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Arama sonucu : 143 madde; 129 - 136 arası.

Konu: Türkiye (ve dünya) ekonomisi çöküyor

  1. #129
    Kuddusi abi gavurca yok şunları çevir de ko lütfen
    Chicken translate ossun

  2. İngilzce bilmemek artık bu çağda mazeret sayılmaz hele ki yazılı oldugunda, tamam mükemmel değil ama anlaşılır..

  3. Mert Yılmaz: Bırakın klupler batsın, devlet batmasın

  4. Daha bir kaç saat önce gerçekleşti, rekor her geçen gün kırılıyor...

    It attributed the generous liquidity support to the current peak period for tax payments, adding that “the banking systems overall liquidity is falling rapidl, according to a statement on its website.

    In open market operations, the Peoples Bank of China (PBOC) injected 350 billion yuan through seven-day reverse bond repurchase agreements and 220 billion yuan through 28-day reverse repos.

    On a net basis, the PBOC injected a net 560 billion yuan ($82.73 billion)for the day, as 10 billion yuan reverse repos are set to mature on Wednesday.

  5. Artık sadece acil durumlarda değil, ufak bir sıkıntıda QE infinity ... Japonya misali kendi tahvillerini satın alaçaklar piyasayı yavaş yavaş alıştırıyorlar..

    U.S. central bankers are currently debating whether it should confine its controversial tool of bond buying to purely emergency situations or if it should turn to that tool more regularly, San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank President Mary Daly said on Friday.

  6. Bilanço kücültmeye son verecegiz, önümüzde ki toplantılarda acıklayacagız diyor cleveland fed başkanı...

    The Federal Reserve will chart plans to stop letting its bond holdings roll offat coming meetings, Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester said on Tuesday, signaling another major policy shift for the Fed after pausing interest rate hikes.

    At coming meetings, we will be finalizing our plans for ending the balance-sheet runoff and completing balance-sheet normalization,†Mester said in remarks prepared for delivery in Cincinnati. As we have done throughout the process of normalization, we will make these plans and the rationale for them known to the public in a timely way because transparency and accountability are basic tenets of appropriate monetary policymaking.
    Son düzenleme : kutsi; 13-02-2019 saat: 10:49.

  7. The distortion in the yield curve is building with tremendous force. There are vast bids for US 90-day T-Bills from around the world and no offers. The shortage in US government paper is now being reported to us from repo desks around the world. There is a MAJOR PANIC in to the dollar as emerging markets come under a financial crisis, in part, instigated by Turkey. The government simply trapped investors and refuses to allow transactions out of the Turkish lira. Turkey s stand-off with investors has unnerved traders globally, pushing the world ever closer to a major FINANCIAL PANIC come this May 2019.

  8. ECB policymakers open to cut rates if growth weakens: sources

Sayfa 17/18 İlkİlk ... 715161718 SonSon

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