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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 34,249 - 34,256 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Italyan ressam Orazio Fidani’nin dogum yildonumu (10 Temmuz 1606)

    Un uomo che scuoia un pesce (A man flaying a fish, 1630s)

    Angelica e Medoro prendono congedo dai pastori, 1634

  2. Ispanyol Barok ressam Antonio del Castillo y Saavedra’nin dogum yildonumu (10 Temmuz 1616)

    Joseph Sold by his Brothers, c.1660

    Bautismo de san Francisco de Asís, 1663 – 1665

  3. Flaman ressam (David Teniers III) David Teniers junior’in dogum yildonumu (10 Temmuz 1638)

    Triumphal entry of Don John of Austria the Younger, 17th century

    Bowls players, 17th century

  4. Ingiliz roman ve oyun yazari, sair Aphra Behn'in dogum yildonumu (10 Temmuz 1640)

    "... omru yettigi surece sahip olacagi tek kadin olacagi sozunu verdi. Yaslanmak ya da kirisiklar onu degistirmeyecekti. Cunku Imoinda'nin ruhu daima guzel, daima genc kalacakti. Su an tasidigi cazibe, Oroonoko'nun zihninde sonsuza dek kalacakti. Zihnindeki imgeyi onun yuzunde artik bulamadiginda, canlandirmak icin kalbine bakmasi yetecekti."

    "...he made her vows, she shou'd be the only woman he wou'd possess while he liv'd; that no age or wrinkles shou'd encline him to change; for her soul wou'd be always fine, and always young; and he shou'd have an eternal idea in his mind of the charms she now bore; and shou'd look into his heart for that idea, when he cou'd find it no longer in her face."

    "Ask da sohret gibidir; bir defa giderse bir daha geri gelmez."

  5. Italyan ressam Vincenzo Chilone’nin dogum yildonumu (10 Temmuz 1758)

    The Regatta on the Grand Canal, Venice, looking towards the Palazzo Foscari and Palazzo Balbi, 1820

    San Marco Flooded, 1825

  6. Ingiliz ressam George Stubbs’in dogum yildonumu (10 Temmuz 1806)

    A Lion Attacking a Horse, 1765 (National Gallery of Victoria)

    Gimcrack on Newmarket Heath, with a Trainer, a Stable-lad, and a Jockey, 1765

  7. Amerikali kolelik karsiti yazar ve 12 Yillik Esaret'i yazan Solomon Northup'in dogum yildonumu (10 Temmuz 1808)

    "Ah! iste o zaman koleligin yuku cok agir gelmisti. Gunbegun calismali, kotu muamelelere, azarlamalara, alaylara katlanmali, sert zeminde uyumali, mumkun olan en cuzi meblagla gecinmeli ve tum bunlar yetmiyormus gibi, korkusunu surekli icimde hissettigim gozu donmus bir alcagin kolesi rolunu oynamaliydim! Neden tanri bana sevecegim ve uguruna yasamak isteyecegim cocuklar vermeden once, genc yaslarda olmemistim? Ne buyuk mutsuzluk ve acilari onlemis olurdu! Ozgurluk diye ic cektim ama kolelik zincirleri etrafimdaydi ve cikarip atamiyordum." 12 Yillik Esaret

    “Oh! How heavily the weight of slavery pressed upon me then. I must toil day after day, endure abuse and taunts and scoffs, sleep on the hard ground, live on the coarsest fare, and not only this, but live the slave of a blood-seeking wretch, of whom I must stand henceforth in continued fear and dread. Why had I not died in my young years-before God had given me children to love and live for? What unhappiness and suffering and sorrow it would have prevented. I sighed for liberty; but the bondsman's chain was round me, and could not be shaken off.”

    "Refah zamaninda ve onu yaralayacak ya da korkutacak bir sey olmadiginda Tanri'yi hatirlamaz, O'na karsi gelmeye bile acik olurdu insan.Ama onu tehlikenin ortasina koy, kimsesiz bicare birak, mezarini gozleri onunde kaz,o zaman, o musibet aninda inanmayan adam Tanri'nin koruyucu kollarindan baska umut, siginak veya emniyet olmadigiı icin O'ndan medet umardi."

    “At such times, the heart of man turns instictively towards his Maker. In prosperity, and whenever there is nothing to injure or make him afraid, he remembers Him not, and is ready to defy Him; but place him in the midst of dangers, cut him off from human aid, let the grave open before him, then it is, in the time of his tribulation, that the scoffer and unbelieving man turns to God for help, feeling there is no other hope, or refuge, or safety, save in his protecting arm.”

  8. Amerikali ressam Sanford Robinson Gifford’in dogum yildonumu (10 Temmuz 1823)

    Lake Scene, 1861

    October in the Catskills 1880

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