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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 9,929 - 9,936 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Mark Twain, Avrupa ve kutsal topraklara yaptigi seyahatini anlatigi romani Sucsuz Gezginler (The Innocents Abroad - Gli innocenti all'estero), 29 Temmuz 1869’da yayinladi.

    (The Innocents Abroad, or the New Pilgrim's Progress, published July 20, 1869, carried Mark Twain's fame literally to the ends of the earth.)

  2. Italyan ressam Giorgio Morandi'nin dogum yildonumu (20 Temmuz 1890)

    Natura morta, 1955

  3. Cezayir asilli Fransiz psikiyatr, filozof, devrimci ve yazar Frantz Fanon’in dogum yildonumu (20 Temmuz 1925)

    “Gazete haberleri ve fotograflarinda, sinema filmlerinde toplumlar once goruntuleriyle taninir. Gorulur ki kravatsiz medeniyetler, onune pestemal orten medeniyetler ve sapkasiz medeniyetler vardir. Belli bir kultur seviyesine baglilik, ekseriyetle insanlarinin giyim gelenekleriyle ifade edilir. Mesela, Arap dunyasinda kadinin giydigi carsaf, turist tarafindan hemen fark edilir.”

    “It is by their apparel that types of society first become known, whether through written accounts and photographic records or motion pictures. Thus, there are civilizations without neckties, civilizations with loin-cloths, and others without hats. The fact of belonging to a given cultural group is usually revealed by clothing traditions. In the Arab world, for example, the veil worn by women is at once noticed by the tourist. “

    “Avrupali bir doktor, bir gunde tam 30 bin franki nasil kazandiginiı soyle anlatir: ‘Ayni serumu farkli buyuklukteki siringalara doldurur ve hastaya, hangisinden yapayım istiyorsun; 500 franklik mi, 1000'lik mi, yoksa 1500 franklik mi? derim. Tabii her seferinde hasta, en pahalı olan igneyi secer.”

    “A European doctor who boasted that he could make 30,000 francs on a market day.He would show patients three syringes of different sizes, and explained that their respective cost was 500, 1000 or 1500 francs. The patient, equating quantity with high cost, always chose the more expensive injection.”

  4. Yunan sair Kostas Karyotakis’in olum yildonumu (20 Temmuz 1928)

    Askere aldilar Mihaliyos' u bir gün.
    Guzeldi, yigitti, calimla gitti,
    Maris ve Panayotis' le birlikte.
    ‘Hizaya gel’ i bile ogrenemedi.
    Mirildanip durdu hep: ‘Onbasim’,
    ‘koyume doneyim ne olur birakin beni...’
    Ertesi yil, bir hastanede,
    konusmadan goge bakiyordu...
    Dikmisti sulanan gozlerini yukari,
    sila ozlemiyle, sessizce,
    yalvariyor gibi soyluyordu:
    ‘Evime doneyim ne olur birakin beni...’
    Mihaliyos oldu bir gun.
    Askerler soydular onu,
    bir cukura koydular
    Maris ve Panayotis'le birlikte.
    Toprak attilar ustune,
    ama ayaklarini disarda biraktılar:
    Boyu pek uzundu fukaranin!

    Mihalios was drafted in the army
    and he set off happy and proud
    together with Maris and Panayi6tes,
    but he could not learn "Shoulder arms!"
    and always murmured, "Corporal, sir,
    let me go back home, to my village."
    The next year, in the hospital
    he stared silently at the sky.
    He fixed on some distant point
    his longing and his quiet eyes
    as if to say, as if to plead,
    "Let me go back home, to my village."
    Mihalios departed from the world a soldier,
    four privates escorted him on his way,
    and among them were Mads and Panayi6tes.
    On top of him they piled the grave,
    but one foot was sticking out;
    he was a bit too long, poor guy.

