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Konu: agroglobal token

  1. #1

    agroglobal token

    Agro Global Token is a platform that pioneers the digital transformation of the agricultural sector and enables developments in this sector through blockchain technology and crypto currencies.
    With its strong company structure, the projects it has developed, its investments in modern agriculture, the use of high technology, and the combination of agriculture and technology in the fields and in the blockchain network, AGRO Global Group continues to gain strength and value.
    Son düzenleme : devran42; 28-09-2023 saat: 10:08.
    DUHUL 2007...

  2. #2
    Agriculture is an indispensable sector in the world economy due to reasons such as providing the food need of the world population, contributing to income and employment, meeting the raw material needs of the industrial sector, transferring capital to the industry, contributing directly and indirectly to the country’s exports. The world’s growing need for agriculture and agricultural products rapidly increases the economic power of the industry. Fear of hunger and famine is the cause of wars. In countries where agriculture is strong, economic development is at the highest level.

    Agro Global
    DUHUL 2007...

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