluktan daha fazla egilimlidir. Nefrete egilimlidir, cunku yasamindan hosnut degildir, cunku yasamin anlamini yitirdigini, dunya nimetlerinin tadini baskalarinin cikardigini kendisinin bircogundan yararlanamadigini hissetmektedir."

    "The human heart as modern civilisation has made it is more prone to hatred than to friendship. And it is prone to hatred because it is dissatisfied, because it feels deply, perhaps even unconsciously, that it has somehow missed the meaning of life, that perhaps others, but not we ourselves, have secured the good things which nature offers man's enjoyment."

  3. Italyan ressam Giulio Cesare Vinzio'nun dogum yildonumu (18 Mayis 1881)

    Campagna toscana, 1920-1930 (Fondazione Cariplo)

    Pastore con Gregge, XX sec.

  4. Fransiz ressam Alphonse-Marie-Adolphe de Neuville'in olum yildonumu (18 Mayis 1885)

    Les dernières cartouches, 1873

    The Defence of Rorke's Drift, 1880

  5. Italyan ressam Pietro Aldi'nin olum yildonumu (18 Mayis 1888)

    Afresco: L'incontro tra Giuseppe Garibaldi e Vittorio Emanuele II (The meeting between Giuseppe Garibaldi and Vittorio Emanuele II, 1886) Sala del Palazzo Pubblico di Siena

    Portatrice d'acqua, XIX sec

  6. Ispanyol ressam Casto Plasencia y Maestro'nun olum yildonumu (18 Mayis 1890)

    Origin of the Roman Republic, 1877

    La lechera (The milkmaid, 1889)

  7. Italyan ressam Scipione Vannutelli'nin olum yildonumu (18 Mayis 1894)

    Maria Stuarda si avvia al patibolo, 1861

    Funerali di Giulietta, 1888

  8. Italyan ressam Lorenzo Gelati'nin olum yildonumu (18 Mayis 1895)

    Fra Angelico in the Refectory of San Domenico, circa 1879

    Paesaggio, XIX sec.

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