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Konu: KARSN - Karsan Otomotiv


    AB iskembeden konusuyor,.. En cok ihracatlari TR ye... Yemez...
    Akıl, akıl olduğundandır ki işlerin sonunu görür; sonu görmeyen akıl, nefis kesilir.

  2. Karsan, Almanya Nürnberg'de Yedek Parça Deposu Açıyor.

    Açıklama şöyle:

    Karsan, Avrupa'daki yedek parça ve satış sonrası servis ağını genişletmek adına önemli bir projeyi hayata geçirdi. Proje kapsamında, Almanya'nın Nürnberg şehrinde bir yedek parça deposu açacak olan Karsan, ihtiyaç duyulan yedek parçaları Avrupa'nın her noktasına 2 gün içerisinde gönderebilecek. Deponun 1 Eylül itibariyle faaliyete başlayacağını belirten Karsan Ticari İşler Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Muzaffer Arpacıoğlu, "Avrupa'daki satış sonrası servis ağımızı güçlendirmek ve bayilerimizin kendilerine gelen taleplere çok kısa sürede çözüm sağlaması amacıyla önemli bir yatırımı daha devreye aldık. 50 yılı aşan tecrübemize dayanarak, satış sonrası müşteri desteğinin marka güvenilirliği ile tercih edilmede ciddi bir paya sahip olduğunu biliyoruz. Kurulacak bu yapı ile müşterilerimizle aramızdaki mesafeleri minimuma indireceğiz" değerlendirmesinde bulundu.

    Geliştirdiği toplu taşıma sistemleriyle her kente uyum sağlayabilecek modern çözümler sunan Karsan, hem konvansiyonel hem de elektrikli modelleriyle Avrupa şehirlerinin öncelikli tercihi olmayı sürdürürken, yedek parça ve servis ağını genişletmeye devam ediyor. Bu doğrultuda önemli bir yatırıma daha imza atan Karsan, Almanya'nın Nürnberg şehrinde bir yedek parça deposu açmaya hazırlanıyor. Karsan, 1 Eylül tarihinde faaliyete başlayacak depo ile başta elektrikli araçlarının parçaları olmak üzere yedek parça teminini 2 güne indirecek. Böylece, ihtiyaç duyulan parçaları Avrupa'nın her yerine kısa sürede gönderecek olan Karsan, minimum zamanda düşük maliyetle hizmet sağlayarak müşteri memnuniyetini artırmayı hedefliyor.

    "Mesafeleri minimuma indiriyoruz"

    Konuyla ilgili bilgiler veren Karsan Ticari İşler Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Muzaffer Arpacıoğlu, "Covid-19 salgını sonrası toparlanmaya başlayan

    Avrupa'dan hem konvansiyonel hem de yüzde 100 elektrikli modellerimiz için önemli adetlerde sipariş almayı sürdüyoruz. Bu doğrultuda, satış sonrası servis ağımızı güçlendirmek ve Avrupa'daki bayilerimizin müşterilerden gelen taleplerine çok kısa sürede çözüm sunabilmek amacıyla önemli bir yatırımı daha devreye aldık. 50 yılı aşan tecrübemize dayanarak, satış sonrası müşteri desteğinin, marka güvenilirliği ile tercih edilmede ciddi bir paya sahip olduğunu biliyoruz. Yeni yatırımımızla kurulan bu yapı ile müşterilerimizle aramızdaki mesafeleri minimuma indireceğiz" ifadelerini kullandı.

    Yerinde yedek parça hizmeti için Barsan Global Lojistik ile güçlerini birleştiren Karsan, ilerleyen süreçte Barsan'ın 45 farklı ülkede bulunan depolarından ve lojistik ağından da faydalanarak operasyon gücünü katlamayı planlıyor.

    -iDeal Haber Merkezi-

  3. Workhorse: Potansiyel USPS Sözleşmesine Yönelik Düşüş Görünümü
    27 Ağu 2020 17:48 ET Workhorse Group Inc. ( WKHS ) KODK, OSK 54 Yorumlar
    Şu anda 17.43 $ fiyatla satışa sunulan WKHS, yalnızca agresif gelecek beklentilerine dayalı olarak, gerçek bir gelir olmadan 1.8 milyar $ 'lık zengin bir piyasa sınırına sahip.
    Pek çok Workhorse boğası, potansiyel ABD Posta Hizmetleri sözleşmesinin her derde deva olmak üzere tüm hastalıkları iyileştireceğine güveniyor.
    Workhorse'un bugünün değerlemesini haklı çıkaracak ölçüde karlı bir araç üreticisi olabileceğinden şüphe ediyor.
    USPS sözleşmesi için rekabetçi teklif verme süreci, Workhorse'un sözleşmeyi kazanması için önemli kayıplara yol açacaktır.
    Yani herhangi bir senaryoda, Workhorse kaybeder ve 1.8 milyar dolarlık balon sonunda söner.
    5 Ağustos'ta yayınlanan Workhorse'u (NASD**: WKHS ) içeren bir makale yazdığımdan beri , Workhorse hisseleri daha yüksek işlem hacimlerinde 15 ila 19 dolar aralığında oldukça dalgalı. 10 Ağustos'ta Workhorse, 92 bin dolarlık gelir ve 131,3 milyon dolarlık net zarara sahip ikinci çeyrek sonuçlarını bildirdi (çoğunlukla dönüştürülebilir bir senetin piyasa değerindeki ani artış nedeniyle meydana gelen 108,4 milyon dolarlık nakit dışı ücret dahil) 2. çeyrekte hisse senedi fiyatı). Yönetim, ikinci çeyrekte yalnızca bir kamyonun teslim edildiğini ve bu çeyrekte yalnızca bir avuç kamyonun teslim edilmesinin beklendiğini belirtti. Yönetim, Aralık çeyreğinin sonunda birkaç yüz kamyon üretmeyi umduğunu belirterek iyimser kaldı.

