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Konu: Yabancı Basından Seçmeler

  1. Yabancı Basından Seçmeler

    İlk yazı Bloomberg den.

    Başlık : Turkey Cut Deeper Into Junk by Fitch as Erdogan Tightens Grip (Erdoğan'ın kontrolü sıkılaştırmasıyla Fitch Türkiyenin notunu çöp bölgesinde daha derine çekti)

    Turkey was cut deeper into junk territory by Fitch Ratings, which cited the nation's widening current-account deficit, rising inflation and declining economic policy credibility.

    The lira slid 0.2 percent, extending its biggest weekly decline since the global financial crisis, after the ratings company lowered the nation's long-term sovereign debt rating to BB from BB+ on Friday.

    "Economic policy credibility has deteriorated in recent months and initial policy actions following elections in June have heightened uncertainty," Fitch said in a statement. "This environment will make it challenging to engineer a soft landing for the economy."

    Turkish assets came under pressure this week after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan appointed his son-in-law Berat Albayrak as the country's economy chief. Erdogan replaced market-friendly names, stoking unease among investors and eroding confidence in the country's ability to avoid a potential hard landing in the economy.

    The nation's current-account deficit will widen to 6.1 percent in 2018 driven by higher fuel prices and increased household consumption, according to Fitch. A depreciating lira should allow the deficit to narrow to 4.1 percent by 2019, it said. Turkey's headline inflation jumped to a 15-year high of 15.4 percent in June, and Fitch forecasts it to stay in double digits through next year.

  2. They have been exposed to fake news in the past week.
    (Geçen hafta maruz kalınan gerçek olmayan haber oranları)

    Turkey: 49%
    Mexico: 43%
    Brazil: 35%
    US: 31%
    South Korea: 30%
    Spain: 29%
    Australia: 25%
    Canada: 19%
    Japan: 17%
    France: 16%
    UK: 15%
    Germany: 9%

  3. ABD, ithal çelik-alüminyuma ek gümrük vergisi uygulamasına karşılık olarak vergiler getiren Çin, Avrupa Birliği, Kanada, Meksika ve Türkiye’yi Dünya Ticaret Örgütü’ne şikayet etti.

    The Trump administration launched five separate complaints at the World Trade Organization Monday, claiming that tariffs placed against the U.S. by China, the European Union, Canada, Mexico, and Turkey were all illegal under the WTO's rules.

    The tariffs were retaliation for U.S. tariffs levied on steel and aluminum imports, a move the White House claimed was justified to protect national security. Monday's complaints mark the latest escalation in the White House's ongoing battles with the U.S.'s long-time trade partners.

    “The actions taken by the president are wholly legitimate and fully justified as a matter of U.S. law and international trade rules,” said U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer. "Instead of working with us to address a common problem, some of our trading partners have elected to respond with retaliatory tariffs designed to punish American workers, farmers and companies. These tariffs appear to breach each WTO member’s commitments under the WTO agreement. The United States will take all necessary actions to protect our interests, and we urge our trading partners to work constructively with us on the problems created by massive and persistent excess capacity in the steel and aluminum sectors."

    The U.S has placed tariffs of 25 percent on steel imports and 10 percent on aluminum imports. On Tuesday, the White House released a list of 10 percent tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods, on top of 25 percent tariffs on $34 billion of goods it had previously enacted. In retaliation, China has established 5 to 25 percent additional duties on $3.0 billion in U.S. imports, the EU has placed 10 to 25 percent additional duties on $3.2 billion of imports, Canada has put similar duties on $12.7 billion of imports, Mexico has placed tariffs of 7 to 25 percent on $3.6 billion in imports, and Turkey has put 4 to 70 percent duties on $1.8 billion of U.S. products.

    Administration officials have repeatedly argued that the U.S. did not instigate the various trade disputes, but rather has been acting defensively to protect U.S. interests, in particular manufacturing through the steel and aluminum tariffs. It has also argued that China's policies coerce U.S. companies into giving it technology. "They were the ones that started everything by hurting us and we were simply trying to even out the harm that was caused," a senior administration official told reporters last week.

