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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 21,937 - 21,944 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. "Die Turmstube ist dunkel.

    Aber sie leuchten sich ins Gesicht mit ihrem Lächeln. Sie tasten vor sich her wie Blinde und finden den Andern wie eine Tür. Fast wie Kinder, die sich vor der Nacht ängstigen, drängen sie sich in einander ein. Und doch fürchten sie sich nicht. Da ist nichts, was gegen sie wäre: kein Gestern, kein Morgen; denn die Zeit ist eingestürzt. Und sie blühen aus ihren Trümmern.

    Er fragt nicht. "Dein Gemahl?"

    Sie fragt nicht: "Dein Namen?"

    Sie haben sich ja gefunden, um einander ein neues Geschlecht zu sein.Sie werden sich hundert neue Namen geben und einander alle wieder abnehmen, leise, wie man einen Ohrring abnimmt." Rainer Maria Rilke, Butun Siirlerinden Secmeler

  2. "The way things turned out, nobody, we say, is to blame. One left; another was killed; the others—how should you account for them now? The seasons go about their business as usual. Oleanders bloom. The shadow walks round and round the tree. The pitcher, left out, motionless in the blazing sun, was scorched though it protected the water. All the same, he said, we could have moved the pitcher each hour, stayed in step with the shadow, round and round the tree, circling until we caught the rhythm, dancing, forgetting the pitcher, the water, even our thirst—no longer thirsting, just dancing." Yannis Ritsos

  3. “O yeminler, kokular, sonu gelmez opusler! / Quei giuramenti, quei profumi, quei baci infiniti, rinasceranno! / O vows, O perfumes, O infinite kisses! / Ô serments! ô parfums! ô baisers infinis!” Charles Baudelaire

  4. Osmanli Imparatorlugunun 10. Padisahi (Suleiman the Magnificent - Solimano il Magnifico)Kanuni Sultan Suleyman, 7 Eylul 1566'da Zigetvar Seferi'nde gut hastaligi yuzunden vefat etti.

    Suleyman the Magnificent died on 7th September 1566, while he was commanding the siege of Sziget.

    (Halk arasinda devlet kadar itibarli bir nesne yoktur¸ ama aslinda dunyada bir nefeslik sihhat gibi saadet ve zenginlik olmaz.)

    "There is no worthy thing like prosperity among the folk
    There is no prosperity like a breath of health in the world."

  5. Romantik Hareket uyesi Ingiliz roman yazari ve doktor John William Polidori'nin dogum yildonumu (7 Eylul 1795)

    "Iyilikleri gizli yapmak ve dunyanin ovgusunden kacinmak, erdemli bir yuregin ve kendinden emin bir vicdanin en kesin delilidir. / To do good in secret, and shun the world's applause, is the surest testimony of a virtuous heart and self-approving conscience."

    "Aubrey onlarin soylediklerini hafife alip isi sakaya vurmaya calisti; fakat ismiyle dahi onlarin kanini donduran ustun, cehennemi bir kudretle alay etme curetini gostermesi karsisinda nasil urperdiklerini gorunce sesi kesildi."

    "Aubrey made light of their representations, and tried to laugh them out of the idea; but when he saw them shudder at his daring thus to mock a superior, infernal power, the very name of which apparently made their blood freeze, he was silent."

    "Vasiler Bayan Aubrey'yi korumak icin harekete gectiler; fakat vardiklarinda, artik cok gecti. Lord Ruthven sirra kadem basmis, Aubrey'nin kiz kardesi bir VAMPİR'in susuzlugunu dindirmisti."

    "The guardians hastened to protect Miss Aubrey; but when they arrived, it was too late. Lord Ruthven had disappeared, and Aubrey's sister had glutted the thirst of a VAMPYRE!"

  6. Amerikali gorsel sanatci (Anna Mary Robertson) Grandma Moses'in dogum yildonumu (7 Eylul 1860)

    Fireboard, 1918

    The Old Checkered House, 1943

  7. Fransiz roman ve oyun yazari Tristan Bernard’in dogum yildonumu (7 Eylul 1866)

    "Insan baskalariyla mutlu yasamak istiyorsa, onlardan yalnizca verebileceklerini istemelidir."

    “Kadinlar olaganustudurler. En ufak kozlarini bile kullanmasini bilirler. Kimi yuruyus bicimini, bir digeri yakasi acik elbisesini, bir ucuncusu ise; bacaklarini. Hatta aklini bile kullananlari vardir.”

  8. Rus roman yazari, pilot ve kasif Aleksandr Ivanovich Kuprin'in dogum yildonumu (7 Eylul 1870)

    " 'Ben, sana buna karsilik kucuk bir masal anlatacagim. Bir gun kurdun biri ormanda kosuyormus, bir tavsan gormus ve ona: 'Tavsan, hey tavsan, seni yiyecegim' demis. Tavsan yalvarmaya baslamis: 'Bagisla beni kurt, daha yasamak istiyorum, evde kucuk cocuklarim var.' Kurt razi olmamis. O zaman tavsan: 'Eh, hic degilse bu dunyada yasamak icin uc gun ver bana, sonra yersin. Boyle olursa olumum daha kolay olur.' Kurt ona bu uc gunu vermis; yememis, beklemeye baslamis. Birinci gun gecmis, ikinci gun gecmis ve sonunda ucuncu gun de bitmeye yuz tutmus. 'Hey, simdi hazirlan' demis kurt. 'Simdi seni yemeye baslayacagim.' Burada bizim tavsan iki gozu iki cesme aglamaya baslamis: 'Ah kurt, neden bana bu uc gunu bagisladin? Beni gorur gormez yeseydin daha iyiydi. Ben bu uc gun boyunca yasamadim, sadece istirap cektim!' "

    " 'I'll tell you a little story. One day a wolf was running through the wood and he saw a hare. 'I'll eat you up, hare!' he says. 'Have pity on me, wolf,' the hare begged, 'I want to live, my little ones are waiting for me at home.' The wolf wouldn't listen to him. Then the hare said, 'Well, at least let me live three days longer, and then you may eat me up. It'll be easier for me to die that way.' The wolf gave him the three days -- he didn't eat him up, just kept an eye on him. One day passed, then another, and at last the third day came. 'Get ready now,' says the wolf, 'I'm going to eat you.' And the hare began to cry bitterly. 'Why did you ever give me those three days, wolf! You should have eaten me up as soon as you saw me. Those three days were worse than death to me!' "

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