  5. Amerikali roman ve oyun yazari, senarist Cormac McCarthy’nin dogum gunu (20 Temmuz 1933)

    “Gecenlerde gazetede okudum, birkac ogretmen otuzlu yillarda ulke capinda bircok okula dagitilan bir anket bulmus. Ulkenin degisik yerlerinden gonderilmis, cevaplandirilmis, doldurulmus anket formlari. Karsilastiklari en buyuk sorunlar diye sinifta konusmak, koridorlarda kosmak gibi seyler yazmislar. Ciklet cigneme. Ev odevlerinde kopya. Bu tur seyler. Doldurulmamis anket formlarindan birini cogaltip yine ayni okullara gondermisler. Kirk yıl sonra. Cevaplar gelmis. Tecavuz, kundakcilik, cinayet. Uyusturucu. Intihar. Bunu cok dusundum. Cogu zaman dunyanin gidisati kotu filan dediğimde insanlar gulumseyip yaslandigimi soyluyor bana. Yaslanma gostergesiymis. Ama bana sorarsan insanlarin irzina gecip oldurmekle ciklet cignemek arasinda fark goremeyen bir insan benden cok daha kotu durumdadir. Kirk yil o kadar uzun bir sure degil. Belki kirk yil sonra bazilari uyanir. Cok gec olmamissa...” Ihtiyarlara Yer Yok

    “I read in the papers here a while back some teachers came across a survey that was sent out back in the thirties to a number of schools around the country. Had this questionnaire about what was the problems with teachin in the schools. And they come across these forms, they'd been filled out and sent in from around the country answerin these questions. And the biggest problems they could name was things like talkin in class and runnin in the hallways. Chewin gum. Copyin homework. Things of that nature. So they got one of them forms that was blank and printed up a bunch of em and sent em back out to the same schools. Forty years later. Well, here come the answers back. Rape, arson, murder. Drugs. Suicide. So think about that. Because a lot of the time when I say anything about how the world is goin to hell in a handbasket people will just sort of smile and tell me I'm gettin old. That it's one of the symptoms. But my feelin about that is that anybody that cant tell the difference between rapin and murderin people and chewin gum has got a whole lot bigger of a problem than what I've got. Forty years is not a long time neither. Maybe the next forty of it will bring some of em out from under the ether. If it aint too late…”

  6. Amerikali aktris Natalie (Natal'ja Nikolaevna Zacharenko) Wood'un dogum yildonumu (20 Temmuz 1938)

  7. Fransız sair, yazar ve dusunur Paul Valéry'nin (Ambroise Paul Toussaint Jules Valéry) olum yildonumu (20 Temmuz 1945)

    Ustunde guvercinler gezen su rahat damin
    Kalbi atar ardinda birkac mezarla camin
    Sasmaz ogle zamanı ateslerle yaratir
    Denizi, denizi, hep yeni bastan denizi
    Tanrilarin sukunu ceker gozlerimizi
    Bir dusunceden sonra, ah o ne mukafattir

    Ince piriltilarin o ne saf huneridir
    Bir secilmez kopukte nice elmas eritir
    Nasil bir sukun sanki peydah olur o demde
    Ve gunes ucurumun ustune gelir durur
    Ebedi bir davanin saf marifeti budur
    Zaman kivilcim, hulya bilmek olur alemde...

    Questo tetto tranquillo, ove colombe
    vanno, tra i pini palpita e le tombe;
    meriggio il giusto compone di fiamma
    il mare, il mare, sempre in sé rinato!
    Dopo un pensiero sei ricompensato
    guardando a lungo degli dei la calma.

    Che lavorìo di lampi che consuma
    tutti i diamanti di sottile schiuma,
    e quale pace sembra ora accadere!
    Se sull'abisso il sole si rafferma,
    opere pure d'una causa eterna...

  8. Meksika asilli Amerikali efsane gitarist ve soz yazari Carlos (Augusto Alves) Santana'nin dogum gunu (20 Temmuz 1947)

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