    Officials in Canada and Mexico have countered that their their countries are long-time allies of the U.S. and therefore represent no security risk. Both countries were briefly exempted from the tariffs, an attempt by the administration to entice them into making concessions during the ongoing North American Free Trade Agreement renegotiations. When the talks stalled, the exemption was lifted last month.

  4. Time dergisi de Chatham House da yayınlanan yazıyı virgülüne bile dokunmadan aynen yayınladı.

  5. Türkiye İran'a ABD nin koyacağı ambargodan etkilenmemek için görüşmelere başladı.

    Turkey on Friday hosted an American delegation for talks to address concerns about the potential negative impact on its economy of the looming reimposition of US sanctions against Iran.

    US President Donald Trump decided in May to abandon the 2015 deal agreed with other world powers on Iran's nuclear programme and reimpose nuclear-related sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

    The sanctions, which will seek to bar foreign companies from doing business with Iran and block its oil sales abroad, have alarmed Turkey which has a strong trade relationship with its neighbour and imports Iranian crude.

    "Our relevant authorities are carrying out necessary work for Turkey not to be negatively impacted by the upcoming sanctions," the Turkish foreign ministry said in a statement.

    "Within this framework, we had discussions with the US delegation visiting Turkey," it said, without giving further details.

    It added that "Iran is an important neighbour for Turkey, in view of both our bilateral economic and commercial relations as well as our energy imports."

    Turkish officials have vowed to continue trading with Iran despite the sanctions, which the former economy minister Nihat Zeybekci in May described as an "opportunity".

    Asking not to be named, a US official acknowledged that the sanctions were "a very important and potentially contentious issue between the two governments."

    He said the delegation had come "to make clear what the implications of our sanction legislation are, so there are no misunderstandings and confusion."

    "The earlier we have these high level talks..., the less likely we are to wander into new areas of disagreement out of ignorance," said the official.

    Relations between Turkey and the US have already been strained after a Turkish banker who helped Iran evade US sanctions was convicted in the US in January.

    Mehmet Haka Atilla was convicted after well-connected Turkish-Iranian businessman Reza Zarrab, arrested in the US in 2016, became a government witness and admitted involvement in a multi-billion-dollar gold-for-oil scheme to subvert US economic sanctions against Iran.

    During his testimony, Zarrab implicated President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other officials in the scheme. In May, a Manhattan court sentenced Atilla to 32 months in jail.

    Annual trade between Turkey and Iran is around $10 billion but Erdogan has expressed hope of raising it to $30 billion. Iran supplies Turkey with around one half of its crude oil imports and Iranian tourists are increasingly important for the Turkish market.

  6. Türkiye OHAL'i kaldırdı fakat pek fazla değişen bir şey yok.

    Turkey lifted a two-year state of emergency in the early hours of Thursday morning, state media reported, but analysts said the country is in economic and political trouble.

    Turkey first declared a state of emergency on July 20, 2016 after a failed military coup to oust President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that left over 250 people dead and thousands injured in the chaos that ensued.

    This state of emergency was lifted at 1 a.m. local time Thursday (6 p.m. ET Wednesday), Anadolu news agency reported.

    Erdogan instigated a crackdown on political opponents and critics following the coup attempt and thousands of people, including teachers and civil servants, members of the media, judiciary and military werearrested and imprisoned in the aftermath.

    Two years on, Erdogan remains in charge and is more powerful than ever, after narrowly winning a constitutional referendum in April 2017 that granted him an “executive presidency,†abolishing the role of prime minister and parliamentary system of government.

    The move granted Erdogan extensive powers, allowing the president to issue decrees that form or regulate ministries and to appoint or dismiss civil servants without parliamentary approval. He can also draft the budget, dissolve parliament (although this would trigger early elections) and appoint senior judges.

    The change also meant that a president would only be able to serve a maximum of two five-year terms. Worryingly for the principle of central bank independence, Erdogan can also appoint the head of the central bank, deputies and monetary policy committee members for a four-year period.

    Erdogan said the executive presidency wpuld make government more efficient, more secure and more democratic. Critics said the changes have allowed Erdogan to strengthen his grip on power and shut down opponents.