    10 Ağustos'tan bu yana, Workhorse'un ABD Posta Servisi {USPS} yeni nesil teslimat kamyonu sözleşmesini kazanması üzerine spekülasyonlar artıyor. USPS, Workhorse hisselerinin birincil itici gücü haline geliyor. Bu nedenle, aşağıda USPS sözleşmesiyle ilgili olarak Workhorse için boğa ve ayı durumunu sağladım. Bu boğa ve ayı senaryoları, USPS sözleşmesi için diğer iki teklif sahibiyle yapılan tartışmalar da dahil olmak üzere, son makalemden bu yana topladığım yeni bilgileri içeriyor.

    Boğa Vakası

    Boğalar, 6 milyar dolarlık ABD Posta Servisi {USPS} sözleşmesinin büyük kısmının Workhorse'a gideceğine inanıyor. Onlar, rotayı tersine çevirmek ve Yeşile gitmeyi bir öncelik haline getirmek için Trump yönetimine güveniyorlar, bu da USPS'nin Workhorse'un elektrikli araç {EV} teslimat kamyonetlerini satın almasına dönüşecek. Ek bir artı, EV kamyonlarının düşük bakım maliyetlerine sahip olmasıdır.

    Ohio değişken bir eyalet ve Trump yeniden seçilmek istiyor. Boğalar, bunu Workhorse'un USPS sözleşmesine hak kazanması için bir başka itici güç olarak görüyor.

    Boğa çantasındaki yeni bir bükülme, Lordstown Motors tesisini, ana EV kamyonetine ek olarak posta hizmeti teslimat kamyonetleri yapmak için güçlendirme potansiyeli. Bunun tam olarak nasıl başarılacağı hala bir muamma. Bu yeni stratejinin nedeni, 2. çeyrek konferans görüşmesi sırasında yönetimin, Indiana, Union City'deki Workhorse tesisinin bugün bu kadar büyük bir sözleşme için maliyet açısından rekabetçi olmayabileceğini belirtmesidir. Lordstown Motors'un, Workhorse'un% 10 hissesine sahip olduğu bağımsız bir şirket olduğu unutulmamalıdır.

    Boğalar, bu sözleşme açıklandığında buna inanırlar. Workhorse hisseleri yükselecek. Boğa durumunda, 6 milyar dolarlık bir sözleşmenin çoğunluğunu alan 4 milyar dolar diyelim, önümüzdeki on yıllık gelirlerde indirim oranı olmadan çok cömert bir şekilde değerlendi, 46 doların biraz üzerinde bir maksimum hisse fiyatına eşittir (hisse başına 38 dolar) USPS sözleşmesi,% 10 Lordstown hissesi için 2 $ ve özel teslimat kamyoneti sözleşmelerinin son derece yükselen satış tarafı tahminlerine dayalı 6 $ - tahminlerinde USPS gelirlerini hariç tuttuklarını varsayarak). Bir ler aslında bir negatif brüt marj ile USPS sözleşme kazanan, bu makalenin sonraki bir değer kötüleyicisi ele alacaklar. Şirket teslim edemeyecekleri ve tonlarca para kaybedecekleri bir USPS sözleşmesinin büyük bir kısmını kazansa bile Workhorse'un fiyat hedefini değiştirmem .

    Boğalar, hisse senedi fiyatındaki sıçramayı şiddetlendirecek kısa pozisyonlarda marj sıkışmasından yararlanabilir. Kısa faiz şu anda tedavüldeki hisselerin% 22'sidir. Ayrıca, Workhorse şortları, haberlerde satış yapan birçok Workhorse yatırımcısından etkilenebilir ve bu da yüksek fiyatlardan zorunlu alımlara yol açabilir (çünkü ödünç alınan hisseler satılacağı için kısa satıcıları kapatmaya zorlar).

