Sayfa 3803/7020 İlkİlk ... 280333033703375337933801380238033804380538133853390343034803 ... SonSon
Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 30,417 - 30,424 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Islamin Mistik Boyutlari, Hazreti Muhammed, Dogudan Batiya, Hallac- Kurtarin Beni Tanri'dan, Tasavvuf Notlari, Ve Muhammed O'nun Elcisidir, Halifenin Ruyalari gibi kitaplari bulunan, Alman Iranolog ve Islam-Tasavvuf arastirmacisi Annemarie Schimmel'in dogum yildonumu (7 Nisan 1922)

    O, hem kustur hem de yuva
    O, hem vucuddur hem de mahiyet
    Hem kanattir hem de tuy
    Hem havadir hem de ucus
    Hem avcidir hem de av
    Hem kibledir hem de namaz
    Hem arayandir hem de aranan
    Hem ilktir hem de sonuncu
    Hem sultandir hem de reaya
    Hem kilictir hem de kini
    O, hem ormandir hem de agac
    O, hem daldir hem de meyve
    O,hem kustur hem de yuva

    Sie ist selbst Vogel und selbst Nest
    sie ist selbst Wesen und selbst Eigenschaften
    selbst Schwinge und selbst Feder
    selbst Luft und selbst Flug
    selbst Jäger und selbst Beute
    selbst Gebetsrichtung und selbst Beter
    selbst Suchender und Gesuchter
    selbst Erster und selbst Letzter
    selbst Fürst und selbst Untertan
    selbst Schwert und selbst Scheide.
    Sie ist Hag und auch Baum
    ist Zweig und auch Frucht
    ist Vogel und Nest.

    "Bir dervis zindanda Hallac'a 'Ask nedir?' diye sordu. Hallac, 'Askin ne oldugunu bugun, yarin ve obur gun goreceksin' dedi. O gun onu katlettiler. Ertesi gun ateste yaktilar. Ucuncu gun kulunu goge savurdular."

    "Einer fragte ihn: 'Was ist Liebe?' Er sagte: 'Du wirst esheute und morgen und übermorgen sehen.' An diesem Taghieben sie ihm Hände und Füße ab, am nächsten Tag häng-ten sie ihn, und am dritten Tag verbrannten sie seinenLeichnam und gaben die Asche an den Wind."

  2. Polonya asili, Amerikali film yonetmeni, yazar ve yapimci Alan J. Pakula’nin dogum yildonumu (7 Nisan 1928)

  3. Rus bilim adami, filozof, ekonomi, tip arastirmacisi, bilim kurgu yazari Aleksandr Aleksandrovic Bogdanov'un olum yildonumu (7 Nisan 1928)

    " 'Fakat tuketim hicbir seyle sinirlandirilmadigina gore tuketirnde tum istatistik hesaplarini altust edebilecek siddetli dalgalanmalar olmaz mi?"

    'Kesinlikle olmaz. Herhangi bir kisi belki su veya bu yiyecegi alisilmisin iki, uc kati kadar tuketecektir ya da on gunde on giysi degistirmek isteyecektir ama uc milyar kisiden olusan bir toplum boyle dalgalanmalara maruz kalmaz. Boylesi buyuk rakamlarda su veya bu tarafa dogru sapmalar dengelenir, orta buyuklukler de cok yavas ve kesin bir sureklilik icinde degisir.'

    'Istatistiginiz neredeyse otomatik olarak calisiyor, sadece basit hesaplar yapiyor demek?'

    'Yo hayir. Bu alanda cok buyuk guclukler var. Hesap Enstitusu, dogru hesap yapabilmek icin uretimin dogal kosullarindaki degisiklikleri ve yeni buluslari dikkatle izlemek zorundadir. Yeni bir makine mi hizmete giriyor, bu enstitu hemen gerek bu makinenin kullanilacagi alanda, gerekse makine uretiminde, zaman zaman da su ya da bu dal icin malzeme uretiminde isgucunun yer degistirmesini talep eder. Bir maden cevheri tukenir, yeni mineral zenginlikleri ortaya cikarilir, yine bir dizi demiryollarinin hepsinde isgucu kaydirmasi olur.' " Kizil Yildiz

    " 'But if consumption is entirely uncontrolled, there must be sharp fluctuations which upset all your statistical compilations.'

    'Not at all. A single individual may suddenly eat two or three times his normal portion of a given food or decide to change ten suits in ten days, but a society of billions of people is not subject to such fluctuations. In a population of that size deviations in any given direction are neutralized, and averages change very slowly and with the strictest continuity.'

    'In other words your statistics work almost automatically—they are calculations pure and simple?'

