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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 21,449 - 21,456 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Pulitzer Odullu Kuba asilli Amerikali yazar Oscar Jerome Hijuelos'un dogum yildonumu (24 Agustos 1951)

    "Bir banka oturup dolunayi seyrettim. O gece oylesine kocaman, deliler gibi ve mutlu mutlu parliyordu ki o kadar uzaga yetisebilsem suratina bir tane yumruk gecirirdim. Ama ne yapabilirdim ki? Tek bir seyi bile degistirmeden sonsuza kadar hayal kurabilirsin, dedim kendi kendime." Kara Kafa

    "I sat on a park bench checking out the moon. It was glowing so big and crazy and happily that night that I would have punched it in the mug if I could have reached that far. But what could I do? You could daydream forever, I told myself, without changing a single thing."

  2. Amerikali yazar ve elestirmen Orson Scott Card’in dogum gunu (24 Agustos 1951)

    “Herkes Hitlerin ordusu yuzunden guce sahip oldugunu dusunur, cunku oldurmeye cok heveslilerdi ve bu kismen dogru, cunku gercek dunyada, guc her zaman olum tehdidi ve serefsizlik uzerine kurulmustur. Ama cogunlukla, gucu, kelimelerle elde etti, dogru zamanda dogru kelimelerle.” Ender'in Oyunu

    “Everyone thinks Hitler got to power because of his armies, because they were willing to kill, and that's partly true, because in the real world power is always build on the threat of death and dishonor. But mostly he got to power on words, on the right words at the right time.”

    “Zeck bir ara onun sozunu kesip, babasindan bir alinti yapti. ‘Yaradilis Kitabi, Musa'nin yapabildigi en iyi isi gostermis, Dunya'nin yuvarlak oldugunu bile bilmeyen insanlara evrimi anlatmistir."

    ‘Sen evrime inaniyor musun? O zaman yaratilan ilk insanin Adem olmasina ne diyorsun?’

    ‘Adem ismi cok anlamina gelir,’ dedi Zeck. ‘O primatlar klaninda bir suru erkek vardi, Tanri onlardan birini secti, ona Ruhuyla dokundu ve onun icine insan ruhunu yerlestirdi. Ilk konusabilen ve digerlerine de isim veren Adem'di, digerleri de ona benziyordu ama onlar insan degildi cunku Tanri onlara insan ruhu vermemisti...’ " Savas Okulunda Yilbasi

    Zeck interrupted her, quoting Father. ‘The book of Genesis represents the best job that Moses could do, explaining evolution to people who didn't even know the Earth was round.’

    ‘You believe in evolution? Then what about Adam as the first man?’

    ‘The name Adam means many,' said Zeck. ‘There were many males in that troop of primates, when God chose one of them and touched him with his Spirit and put the soul of a man inside. It was Adam who first had language and named the other primates, the ones that looked like him but were not human because God had not given them souls…’ "

  3. Turk roman ve kose yazari Perihan Magden'nin dogum gunu (24 Agustos 1960)

    "Devrim ve sinif mucadelesi ustune konusurken acik acik gundelik hayattan soz etmeyenler, askin yikici gucunu ve sinirlari reddetmenin olumlu yanini anlamayanlar; o insanlarin agzinda bir ceset var"

    Ceux qui parlent de la révolution et de lutte de classes sans se référer explicitement à la vie quotidienne, sans comprendre ce qu’il y a de subversif dans l’amour et de positif dans le refus des contraintes, ceux-là ont dans la bouche un cadavre.

    "Hayattaki bu yegane basarisini habire tatmak istiyor. Misket oynamiyorsa; okuldaysa, sokaktaysa, uyuyorsa elleriyle oynuyor. Durmadan misket hareketleri yapiyor parmaklari. O istese de yapiyorlar, istemese de. Ramazan yetimhanedeki herkesin butun misketlerini muhakkak yutmus olacagi icin haftada bir iki kez degecek oyunculara misket dagitimi yapiyor."

    "Il veut constamment goûter à ce succès unique dans sa vie. Quand il ne joue pas aux billes ; qu’il soit à l’école, dans la rue, en train de dormir, il joue avec ses mains. Ses doigts miment sans arrêt des jeux de billes. Il ne peut pas les contrôler, qu’il le veuille ou non.Comme il rafle à coup sûr les billes de l’orphelinat tout entier, Ramazan distribue au préalable des billes à un ou deux joueurs qui en valent la peine."