    Ayı Örneği

    Ayılar, Workhorse'un USPS sözleşmesi için ne teslim edebileceğini ne de rekabet edemeyeceğini belirtiyor. Workhorse, USPS'nin gerektirdiği binlerce kamyonu teslim etmeye yakın bile olmayan işlevsiz bir şirket oldu.

    Workhorse, rakipleri gibi eksiksiz bir teslimat kamyonu sağlamak için dikey olarak entegre edilmemiştir, rakipleri gibi servis veya garanti desteğine sahip değildir ve mali açıdan istikrarsızdır. Her iki rakibi de ABD'ye ve diğer hükümetlere onlarca yıldır teslimat ve / veya askeri araçlar sağlıyor.

    Odadaki büyük fil, Workhorse'un şu anki 1.8 milyar dolarlık değerlemesidir. Bu değerlemeyi haklı çıkarmak veya aşmak için Workhorse'un karlı bir şekildeUSPS sözleşmesinin büyük kısmını karaya çıkarın. Bu USPS teslimat kamyonu ihalesi, rekabetçi bir teklif verme sürecidir. USPS'den daha küçük hacimleri olan Morgan Olson tarafından kazanılan son Kanada posta kamyonu teslimat siparişinin fiyatı göz önüne alındığında, teslimat kamyoneti başına 30.000 ila 40.000 $ arasında bir fiyat tahmin ediyorum. Workhorse'un bataryası tek başına 30 bin dolara mal oluyor. Workhorse bir şekilde sözleşmeyi kazanmayı başarırsa, negatif brüt marjları olacaktır. Workhorse sözleşmeyi kazansa bile kaybederler. Aslında, Lordstown Motors da kaybediyor - bu soruyu akla getiriyor, Lordstown neden bu negatif brüt kar marjı teslimat minibüsü için karlı Endurance EV kamyonetinden güçlendirme masraflarından geçip kapasitesini elinden almak istesin? Bu, Trump için siyasi bir karmaşa yaratabilir.

    İhale sürecinin detayları gizli olmakla birlikte, hem Morgan Olson hem de Oshkosh ( OSK ), teknolojiden bağımsız olduklarını ve bir EV teslimat kamyonetinin yanı sıra bir hibrit veya yanmalı motor teslim edebileceklerini açıkladı. Oshkosh, USPS teklifini sunarken, bir EV teklifini karşılamak için yeterli esnekliği bıraktıklarından bile bahsetti. Oshkosh yönetimi, diğer bazı araçlarında kullandığı gelişmiş EV teknolojisine sahip olduğunu belirtti. Bu nedenle Workhorse, USPS sözleşmesinin tek EV sağlayıcısı değildir.

    Oshkosh'un yönetimi, teknik, dayanıklılık ve işlevsel olarak en iyi dağıtım kamyonuna sahip olduklarını hissetti; bu nedenle, sözleşme liyakate göre verilirse, Oshkosh yönetimi kazanma şansının en yüksek olduğuna inanır. Morgan-Olson ayrıca USPS için yüksek kaliteli bir teslimat kamyonunu seri üretme kapasitesine sahiptir. Workhorse, basitçe yapmaz.

    Pek çok boğa, Ohio'yu yaklaşan ABD seçimlerinde sallanan bir eyalet olarak, teklifi kazanan Workhorse'a bağlamaya çalışıyor. Bunu anlamak zor. Her şeyden önce, Lordstown Motors Ohio'da bulunuyor. Bu, Trump'ın kampanyasının odak noktasıydı ve bu yaz Başkan Yardımcısı Pence'in katıldığı büyük bir açılışla Lordstown fabrikasını başarıyla yeniden açtı. Böylece, Ohio, Lordstown halkı için işini yaptı. Wisconsin ve Virginia da hareketli eyaletlerdir. Trump, ulusal seçimleri kazanmak için daha iyi bir şansa sahip olmak istiyorsa, bu sözleşmeyi Oshkosh, Wisconsin ve / veya Danville, Virginia (Morgan Olson'ın yeni teslimat kamyoneti tesisi) ile paylaşmamak çılgınca olurdu. Aslında Trump, USPS sözleşmesinin çoğunu şüpheli bir eyalet dışı tedarikçiye vermesi nedeniyle Wisconsin ve Virginia'daki seçmenleri üzebilir. Ve belirtildiği gibi,

    Ayrıca, Eastman Kodak ( KODK ) gibi siyasi olarak ödüllendirilmiş fonlar da işe yaramadı. Arka plan olarak, Federal hükümet kısa süre önce, yerli üretimi artırma kampanyasının bir parçası olarak, şirketin ABD'de ilaç bileşenleri üretmesine yardımcı olmak için Eastman Kodak'a 765 milyon dolar borç vermeyi önerdi. Birkaç gün içinde 3 dolardan 40 dolara fırladıktan sonra, Kodak hisseleri SEC'in incelemeleri ve birçok yatırımcı davasının ortasında şu anda 6 dolara düştü. Kodak bunu yapamadı. İlaç üretim tecrübesi olmayan bir şirketin kabuğu. Başkan Trump, teslim edemeyen başka bir şirkete sözleşme imzalamanın utanç ve olası yasal sonuçlarını neden riske atsın?

