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Arama sonucu : 7310 madde; 2,929 - 2,936 arasý.

Konu: KRONT - Kron Telekomünikasyon

  1. Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin talk warfare after spike in attacks

    Cyber attacks have increased since Mr Biden and Mr Putin last spoke in Geneva
    The US President is under pressure to show there will be consequences if the attacks continue
    The Kremlin has promised to co-operate with US authorities to try and end cyber-warfare

  2. Pam sektorunde konsolidasyon, birlesme ve satinalmalar devam ediyor. Ýronsphere ya da krontech’in yakin zamanda buna benzer bir haberde yeralmasini diliyorum. YTD.

  3. China drafts three-year plan to boost its cybersecurity industry amid increasing concerns for data safety

    MIIT’s strategy to develop the cybersecurity industry estimates the sector may be worth more than US$38.6 billion by 2023

    Cyber threats have risen during last year but China is also boosting cybersecurity for national security reasons, experts say

    Cybersecurity threats have made headlines around the world as the Covid-19 pandemic forced everyone online, allowing hackers to leverage the technology supply chain as a point of entry to conduct attacks like those on Kaseya, Colonial Pipeline, SolarWinds and FireEye, according to Kenn Yee, a policy analyst at Access Partnership.

  4. Herkese iyi bayramlar

    Yazdýklarým ve çizdiklerim asla ve asl yatýrým tavsiyesi olamaz....
    Yazdýklarým ve Çizdiklerim asla ve asla yatýrým tavsiyesi deðildir. Tamamen kendimi geliþtirmek adýna karalamalardýr.

  5. Chinese state-sponsored cyber activity poses a major threat to U.S. and allied systems. These actors aggressively target political, economic, military, educational, and critical infrastructure personnel and organizations to access valuable, sensitive data. These cyber operations support Chinaâ€ââââââ↚¬Å¡¬Å¡¬ž¢s long-term economic and military objectives.

    The United States, joiineed by Allies and Partners, Attributes Malicious Cyber Activity and Irresponsible State Behavior to the Peopleâ€âââââ‚ ¬Å¡¬ž¢s Republic of China

    Özetle bütün batý, Çin'e karþý siber savaþ açtý.

    amerikan ve dünya piyasalarý -2 % iken

    BUG etf pozitif kapattý
    Son düzenleme : lionnes; 20-07-2021 saat: 01:47.


    Pam pazari icin 2021 Gartner magic quadrant raporu yayinlandi. Ýyi haber su; Hitachi ve Manage Engine gibi guclu rakipler quadrant disi kalmasina ragmen neyse ki Krontech hala “niche player” olarak yerini korudu.
    Nispeten kotu olabilecek kismi ise niche player quadrantinda 2020 raporundaki bulundugumuz yerden daha asagi kisimda konumlandirilmamiz.

    Ama genel olarak rekabetin bu kadar yogun oldugu bir pazarda hala ilk 10’da yeralmamiz( Thycotic, Centrify birlesmesinden sonra ilk 9’da) hala umit oldugunu gosteriyor.

    Hayirlisi olsun diyelim

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