    "Ramazan neselenince Ali'nin de icini sevinc basiyor. Ikizlermis gibi Ramazan'in hisleri aninda Ali'ye nufuz ediyor. Tersi olmuyor ama. Yalnizca Ali, Ramazan ne renkse o rengi aliyor. Butun hisleri, Ramazan'a gore dalgalaniyor, Ramazan nerden esiyorsa, oraya savruluyor."

    "Lorsque Ramazan s’égaie, la joie remplit Ali aussi. Comme s’ils étaient des jumeaux, ce que ressent Ramazan pénètre Ali. Mais le contraire n’arrive jamais. Seul Ali prend la couleur de Ramazan, quelle qu’elle soit. Tous ses sentiments ondoient en fonction de Ramazan. D’où qu’il souffle Ramazan, c’est là qu’il se disperse."

  4. Iskoc roman - oyun yazari, akademisyen ve gazeteci Ali Smith'in dogum gunu (24 Agustos 1962)

    "Uzun zaman once Girit adasinda bir kadin hamile kalmis ve dogum yaklagirken iyi bir adam olan kocasi yanina gelerek, erkek olursa onu yasatiriz, ama kiz dogarsa, yasatmayiz, demis. Kiza bakamayiz, canini almak zorundayiz, uzgunum, ama durum bu. O zaman kadin tapinagin yolunu tutmus ve mucizevî olarak ona gorunen tanrica Isis'e yakarmis. Sen bana icini actin, ben de sana icten davranacagim, demis tanrica. Nasil dogarsa dogsun, cocugu bana getir, sana soz veriyorum hersey yoluna girecek. Derken cocuk dogmus, kizmis. Annesi onu gizlice erkek cocuk gibi yetistirmis, hem erkeklere hem kizlara verilen bir ad vermis, Iphis demis ona. Iphis okula gitmis, kiz arkadasi, iyi bir ailenin guzel kizi Ianthe ile birlikte egitim gormus, Iphis ile Ianthe birbirlerinin gozunun icine bakarak buyumusler. Ask ayni anda dusmus gonullerine, ikisini de yaralamis, derken nisanlanmislar. Dugun gunu yaklasip da butun Girit kutlamalara hazirlanirken, Iphis giderek kaygilanmaya baslamis, kendi de Ianthe gibi bir kiz olduguna gore sevdigini, gelini nasil mutlu edecek diye kara kara dusunuyormus. Gelinini ozlemini cektigi gibi zevklendirmeyi asla basaramayacak diye tasalaniyormus. Tanrilara, tanricalara dokmus icini, dert yanmis. Dugunden onceki gece Iphis'in annesi yine tapinaga giderek tanricadan yardim istemis. Tapinaktan cikarken duvarlar sallaniyor, kapilar carpiyormus, gogus kafesi genislemis, yayvanlasmis, gogsu duzlesmis, ertesi gun, dugun gunu hava acik ve piril piril , erkek Iphis biricik Ianthe'sine kavusurken Girit adasinin her yerinde cumbus varmis."

    "A long time ago on the island of Crete a woman was pregnant and when the time came close to her giving birth her husband, a good man, came to her and said, if it’s a boy we’ll keep him, but if it’s a girl we can’t. We can’t afford a girl, she’ll have to be put to death, I’m so sorry, but it’s just the way things are. So the woman went to the temple and prayed to the goddess Isis, who miraculously appeared before her. You’ve been true to me so I’ll be true to you, the goddess said. Bring the child up regardless of what it is and I promise you everything will be fine. So the child was born and it was a girl. The mother brought her up secretly as a boy, calling her Iphis, which was a name both boys and girls could be called. And Iphis went to school and was educated with her friend Ianthe, the beautiful daughter of a fine family, and Iphis and Ianthe grew up looking into each other’s eyes. Love touched their innocent hearts simultaneously and wounded them both, and they were betrothed. As the wedding day approached and the whole of Crete prepared for the celebration, Iphis got more and more worried about how, being a girl like Ianthe, she would ever be able to please her bride, whom she so loved. She worried that she herself would never really enjoy her bride the way she longed to. She complained bitterly to the gods and goddesses about it. On the night before the wedding, Iphis’s mother went back to the temple and asked the goddess to help. As she left the empty temple its walls shook, its doors trembled, Iphis’s jaw lengthened, her stride lengthened, her ribcage widened and broadened, her chest flattened, and the next day, the wedding day, dawned bright and clear and there was rejoicing all over the island of Crete as the boy Iphis gained his own Ianthe."

