Sayfa 1729/7020 İlkİlk ... 72912291629167917191727172817291730173117391779182922292729 ... SonSon
Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 13,825 - 13,832 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Antonin Dvorak’in Symphony 9. Senfoni (New World Symphony - E-minor, Opus 95) promiyerini 15 Aralik 1893’de New York, Carnegie Hall’de gerceklestirdi.

  2. Amerikali yazar Betty Smith’in dogum yil donumu (15 Aralik 1896)

    “Evet, buyuyup kendi evim oldugu zaman ne kadife koltuk isterim ne de tul perde. Ne de kaucuk agaci. Salonumda boyle bir yazi masasi, beyaz duvarlar, her Cumartesi aksami temiz pembe bir kurutma kagidi, yazmak icin her zaman ucu sivri bir sira parlak sari kalem, icinde her gun bir cicek ya da birkac yaprak olan sarimtirak kahverengi bir vazo ve bir dolu kitap. Kitap…kitap…kitap.” Bir Genc Kiz Yetisiyor

    "Yes, when I get big and have my own home, no plush chairs and lace curtains for me. And no rubber plants. I'll have a desk like this in my parlor and white walls and a clean green blotter every Saturday night and a row of shining yellow pencils always sharpened for writing and a golden-brown bowl with a flower or some leaves or berries always in it and books ... books ... books.”

  3. Amerikali sair ve politik aktivist Muriel Rukeyser’in dogum yildonumu (15 Aralik 1913)

    Baska asklari, baska cocuklari, baska hediyeleri getirdi – ama
    Sevgilim senin oldugun yerdeydi yasam
    Saatlerimdeydin, savasta dussen de
    Gunesin aydınlattigi tarlalarda ya da bir yerlerdeki mucizede,
    Senin ask ve savas sozcuklerin, olum ve baska vaatlerin
    Yadigarim ol hayat boyu suren bir sesle…

    Other loves, other children, other gifts, as you said, Of the revolution, arrive—but,
    darling, where You entered, life
    Entered my hours, whether you lie fallen
    Among those sunlight fields, or by miracle somewhere stand,
    Your words of war and love, death and another promise
    Survive as a lifetime sound…

  4. Irlandali roman ve kisa oyku yazari Edna O'Brien’in dogum gunu (15 Aralik 1930)

    “Caylarini icip keklerini yedikten sonra, cikacaklari tekne gezisi icin bir yemek sepeti hazirlar mi diye sordular Delia’ya; lop yumurtayla ekmek arasi bir seyler goturmek istiyorlardi. Delia sadece odayla kahvalti ucretini aldigini, aksam yemegi icin baslarinin caresine bakmalarini soyledi onlara.

    Aile gece yarisindan sonra dondu pansiyona; Delia seslerini duydu, merdivenden cikarlarken habire, “Hiss, hiss, hiss!” diye fisildiyorlardi. Sirayla ayakyoluna girdiler. Ayak seslerinden anlamisti Delia; gurultu etmemek icin cok ugrasiyor olacaklardi ki evde cit cikmiyordu dogrusu, ta ki bir sey sangir sungur kirilincaya kadar. ‘Dis macunumla fircami koydugum porselen bardak herhalde,’ diye dusundu Delia. Balkopugu renkli yesil yivli bir bardakti bu, ustunde kucuk kucuk yonca celenkleri vardi; ne cok severdi bu bardagi, kalkip o aileden hesap sormak istedi, ama nedense kimildayamadi yerinden. Zaten bir sabahligi bile yoktu giyecek. Onlarin ustunde var miydi acaba? Kadin giyiyordur herhalde, ama kocasinin sirtinda sadece gomlegi vardir.” Azizler ve Gunahkarlar

    “After the tea and cake, they wondered if they might have a picnic basket with some sandwiches and hardboiled eggs as they were taking a boating expedition. he explained then that they must make their own arrangements for dinner, as she was really just bed and breakfast.

    When they returned, after midnight, she heard them say 'Shhh shhh shhh' repeatedly as they climbed the stairs. They used the bathroom in turns. She could tell by their footsteps and had to concede that they were doing their best to be quiet, that is, until something went crash, crash. She reckoned it was the china tooth mug. She loved that tooth mug, cream with green fluting and little gar- lands of shamrock, and she wanted to get up and tackle them, but something stopped her. Also, she did not have a dressing gown. Would they be in their dressing gowns? The woman possibly yes, and the man in his shirtsleeves.”

  5. Margaret Mitchell'în Pulitzer Odullu romanindan uyarlanan, Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh ve Thomas Mitchell’in rol aldigi Ruzgar Gibi Gecti (Gone with the Wind - Via col vento) 15 Aralik 1939’da Atlanta, Georgia’da gosterime girdi.

  6. Mistik romanlarin Galli yazari Arthur Machen'in olum yildonumu (15 Aralik 1947)

    "Her buyuk sehirde oldugu gibi burada da hayat sartlari inanilmaz derecede yapay bir hale geldi. Bu mevkide saldiracak erkegin veya kadinin karsisina basit bir sarampol degil, bir dizi ustaca hazirlanmis duzenek, mayinlar ve cukurlar cikar. Bunlari asmak buyuk ustalik ister. Siz, kendi safliginiz icinde, bu duvarlarin yerle bir olmasi icin ciglik atmanin yeterli olacagini sandiniz. Fakat bu turden sasirtici zaferlerin zamani gecti..." Isildayan Piramit

    "As must always happen in large towns, the conditions of life have become hugely artificial; no mere simple palisade is run up to oppose the man or woman who would take the place by storm, but serried lines of subtle contrivances, mines, and pitfalls which it needs a strange skill to overcome. You, in your simplicity, fancied you had only to shout for these walls to sink into nothingness, but the time is gone for such startling victories as these..."

    "Miriltilari ve fisiltilarinin yerini tum seylerin uzerine dusermis gibi duran sonsuz bir sessizlik aldi. Orman sustu ve zamanda bir an icin insan ya da hayvan, canli ya da olu olmayan, hepsinin karisimi olan, tum seylerin formunda olan ama bir formu olmayan bir varlikla yuz yuze geldi. Ve o anda beden ve ruhun toreni sona erdi ve bir ses haykirdi: 'Hadi gidelim.' Sonrasi yildizlarin otesindeki karanligin karanligi, daimi karanlik." Yuce Tanri Pan

    "When suddenly, in place of the hum and murmur of the summer, an infinite silence seemed to fall on all things, and the wood was hushed, and for a moment in time he stood face to face there with a presence, that was neither man nor beast, neither the living nor the dead, but all things mingled, the form of all things but devoid of all form. And in that moment, the sacrament of body and soul was dissolved, and a voice seemed to cry 'Let us go hence,' and then the darkness of darkness beyond the stars, the darkness of everlasting."

  7. Albert Camus’nun Adiller (The Just Assassins - Les Justes) oyunu promiyerini 15 Aralik 1949’da Paris, Théâtre Hébertot’da yapti.

  8. Amerikali aktor, yonetmen ve muzisyen Donald Wayne 'Don' Johnson’în dogum gunu (15 Aralik 1949)

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