    Workhorse, asla gerçekleşmeyen yüz milyonlarca dolarlık vaat edilen sözleşmeler de dahil olmak üzere agresif yatırımcı medya kampanyaları geçmişine sahiptir. Bu, Workhorse'un geçmiş maceralarının görkemli bir versiyonu gibi görünüyor. Workhorse sözleşmeyi kazansa bile, bence şirket teslim edemeyecek ya da işten çıkacak. Haber üzerine satış çok büyük olacak. Bugünün 1,8 milyar dolarlık değerlemesi hiçbir senaryoda sürdürülebilir değil.

    Açıklama: Ben / biz kısayız WKHS. Bu makaleyi kendim yazdım ve kendi görüşlerimi ifade ediyor. Bunun için tazminat alamıyorum (Alfa Arayışı dışında). Bu makalede adı geçen hiçbir şirketle iş ilişkim yok


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    En yeni

    Comments (2.37K)
    Today, 3:20 PM
    “Bears doubt that Workhorse can ever become a profitable vehicle producer to the extent that it would justify today's valuation.”
    Sounds familiar
    Many of us said same of an EV company using an old GM factory in Fremont CA to make electric cars.
    Also, 6 billion splits nice three ways....


    Comments (4)
    Today, 12:30 PM
    You are so wrong to miss out on the fact that the winner of this tender will also win the 20years maintenance contract for these vehicles when you evaluate the tender as "a losing deal". Selling a copy machine is a losing deal if you don't count in the consumables and maintenance fees that Konica Minolta will receive in the coming 5 years. The maintenance fee can be 10%-15% of the selling price of a vehicle every year, which makes it a long term recurrent income for the winning company.
    Workhorse used to have its partner VT Hackney, which is a subsidiary of ST Engineering, a Temasek owned company. In 2019 Dec Workhorse bought all the IPR with 7M USD from VT Hackney to bid on its own. If Workhorse management is not very confident, they will not do this deal and pay in advance.
    Lordstown CEO is ex-Workhorse CEO, it is so obvious that Lordstown will help Workhorse to manufacture the trucks. And when you talk about Donald Trump, his election promise was to revive Lordstown and bring jobs back to this town. He just sent Pence to give a keynote speech at Lordstown's new car debut ceremony and he is almost certain to help Workhorse since Steve Burns of Lordstown helped him to fulfill his promise in bring jobs back to Lordstown. This is how business and politics work.
    BTW I just expect Workhorse to get 1/4 of the tender and that is already enough for me to put my money in this company.


    Comments (188)
    Today, 12:38 PM
    Edward, prefers to remain in the background when other SA authors dont cherry pick tough questions, similar to Trump. I advised Edward to step up and provide a lot of explanations in response to 90% Negative comments or comments that are against his views. Edward if listening, this is an excellent opportunity to step up and face the community that prefers to share ideas and even if you are against WKHS, we all appreciate views and data.


    Comments (11)
    Today, 12:04 PM
    One of the big assumptions in this article is the price WKHS would charge the post office for this vehicle. The author can't have any idea on that. The price would depend on many things. We don't know how big the battery pack will be on WKHS USPS vehicles. USPS vehicles don't go far in a day, so it's possible they would use a smaller pack. Lots of unknowns.


    Comments (188)
    Today, 11:54 AM
    Why did I make $26,800 in less then 12 hours of work? Because I do research and I cover all areas on High Growth. I've been telling people for many months on most of these.
    I can tell anyone that this is all Speculative picks but its not. I've gotten blasted for entering all these positions but today I make 550% on just one of these picks. The point is this is not rocket science work, just cover all areas of due diligence.
    WKHS will explode too. I do Options and Long term holds for massive gains.


    Jay Kahekili
    Comments (12)
    Today, 10:50 AM
    edward schneider .....
    2020 has been very "volitile" year. all stocks have been volatile. you can pick any stock and check history and it will show volatility on all stocks. 2020 is unusual year.
    "Being alive in 2020 is special because that is the only year you are likely to live through wherein the first two digits will match the second two digits. The next year that follows this pattern is 2121. A person alive now would have to be at least 101 to see that year. While that is possible, it is unlikely."
    just take a glance at all the things that are happening around you. 2020 is extra ordinary year.


    Jay Kahekili
    Comments (12)
    Today, 10:33 AM
    edward schneider ...
    that was a powerful article. stock is based on speculation. this is why many people lose thousands of dollars sitting in front of computers and on the otherhand make millions doing so. cannot become MILLIONAIRE without taking risks. we have 30 days until USPS contract is awarded.