    'No, not really, for there are great difficulties involved in the process. The Institute of Statistics must be alert to new inventions and changes in environmental conditions which may affect industry. The introduction of a new machine, for example, immediately requires a transfer of labor in the field in which it is employed, in the machine-building industry, and sometimes also in the production of materials for both branches. If a given ore is exhausted or if new mineral fields are discovered there will again be a transfer of labor in a number of industries—mining, railroad construction, and so on.' "

  4. Amerikali aktor, yapimci ve seslendirme sanatcisi James Garner'in dogum yildonumu (7 Nisan 1928)

  5. Amerikan edebiyatinin kurucu uyelerinden, Amerikali kisa oyku ve roman yazari, Houston Post’un eski muhabiri, Houston Contemporary Arts Museum’un eski muduru Donald Barthelme’in dogum yildonumu (7 Nisan 1931)

    “Sanat, zor olmayi diledigi icin zor degildir; sanat olmayi diledigi icin zordur. Bir yazar kendi calismasinda ne kadar sade, durust, anlasilir olmayi isterse istesin, bu meziyetler artik onun icin gecerli olmayacaktir. Sade, durust ve anlasilir olma konusunda cok da bir sey olmadigini kesfeder: bizim aradigimiz sey konusulamayan, simdiye dek konusulmamis olan iken, o konusulabileni konusur.” Bilmemek

    “Art is not difficult because it wishes to be difficult, but because it wishes to be art. However much the writer might long to be, in his work, simple, honest, and straightforward, these virtues are no longer available to him. He discovers that in being simple, honest, and straightforward, nothing much happens: he speaks the speakable, whereas what we are looking for is the as-yet unspeakable, the as-yet unspoken.”

  6. George Washington Universitesi'nde Islami ilimler uzmani Iranli profesor, musluman mutefekkir Seyyid Huseyin Nasr'in dogum gunu (7 Nisan 1933)

    "Zamaninin en bilgili kisisi olarak Ibn Sina'yi goren bir ogrencisi neden peygamberlik iddiasinda bulunup yeni bir din kurmaya girismedigini kendisine sorar. Ibn Sina gulumser ve cevap vermez. Ertesi sabah safakta sabah ezan okunurken, soruyu soran ogrenci kalkar ve abdest almak icin bir havuza gider. Hava son derece soguktur. Ibn Sina, ogrencisine abdest almasi icin disariya cikmamasini, aksi halde usuyecegini soyler. Fakat ogrencisi onun ogudune kulak asmaz. Disari cikar abdestini alir ve namazini kilar. Namaz bittiginde Ibn Sina kendisini cagirir ve soyle der; 'Iste ben bunun icin peygamberlik iddiasinda bulunmuyorum. Ben burada sana hocan ve ustadin, ayni zamanda gunun en buyuk tip otoritesi olarak soguk suyla yikanmamani soyluyorum ve ben hayattayim da. Ama sen benim ogudume kulak asmiyor ve dort yuz yil once Arabistan'da yasamis , okuma -yazma bilmez ve kendisiyle hic karsilasmadigin bir adamin yolunu izliyorsun. Iste; bir peygamberle bir bilge ve filozof arasindaki fark budur.' '' Uc Musluman Bilge

    "There are many stories in the Islamic world about Avicenna's religious attitude. For example,: One day one of his disciples asked him why he did not claim to be a prophet and start a new religion, seeing that he was the most learned man of his day. Avicenna smiled and said nothing. The next morning at dawn when the call for the morning prayers was made, the disciple arose to go to the pool to make his ablutions before performing his prayers. The weather was quite cold, so Avicenna told him not to go outside to make his ablutions; otherwise he would catch cold and become iJJ. But the disciple did not heed his advice; rather, he went out, made his ablutions and then performed his Prayers. When the prayers were over, Avicenna called him and said, 'That is why I do not claim to be a prophet. Here I am, your teacher and master, still alive and the greatest medical authority of the day, telling you not to wash yourself with cold water. You do not heed my advice but follow the directions of a man who lived in Arabia four centuries ago, who was illiterate, and whom you have never met. That is the difference between a prophet and a savant and philosopher.' "

  7. Fransiz ressam (Marie-Clémentine Valadon) Suzanne Valadon'un olum yildonumu (7 Nisan 1938)

    Joy of Life (1911), Metropolitan Museum of Art

    Casting the Net (1914), Museum of Fine Arts Nancy

  8. Amerikali suc, gerilim ve romantik roman yazari Iris Johansen'in dogum gunu (7 Nisan 1938)

    " 'Beni arama. Hazir oldugumda donecegim.'

    Bunlar, Pandora Madchen’in alti yil once kacarken ardinda biraktigi satirlardi.

    Hayat onune bambaska firsatlar cikarip onu farkli yollara suruklese de o, yillar sonra cole, Sedikhan’a, asik oldugu adama donmeye artik hazirdir. Seyh Philip El Kabbar, gucu tum dunyaya uzanan bir isadami olmasina ragmen yillar boyu Pandora’dan bir haber alamamistir. Pandora donmustur cunku artik oyunun kurallari degismeli, ask yepyeni bir boyut kazanmalidir. Kazanmanin kaybetmek, kaybetmeninse sevmek oldugu bu oyunun sonunda ask kazanmalidir." Col Cicegi

    " 'Don’t look for me. I’ll come back when I’m ready.'

    Pandora Madchen wrote those words when she ran off six years ago.

    Now Pandora was ready to return to the desert state of Sedikhan and the man she’d loved too soon and too much. Sheik Philip El Kabbar was a businessman whose power and influence extended throughout the world—but for six long years he’d been unable to find the woman he still considered it his duty to protect. She’d come back on her own terms and to take the kind of erotic gamble that Philip always won. Only this time he wasn’t sure that in winning they wouldn’t both lose what matters most. Or that in loving her, he wouldn’t be hurting them both."

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