    "Tarihle mit arasindaki farki dusunuyorum, ya da ifadeyle hayal arasindakini. Anlatiya susamislik ve onunla basa bas giden oykunun tutsakligindan kurtulma -carpitma- istegini."

    "I am thinking about the difference between history and myth. Or between expression and vision. The need for narrative and the simultaneous need to escape the prison-house of the story - to misquote."

  5. Amerikali yazar, blog yazari, yapimci, aktor, editor ve egitimci John Green’in dogum gunu (24 Agustos 1977)

    “Seni seviyorum. Seviyorum. Seni seviyorum ve dogru seyleri soylemek gibi basit zevklerden kendimi mahrum etmeye pek meyilli degilim. Seni seviyorum ve sevginin bosluga atilan bir ciglik oldugunu ve unutulmanin kacinilmazligini, herkesin olume mahkum oldugunu ve tum cabamizin toza donusecegi bir gunun gelecegini biliyorum ve gunesin elimizdeki tek dunyayi yutacagini da biliyorum ve seni seviyorum.”

    "I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you.”

    “Kimi zaman bir kitap okursunuz ve o kitap icinizi tuhaf bir coskunlukla doldurur ve paramparca olmus dunyanin, hayatta olan tum insanlarin o kitabi okumadan tekrar bir araya gelmeyecegini hissedersiniz. Kimi zaman da insanlara soyleyemediginiz kitaplar vardir, oyle guzel ve nadir ve sizin olan kitaplardir ki sevginizi ilan etmek ihanetmis gibi hissettirir.” Ayni Yildizin Altinda

    “Sometimes, you read a book and it fills you with this weird evangelical zeal, and you become convinced that the shattered world will never be put back together unless and until all living humans read the book. And then there are books which you can’t tell people about, books so special and rare and yours that advertising your affection feels like a betrayal.”

  6. Rus kisa oyku- roman yazari ve gazeteci Sergey Donatovich Dovlatov’un olum yildonumu (24 Adustos 1990)

    “Ozgurlugun beni ilgilendirmeyen felsefi bir dusunce oldugunu biliyordum. Cunku bizim gibi yari tutsaklara felsefe yapmak lukstur. Caninin istedigi yere gidebiliyor musun? Iste sana ozgurluk!” Bavul

    “I know that freedom is a philosophical concept. That doesn't interest me. After all, slaves aren't interested in philosophy. To go wherever you want – now that's freedom!”

    “Oda berbat gorunuyordu. ‘Burasi bana yakismaz’demeliydim. Ama yine de entelektuel biriyim herhalde ki o siirsel sozleri soyledim: ‘Pencereler guneye mi bakiyor?’ " Puskin Tepeleri

    “The room was even more disgusting. To be honest, I was at a bit of a loss. If only I could have simply said: ‘I’m afraid this won’t work.‘ But it appears I am genteel after all. And so I said something lyrical: ‘The windows face south?’ ”

  7. Turk sair Seyhan Erozcelik'in olum yildonumu (24 Agustos 2011)

    Gul tuttu gozlerim butun gece,
    ay sularindan, gul ustune bir igne
    takildi gozlerime, kivamli bir sivi
    gozden akan, sanki gulkani

    My eyes caught a rose the whole night
    round mindnight, a needle on a rose,
    to my eyes stuck, a potent liquid
    is flowing from my eyes, as if roseblood

  8. Fransiz roman ve deneme yazari Michel Butor’nun olum yildonumu (24 Agustos 2016)

    “Her sanat eserinde ustesinden gelinmis bir intihar tesebbusu vardir. Eser, sadece digerlerine karsi direnebilmek icin degil, ayrica insanin kendisiyle arasinda 'modus vivendi' bulmasi icindir de, bu baskasi olan benle. “

    “Il y a dans toute œuvre d'art une tentation surmontée du suicide. L'œuvre est là non seulement pour permettre de résister à autrui, mais pour trouver un 'modus vivendi' avec soi.”

    Terraluna: Modus Vivendi:Latince: Yasama tarzi/ Modus vivendi bulmak: Cekismeli taraflar arasinda bir anlasma saglamak

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