    Mash Man
    Comments (1)
    Today, 10:24 AM
    The idea that Lordstown could not build the USPS trucks for Workhorse is ridiculous - that's the EXACT reason Burns set out to create Lordstown Motors in the first place.
    Go to 1:09 in this video, they have retooled the Lordstown plant to make vehicles for the post office.


    Edward Schneider, CFA
    Comments (87)
    Today, 4:44 AM
    Thanks to all of you for taking such an interest in my article. I respect all of your opinions, and will try to respond to as many of your comments below as possible:
    1) In terms of transparency and stating all facts - all readers should read the more extensive August 5th article that gives a more complete picture of Workhorse. The two articles go together.
    2) I am not denying the possibility of a two-winner outcome - Oshkosh/Ford and Workhorse. But it is very unclear, at least to me, how Workhorse can deliver the bulk of the USPS contract in this scenario. On the Q2 conf call, mgmt admitted that the Union City plant is still early in the learning curve, and will have higher production costs. Mgmt then pivoted to using the Lordstown plant to supply the USPS delivery trucks. Given the competitive bidding process/low margins, the retrofitting expenses, the capacity issues, etc, I just don't see this happening.
    In fact, if I were DPHC, I would cut-out WKHS, as the only way to have a chance at making a profit on the USPS contract. WKHS got a sweetheart deal a few years ago thanks to its ex-CEO. In my opinion, WKHS is now a drag on Lordstown, and brings very little to the table. As documented in the last article, the IP is limited to a small number of non-blocking patents, many of which start expiring in a few years. Workhorse cannot competitively produce in high volume, and is now looking for Lordstown to bail them out.
    3) On the political comments, I think that if President Trump was running for governor of Ohio, then giving the bulk of the contract to Lordstown (who Trump has already helped out immensely) makes sense. But there are other swing states that he needs in order to get elected as the President of the Untied States.
    I did a Google search on Swing States, and this is the first article that popped up - According to their analysis, Wisconsin is a swing state, and Ohio and Virginia are potential swing states. While you can argue the merits of this article, I did not just make this up.
    I believe that President Trump awarding the bulk of the USPS contract to Workhorse will backfire on him. The reasons were clearly laid out in this article.
    4) I am not immune to the market action. This stock should have tanked a long time ago, but it has not. So, maybe the fix is in, and President Trump and Postmaster DeJoy are going to give this contract to Workhorse come hell or high water. There is just the rational part of my brain that keeps on telling me that this makes no sense whatsoever - not even for President Trump. So, it will be interesting to see how this story unfolds in the coming months.
    I wish good luck to all of you with your investments.
    Ed Schneider


    Comments (7)
    Today, 7:48 AM
    @Edward Schneider, CFA Since you chose not to address my question I will post it again to give you an opportunity to be honest and transparent.
    Please elaborate on the discussions you had with management with two other bidders. I was under the impression there was an NDA. This would seem to be in violation of the NDA. Your article disclosed details surrounding the details of what was included in the bids of OshKosh and Morgan Olson. Who provided you with this information?


    Edward Schneider, CFA
    Comments (87)
    Today, 8:45 AM
    Dear 1stack,
    Your question was already answered in the article - I spoke with the representatives of the two other bidders - Oshkosh and JB Poindexter/Morgan Olson.
    Of course confidential details were neither provided to me nor published in this article, as they were under NDA. So, please play your insinuation games somewhere else.


    Comments (7)
    Today, 9:33 AM
    @Edward Schneider, CFA
    “Oshkosh even mentioned that when submitting its USPS bid, they left enough flexibility to accommodate for an EV offering”.
    “Thus, Workhorse is not the only EV provider of the USPS contract”.
    According to your article Oshkosh provided you with information regarding its bid which you used to draw the conclusion regarding whether or not Workhorse is the only EV bid. If this is public information and has been disclosed then by all means prove me wrong as I would like to be educated on this point. If this is not public information and has not been disclosed previously then it would seem to be in violation of the NDA to be discussing specifics of the Oshkosh bid.


    Comments (5)
    Today, 12:13 AM
    Anything with the perception of producing jobs in an election year is a win. Both sides want to take credit. They will definitely get USPS money for EV and manufacturing.