    Nothing much has changed
    While the lifting of a state of emergency sounds like a move in the right direction, analysts say that not much will change in Turkey.

    “You do not want to give Jeff Bezos a seven-year head start.â€
    Hear what else Buffett has to say

    William Jackson, senior emerging market economist at Capital Economics, told CNBC that lifting the state of emergency is generally positive but concerns over the direction of travel in Turkish politics and economic policy remain.

    "Although the lifting of the state of emergency is symbolically positive, in that the clampdown we saw after the coup has come to an end... I'm not sure this is going to make a very big difference," he said.

    "From an economic perspective, lots of people are looking at Erdogan holding the levers over economic policy-making too. Erdogan has been influencing the central bank for five or six years now, but he now has the ability to appoint a central bank governor. The path which policy making is taking in general is quite worrying."

    Robin Bew, chief executive of the Economist Intelligence Unit, tweeted that “Turkey’s emergency law may be ending, but it won't feel like it."

    George Dyson, the lead Germany and Turkey analyst at Control Risks, agreed. “In some ways, the new presidential system of government gives him (Erdogan) more power, more clearly than the state of emergency did,†Dyson told CNBC on Thursday.

    “I wouldn’t go so far to say that this is a ‘state of emergency mark two’ situation, but the practices and attitudes of the government will continue like before.â€

    The European Union’s spokesperson for foreign affairs and security policy, Maja Kocijancic, published a statement Thursday saying that while the EU welcomed the lifting of the state of emergency, “At the same time, we believe the adoption of new legislative proposals granting extraordinary powers to the authorities and retaining several restrictive elements of the state of emergency would dampen any positive effect of its termination.â€

    “We also expect Turkey to follow through and reverse all measures that continue to impact negatively on the rule of law, independence of the judiciary and the fundamental freedoms that are at the core of any democratic state."

  7. Yeni Türkiye

    The Economist yazdı.

    Having cost more than 50,000 people their freedom and at least 125,000 civil servants their jobs, the country’s state of emergency ended today, almost two years to the day after it began. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan proclaimed emergency law in July 2016, shortly after a failed coup claimed more than 250 lives, and has used it to purge the army and other state institutions of followers of the Gulen movement, the Islamic sect he accuses of masterminding the plot. It has also proved a handy excuse to get rid of other government critics. Mr Erdogan recently won re-election, inaugurating a new constitution that hands him full control of the executive, weakens parliament and judges, and allows the president to rule by decree. Over the past week he has also beefed up Turkey’s already draconian anti-terrorism laws. The state of emergency may be gone, but the fear in the air is not.

  8. 2016'da yaşanan darbe girişiminden bu yana Türkiye'de yaşanan olağanüstü halin sona ermesi güzel bir adımdır. Aynı zamanda, yetkililere olağanüstü yetki veren yeni kanunların kabul edilmesinin ve olağanüstü halin çeşitli kısıtlayıcı unsurlarının muhafaza edilmesinin, fesihin tüm olumlu etkilerini ortadan kaldıracağına inanıyoruz.

    Avrupa Birliği açıklaması.

    The end of the state of emergency in place in Turkey since the coup attempt of 2016 is a welcome step. At the same time, we believe the adoption of new legislative proposals granting extraordinary powers to the authorities and retaining several restrictive elements of the state of emergency would dampen any positive effect of its termination.

    We reaffirm our expectations that Turkey implements the key recommendations of the Council of Europe, the Venice Commission and other relevant institutions and to respect the separation of powers between the executive and the judiciary.

    In view of the termination of the state of emergency we also expect Turkey to follow through and reverse all measures that continue to impact negatively on the rule of law, independence of the judiciary and the fundamental freedoms that are at the core of any democratic state. These include freedom of expression, freedom of association and procedural rights. And we expect Turkey's derogations from its obligations under the European Convention for Human Rights to cease with the lifting of the state of emergency.

    Concrete and lasting improvements in the area of rule of law and fundamental freedoms remain essential to the prospects of EU-Turkey relations.

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