Sayfa 535/579 İlkİlk ... 35435485525533534535536537545 ... SonSon
Arama sonucu : 4630 madde; 4,273 - 4,280 arası.

Konu: HALK Cafe - III

  1. Ulan endeks 850 puan iken 5,25 idi. 1550 puandayız 5,25 böyle bir şey yok. Ha gerçi diyeceksiniz ki 700 puanken 14-15'di ona bakarsan. Sen de haklısın ne diyeyim. Akıl sır almıyor vallahi.

  2. #4274
    Evet nihayet bir tavan gördük ve bekleyişimiz devam ediyor Sağlık sıhat oldukça İnşallah beklemek sabır meyvesini verecektir

    ASUS_X008D cihazımdan Tapatalk kullanılarak gönderildi

  3. #4275

    Burda cok guzel bir dokuman var temyizdeki FSIA ile ilgili.

  4. #4276
    As the Halkbank Court acknowledgedin a footnote, “not all Circuits agree” on whetherand under what circumstances U.S. courts can exercise criminal jurisdiction over foreign sovereign entities—and the Second Circuit may now have a chance to weigh in.

    The Sixth Circuit has held that the FSIA“grants immunity to foreign sovereigns from criminal prosecution, absent an international agreement stating otherwise.” In contrast to the Sixth Circuit,but consistent with the SDNY in Halkbank,the Tenth, Eleventh,and D.C. Circuits have held that the FSIA does not precludejurisdiction over foreign sovereign entities in criminal cases.
    6. temyiz mahkemesi lehe karar vermis daha once. Ama 10, 11 ve DC temyiz mahkemeleri aleyhe karar vermis, kriminal davalarda kullanilamaz demis.

  5. #4277
    The U.S. government has only rarely sought to pursue criminal charges against foreign sovereign entities such as SOEs, and such cases are often resolved without expressly reaching the question of the sovereign entity’s potential immunity from criminal liability. Criminal charges have never been brought against a foreign state itself.
    The Halkbank decision adds to the U.S. government’s arsenal. In addition to exerting diplomatic pressure or imposing sanctions, the U.S. government can now draw upon this decision, and the growing chorus it ****s, to institute (or threaten) criminal process against SOEs and other foreign sovereign entities
    Emsal yaratiliyor senelerdir dedigimiz gibi. Ilk defa kriminal dava aciliyor bir devlet kurumuna karsi ve temyiz mahkemesi davayi dusurmezse hukuk sistemlerinde emsali de yaratilmis oluyor.

  6. #4278
    Neyse oteki tarafta kavga etmenin alemi yok. Dogruyu yazmakla ne ugrasalim. Millet gazlasin dursun. Daha rahat bosaltayim mallarimi. Muahahahaha.

  7. #4279
    DECISION & ORDER as to Turkiye Halk Bankasi A.S. denying 680 LETTER MOTION addressed to Judge Richard M. Berman from Robert M. Cary dated October 9, 2020 re: Vacate pending deadlines or stay case during appeal filed by Turkiye Hal k Bankasi A.S., as to Turkiye Halk Bankasi A.S. For the reasons stated above, Halkbanks motion [Dck. # 680] is respectfully denied. The revised trial schedule is as follows: 1.Trial will commence on Monday, May 3, 2021 (rather than March 1, 2021). J ury selectionwill begin on Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 9:00 a.m; 2.Motions in limine, jo int proposed jury charges, ****t proposed voir dire, jo int proposedverdict sheet, jo int list of names and places (currently due on December 14, 2020) will bedue on Friday, February 12, 2021 at noon. Responses to motions in limine (currently dueon December 21, 2020) will be due on Friday, February 19, 2021 at noon; 3.The final pretrial conference (currently scheduled for January 14, 2021) will be held onMonda y, March 15, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. (Motions due by 2/12/2021., Responses due by 2/19/2021, Jury Selection set for 4/29/2021 at 09:00AM before Judge Richard M. Berman., Jury Trial set for 5/3/2021 at 09:00 AM before Judge Richard M. Berman., Pretrial Conference set for 3/15/2021 at 11:00 AM before Judge Richard M. Berman.), Motions terminated as to Turkiye Halk Bankasi A.S.: 680 LETTER MOTION addressed to Judge Richard M. Berman from Robert M. Cary dated October 9, 2020 re: Vacate pending deadlines or stay case during appeal. filed by Turkiye Halk Bankasi A.S. (Signed by Judge Richard M. Berman on 10/26/2020)

  8. #4280
    26 Ekim 2020 tarihinde bankanin FSIA basvurusunu reddederken Berman, "2nd Circuit karar versin artik" demis. Yani Temyiz Mahkemesinin bu maddeden yapilan basvuruyu kabul edecegini bilerek juri tarihini 1 Mart 2020'de 3 Mayis 2020'ye cekmis.

    Niye tarih degistirildi diye dusunuyorduk, sebebi de buymus. Bence jurili durusma 3 Mayis'ta baslayacak planlandigi gibi.

Sayfa 535/579 İlkİlk ... 35435485525533534535536537545 ... SonSon

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