    Comments (188)
    Yesterday, 11:14 PM
    Recap why WKHS will win USPS or share anx gain huge momentum for 2020, 2021
    * 2 players in final bid
    * USPS Contract 0, 25, 50, 75 or 100 % is what WKHS will receive. My prediction is the first 2 are out, leaving 50 to 100% of the contract will be in play ...or $3.4 billion to 6.8 on the table.
    * 9/15 to 9/30 final selection made
    WKHS will be profiting huge with Lordstown 10% ownership and the partnership to help manufactur new EVs.
    * Huge huge investors involved with this stock, and ARK ETF has got 550,000 shares on the line so the likelihood of 0%, 25% is very very low.
    * First mover and Only US pure play OEM in electrification for last mile
    * Duke Energy partnership
    Partnership with Ryder and others
    7 patents, 4 pending
    * Scale with Union City, Indiana to mass produce when bid wins
    * Delivery Costs Reduced for WKHS customers such as USPS compared to ask what? How? Where? C'mon peeps...look again. Workhorse also has another idea to drive down delivery costs. Give the delivery driver a robotic buddy—a Horsefly. That’s the name of Workhorse’s autonomous four-rotor drone.
    The drones drive down costs by letting the driver make multiple deliveries at once. “It’s like another delivery man,” adds Schrader who explains it can cost a logistics company up to $1 to deliver a package. “The [drone] is 4 cents [per package].” A Horsefly drone, of course, could be used on any van with total cost for delivery being a mix of truck, driver and drone
    So when all these brilliant authors provide their one sides articles...they should at least cover all variables involved before summation. How can you justify future valuation? Its not easy but you need capture all variables in context and not be bias because you don't feel something.. Feelings are not apart of final analysis, just give all the facts.
    If you really want to stretch outside the box, try adding in the Political influence. You go go either route on this. Boden will be huge for EV sector since he is all in on GREEN, versus Trump who doesn't believe in climate issues but he believes in making money. Trump can certainly have an impact for selecting WKHS, and i would bet Lordstown and WKHS are double teaming TRUMP, PENCE and RNC with every incentive they can offer. I'm not suggesting Dems or Repubs are better fit here, that to me is a different article, but politics is an important variable when measuring data points.
    To the nay sayers, thank you. I always respect all opinions and without difference we cannot put the full context in place.


    Comments (188)
    Yesterday, 11:32 PM
    One more important update to add
    Workhorse announced that its C-Series all-electric delivery trucks have been deemed eligible for the Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project program by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). Commenting on the implications of this designation, Workhorse CEO, Duane Hughes, noted:
    "Our eligibility for the HVIP program is expected to help dramatically reduce purchasing costs for California-based potential customers when additional funding becomes available, which is expected in the fall of this year."
    Similarly, on the 23rd of July, Workhorse announced that it landed an initial purchase order of 20 all-electric C-1000 delivery vehicles from trucking company eTrucks, thereby, allowing the company to expand its order book and sales reach.


    Comments (7)
    Yesterday, 9:16 PM
    The average daily mileage for the current USPS LLV is less than 20 miles a day. Why would WKHS use a battery that cost $30k?


    Comments (61)
    Yesterday, 10:29 PM
    @1stack because they are bust out know nothing con men
    They have made a ton of money Buying and selling the stock manipulating the price just like Kodak
    Do a little research look at the parties involved they are professional thieves


    [email protected]
    Comments (2)
    Yesterday, 8:50 PM
    Aside from ARKQ’s WKHS holdings.
    The company is aligned with Duke Energy to offer fleet electrification ("eFleet") solutions to existing and future Workhorse customers, including the development of the EV infrastructure requirements for its current and future blue chip customers including both commercial and GOVERNMENTAL fleets. Plus... they are the ONLY US all-electric OEM in the last-mile delivery space with federal safety standard approval. Then there’s the massive California Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher program they just became eligible for.
    Oh, they have a fully autonomously FAA compliant drone for package delivery.
    Best of luck with this article.


    Comments (61)
    Yesterday, 10:34 PM
    @[email protected] look at earnings
    Loss 131 million Q 2
    Revenue 92,000
    Will only deliver one vehicle in Q 2
    It would be different if they knew what they were doing
    Here’s the biggest test for Lordstown Motors Workhorse etc The election, if Biden wins let’s see how Workhorse and their partners react
    It’s called we’re fucked now no more favors from Trump


    [email protected]
    Comments (2)
    Today, 12:12 AM
    Sorry wrong Again.
    House Democratic's Moving Forward Act.
    Then Sec. 50002
    Requires the Postal Service to use any of the authorized funds to purchase electric or zero-emission vehicles to replace its current right-hand-drive vehicles to the maximum extent practicable. However, at least 75 percent of the new fleet must be such vehicles. The section would also require that the fleet of medium and heavy-duty trucks consist of at least 30 percent of electric vehicles by 2030 and that any vehicle purchased after 2040 be electric or zero-emission.


    Inig Madik
    Comments (106)
    Today, 9:20 AM
    Wow... thanks for that!!!


    Comments (728)
    Yesterday, 8:48 PM
    It's very petty to insist that the USPS contract or WKHS be profitable, investors never made such unreasonable demands of TSLA and it's worth $400B.


    Mr. Driller
    Comments (1.11K)
    Yesterday, 8:30 PM
    Author Lost credibility with me when he says Virginia is a swing State. It isn't at all. Trump's got bigger fish to fry than Wisconsin - Like AZ and FL and PA. No Republican President since Lincoln has won without Ohio. The author's Lack of knowledge in this area is used against WKHS. At best, his assertions are incomplete.


