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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 21,833 - 21,840 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Fransiz edebiyatinda romantizmin oncusu Fransiz yazar, politikaci, diplomat ve tarihci Francois-René de Chateaubriand’in dogum yildonumu (4 Eylul 1768)

    “Gecmis ve simdi tamamlanmamis iki heykeldir: biri caglarin yikintilarindan sakat cikarilmistir, oteki ise gelecek konusundaki yetkinlige henuz kavusamamistir.”

    “Le passé et le présent sont deux statues incomplètes: l'une a été retirée toute mutilée du débris des âges, l'autre n'a pas encore reçu sa perfection de l'avenir.”

    Sen benim olacaksin
    Ve neler alacaksin
    Armaganim olarak.
    Cordova'yi Sevilla'yi
    Gorkemli giysileri,
    Incileri, elmaslari
    Verecegim hep sana
    Askimiz icin sevgili,

    Je t'épouserai,
    Puis apporterai
    En dons à ta ville,
    Cordoue et Séville.
    Superbes atours
    Et perle fine
    Je te destine
    Pour nos amours.

  2. Avusturyali ressam Peter Fendi'nin dogum yildonumu (4 Eylul 1796)

    Szene aus der Überschwemmung (Scene of the flooding, 1830)

    Die Lauscherin (The Eavesdropper / Sneaking a peek, 1833)

  3. Ingiliz ressam Albert Joseph Moore'un dogum yildonumu (4 Eylul 1841)

    Canaries, 1875 until 1880

    The Loves of the Winds and the Seasons, 1893

  4. Alman ressam, heykeltiras ve tasarımci Oskar Schlemmer'in dogum yildonumu (4 Eylul 1888)

    Die Frauenschule, 1930

    Bauhaustreppe (Bauhaus Stairway, 1932)

  5. Ailesi Izmir'den gocen Yunanlilardan Fransiz oyun yazari, oyuncu, yonetmen ve sair Antoine Marie Joseph Artaud'nun olum yil donumu (4 Eylul 1896)

    "Tiyatro seyircinin cinayete yatkin egilimlerini, erotik saplantilarini, yabanilligini, karabasanlarini, yasam ve nesneler karsisinda utopik duyumunu, hatta kana susamisligini iceren duslerini gercekten sergileyemedigi, onun duzmece ve aldatici bir duzlemde degil, icinden geldigince arinmasini saglayamadigi surece kendini bulamaz, yani, gercek bir yanilsama araci olamaz"

    “Le théâtre ne pourra redevenir lui-même qu'en fournissant au spectateur des précipités véridiques de rêves, où son goût du crime, ses obsessions érotiques, sa sauvagerie, ses chimères, son sens utopique de la vie et des choses, son cannibalisme même, se débondent, sur un plan non pas supposé et illusoire, mais intérieur.”

    "The theatre will never find itself again except by furnishing the spectator with the truthful precipitates of dreams, in which his taste for crime, his erotic obsessions, his savagery, his chimeras, his utopian sense of life and matter, even his cannibalism, pour out on a level not counterfeit and illusory, but interior."

  6. Fransiz portre ve mitoloji ressami Émile Jean-Baptiste Philippe Bin'in olum yildonumu (4 Eylul 1897)

    Le Bûcheron et l'Hamadryade Aïgeïros (The Hamadryad, 1870)

    La mort d'Orphée (The Death of Orpheus, 1874)

  7. Amerikali ressam Martin Johnson Heade'in olum yildonumu (4 Eylul 1904)

    Approaching Thunder Storm, 1859

    Cattleya Orchid and Three Brazilian Hummingbirds, 1871

  8. Amerikali yazar Richard Nathaniel Wright’in dogum yildonum (4 Eylul 1908)

    “Aksamlari odamda kitap okurken komsu mutfaklardan birinde kizaran etin kokusu burnuma gelir, insan diledigi kadar et bulursa ne hisseder, onu cikarmaya calisirdim. Dusuncelerime yol verir, her yemekte et yiyen bir ailenin cocugu oldugumu kurar, sonra bu bos hayallerden bezip ayaga kalkar, bana aci cektiren kokuyu duymamak icin pencereyi kapardim.”

    “Of an evening I would sit in my room reading, and suddenly I would become aware of the smelling meat frying in a neighbor’s kitchen and I would wonder what it was like to eat as much meat as one wanted. My mind would drift into a fantasy and I would imagine myself a son in a family that had meat on the table at each meal; then I would become disgruntled with my futile daydreams and would rise and shut the window to bar the torturing scent of meat.”

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