    Be A Man
    Comments (2.91K)
    Yesterday, 9:08 PM
    @Mr. Driller I lived in Virginia for 34 years and been all over the state many times. Downtrodden Danville wouldn’t move any state wide election .1%! Northern Virginia with Richmond and most of the Tidewater area rules the state. They are all heavily Democratic, not really a swing state any longer.


    Comments (7)
    Yesterday, 9:17 PM
    @Mr. DrillerHillary won the state by 5 points in 2016. Nobody considers it a battleground state anymore except for the author apparently.


    Comments (61)
    Yesterday, 10:39 PM
    @Mr. Driller There’s a nice 2016 article on seeking alpha that reveals the real story behind this
    You know prior to Trump being president
    Assholes would take deposit for vehicles never deliver
    The money would disappear mostly paying themselves then go get a high interest loan to pay the deposit money back
    They would be a nobody if they didn’t have Trump sucking their ass


    Comments (15)
    Yesterday, 8:01 PM
    Just remember Electric Trucks isn't the only think they produce , There is an item they build for the US Government and a few other things as well , yes I am Bullish but I do think it will take some time because the Virus more less set things back for many companies at this time


    Comments (188)
    Yesterday, 7:33 PM
    My views
    1. Edward certainly makes some sound financial points but it doesnt mean that paints the full picture of WKHS (current or future) positions.
    2. Though Edward makes some decent points on Financials and capabilities, the issue is you're assuming you know a the details behind the scenes which obviously you do not.
    3. Transparency- though we try to model ourselves and companies we invest in to have full Transparency why should a poker player show all the cards now when there are many variables at stake. NDAs certainly have an impact here but besides non disclosures I highly doubt WKHS would want to show all its best cards.
    4. Timing will tell us what we need to know about WKHS. Yes its true profits have not given the true value projected onto WKHS but besides the USPS, contract everyone is assuming WKHS will be bankrupt if they lose the contract entirely. I would not or never say that for certain.
    5. Edward you're making assumption and leaving out some very key parts to impact the thesis of your article. Yes congrats on your technical abilities and analysis on financials, any CFA can propose such details but you're also skewing the thesis without adding in other variables here.
    6. My bigger concern into buying in your thesis, i would RATHER hedge my bets on CATHIE WOOD of ARK Investments knows 1000% more then all of us from a day to day analysis view. So what you're saying Edward is Ms. Wood and her thousands of shares into WKHS, and other major investors with a strong history of investing are all wrong about WKHS. All these investors have missed your thesis points! Is that logical Edward to assume the best minds in investing are wrong?
    7. Could it be that some financial writers want to influence the market shares to drive prices lower to enable a better entry point or add in positions to earn more? I assume you have the best intentions here and I am in no way suggesting that you don't, but has a negative article ever been so frothy at the bit?


    Comments (61)
    Yesterday, 10:42 PM
    @M00neyzzxx Tell me Workhorses future if Trump is defeated
    They will throw in the towel so quick it won’t be funny
    Especially for all the investors holding the bag of shit they will turn into
    They are nothing without Trump


    Inig Madik
    Comments (106)
    Yesterday, 7:33 PM
    So... what you're saying is that you are short WKHS or live/work/have family/friends in Oshkosh, Wisconsin and/or Danville, Virginia who are also short WKHS or LONG one of their possible contract competitors or just long Oil and betting/hoping all against EV startups... or are against Trump winning reelection or all the above?!!!!!
    And what exactly might this mean:
    "The competitive bidding process for the USPS contract would lead to substantial losses for Workhorse to win the contract."?!!!
    I have been under the impression that all bids were in... that the RFP was put out some years ago and that all anyone has been waiting for is for the USPS to somehow manage funding finally announce a decision!!! How does that cost WKHS anything other than their current and already submitted entries?!!
    You also fail to note in your thesis that the CEO of Lordstown, Steve burns was the creator and CEO of WKHS before taking his idea's for Niche EV startups over to Lordstown (ie... WKHS in last mile delivery vehicles, lets start another Company for the Fleet Work Truck Market) along with securing for a better than reasonable price a basically fully tooled Plant (that once put out 600,000 Vehicles a year... ie it's a rather large place) and thus in all probability has been prepared to do whatever WKHS needs to fulfill any and all contracts WKHS might have and/or get!!!
    I could go on, but in short... I humbly disagree with many of your assertions and ultimate conclusions... long WKHS and DPHC!!!


    Comments (5)
    Yesterday, 7:32 PM
    I think if Trump has a say in the contract, he would be wise to split the contract with states he needs support in. Assuming the contract is awarded before the election it makes each state satisfied. Trump will have done his part to help each state involved and the production would not have an impact until after the election is over. The percentage split can be all over the board.


    Comments (61)
    Yesterday, 10:45 PM
    @Cancun43 How about splitting it with some experienced companies no matter what state they are from
    Then you can try and put a real company together


    Comments (1)
    Yesterday, 7:10 PM
    Why did you not compare this to Nikola’s 14 billion valuation without any FMVSS. I seem to remember when GM sold Tesla a plant and look how that turned out. I am strong and long Workhorse. This article is like saying short Apple Stock.


    Comments (7)
    Yesterday, 6:57 PM
    Please elaborate on the discussions you had with management with two other bidders. I was under the impression there was an NDA. This would seem to be in violation of the NDA.


    Be A Man
    Comments (2.91K)
    Yesterday, 7:19 PM
    @1stack having worked for a major government contractor in my past (US Air Force), prior to the award no bidder can disclose any details of the bid. He talked to the other bidders? Hmmmm.


    Comments (7)
    Yesterday, 9:18 PM
    @Be A ManSo you believe he is being dishonest and has not had any discussions with two other bidders?


    Be A Man
    Comments (2.91K)
    Yesterday, 10:08 PM
    @1stack I wouldn’t say dishonest but what ever information the two other bidders would disclose would need to so general in nature and non specific that it would amount to be little more than a marketing brochure by each firm.


    Be A Man
    Comments (2.91K)
    Yesterday, 6:47 PM
    That you are short the stock does not make you a neutral/ impartial analyst so while interesting, it is not compelling. The US Government contracting business is always looking for small business awards that are capable and this is one.


    Comments (61)
    Yesterday, 6:44 PM
    It’s about time someone said something about the con men behind this
    Trump made sure he got a 10 billion dollar note from treasury for postal transportation
    Trump will make sure all the people he put at the postal service will follow his orders to give the contract to Workhorse even though they don’t deserve it and will
    Not be able to fill it
    But they are his people and that’s all that counts in his mind plus getting his 20% cut


    Comments (129)
    Yesterday, 6:37 PM
    When they don’t get the Postal contract this will hit $8. To much risk the government never gives huge contacts to start up companies.


    Comments (127)
    Yesterday, 6:35 PM
    I looked at WKHS and other EV stocks and ultimately bought into DPHC/Lordstown Motors (soon to be RIDE). Having the former GM factory already in place for basically no cost + $75M add'l GM investment weighed heavily on my decision. Physical assets of a car manufacturing plant currently being re-tooled ready to churn out EV trucks by 2Q next year gave me more confidence in them. All others seem to be just a lot of talk & hype stories.


    Inig Madik
    Comments (106)
    Today, 12:32 AM
    WKHS and DPHC are basically one and the same Company!!!


    Comments (86)
    Yesterday, 6:30 PM
    Isn’t this the same guy that said Tesla was going broke?


    Inig Madik
    Comments (106)
    Yesterday, 7:05 PM
    By "Broke".... he meant that it was going to "broke" all known stock market/trading records!!!


    Comments (2.00K)
    Yesterday, 10:45 PM
    Ha! He seems like a good fortune teller especially since TSLA’s over $2,000🤦*♂️ Very reputable and I feel as confident in his financial advice as my 3yo🙄

  4.  Alıntı Originally Posted by itineris Yazıyı Oku
    hayırdır üstad, nerden çıkmış bunlar birden sana yürümüşler

    herşeyi biliyorlar ama soru soruyorlar...
    Ben hiçbir şey sormadım kimseye de yürümedim yanlış bilgileri düzelttim yazdıklarımda yanlış varsa söyle bizde ogrenelim .hisseyi överken yanlış takas ve kurum bilgileri vardı onları düzelttim .bu hissede çok ciddi pozisyonum olduğumu da belirttim .hisseyi karalamadım .benimde bu hissede çok farklı beklentilerim var rakam yazıp vebal almak istemiyorum .

  5. Bende diyorum nerde bu millet. Kağıda aşık olmasaydım voleyi vurmuştum. 3.80 satma neyse benim de hedefim yularıda ama parçalı vereceğim kağıdı.

  6. Gene kimseden tis yok... varsa yoksa o onu dedi, bu bunu dedi...
    Yarin brut bitiyor...
    Akıl, akıl olduğundandır ki işlerin sonunu görür; sonu görmeyen akıl, nefis kesilir.

  7.  Alıntı Originally Posted by Architect Yazıyı Oku
    Gene kimseden tis yok... varsa yoksa o onu dedi, bu bunu dedi...
    Yarin brut bitiyor...
    Ortak haber tarihi 2013. Yanlış mı paylaştın yoksa hiciv mi ediyorsun da ben mi anlamadım?

  8.  Alıntı Originally Posted by Architect Yazıyı Oku
    Gene kimseden tis yok... varsa yoksa o onu dedi, bu bunu dedi...
    Yarin brut bitiyor...
    7 sene önceki haberi neden paylaşma gereği duydunuz anlamadım

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