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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 31,969 - 31,976 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Peter Pan'in Iskocyali yazari James Matthew Barrie'nin dogum yildonumu (9 Mayis 1860)

    "Goruyorsunuz, her sey tipki gercekte oldugu gibi. Dunyanin en kalpsiz, ama bir o kadar da cekici yaratiklari olan cocuklar gibi gizlice sivisir ve sadece kendimizi dusunerek yasariz. Ozel ilgiye ihtiyac duydugumuzda ise, samar yiyecegimize kucaklanacagimizdan emin olarak, soylu bir bicimde geri doneriz." Peter Pan

    "That was the story, and they were as pleased with it as the fair narrator herself. Everything just as it should be, you see. Off we skip like the most heartless things in the world, which is what children are, but so attractive; and we have an entirely selfish time, and then when we have need of special attention we nobly return for it, confident that we shall be rewarded instead of smacked."

  2. Alman ressam Hans Baluschek'in dogum yildonumu (9 Mayis 1870)

    Großstadtbahnhof (Big City Train Station, 1904)

    Regen (Rain, 1917)

  3. Ispanyol filozof ve deneme yazari José Ortega y Gasset’in dogum yildonumu (9 Mayis 1883)

    “Kadinin dikkati bir erkege takildi mi, erkegin artik o kadinin dusuncelerini butunuyle kendi egemenligi altina almasi cok kolay olur. Bundan sonra tutulacak yol, bir sicak bir soguk davranmaktan, bir candan bir asagilayici gorunmekten, bir gorunup bir gozden kaybolmaktan olusan basit bir oyunu oynamaktir. Bu yontemin ritmi, kadinin dikkati uzerinde ruhsal bir makine etkisi yaparak, dunyada geri kalan her seyi onun gozlerinden siler goturur.”

    “Una vez que la atención de una mujer se fija en el hombre, es a este muy fácil llenar por completo su preocupación, Basta con un sencillo juego de tira y afloja, de solicitud y de desdén, de presencia y de ausencia.El pulso de esta técnica actúa como una máquina neumática en la atención de la mujer y acaba por vaciarla de todo el resto de mundo.”

    “Once a woman’s attention is fixed upon a man, it is very easy for him to dominate her thoughts completely. A simple game of blowing hot and cold, of solicitousness and disdain, of presence and absence is all that is required. The rhythm of that technique acts upon an woman’s attention like a pneumatic machine and ends by emptying her of all the rest of the world.”

  4. Wonder Woman’in yaraticisi ve yalan makinesinin mucidi Amerikali Psikolog William Moulton Marston’in dogum yildonumu (9 Mayis 1893)

  5. Italyan ressam Adolfo Bacci'nin olum yildonumu (9 Mayis 1897)

    Cappuccino che alimenta un gatto, XIX secolo

    Monks around a table, XIX secolo

  6. Alman ressam Gabriel Schachinger'in olum yildonumu (9 Mayis 1912)

    Das Vergissmeinnicht, 1886

    Portrait einer reizenden jungen Frau, 1886

  7. Romen sair, cevirmen, ogretmen ve gazeteci George Cosbuc'un olum yildonumu (9 Mayis 1918)

    Ulusumun ruhunda erimis ruhum ben
    Onun sevincleridir haykirdigim, onun kederi.
    Yarasinda duydugu aciyim ben,
    Ictigin zehir yakar yuregimi
    Ecel, serbetini sununca sana
    Sectigin yol ne olursa olsun.
    Orasi tapinak olacak bana.
    Ulusumun ruhunda erimis bir ruhum ben,
    Onun sevgileridir haykirdigim, onun kinleri.
    Tutusturan yelim ben, ates olunca sen.
    Bir tek iradeyiz biz, cunku tektir her zaman
    Ne varsa bizim olan, bizi kaygilandiran
    Kaynaksin sen, turkulerimin eregi.
    Alin yazinin dedigine uymayan
    Tek soz ciksa agzimdan
    Yildirimin hazirdir, yuce ve kutsal halkim.
    Vurur agzima susturur beni!
    Nice kisilerin pesinde kostuklari
    Baskalari icin ne bos seylerdir ya.
    Ama her seyi bilir o, pergelini dunyanin
    Iki ucuna koyan, olumle yasam arasina.
    Belli olmaz verdigi, bazi kara bazi ak
    Oysa icimde yureksin sen, yureginim senin de
    Yuzyillar gelip gecer acip kapayarak
    Kaderin olumsuz defterini ve ben
    Ruhundan bir parcayim, halkim benim.
    Hicbir zaman bolunmeyen.

    A soul in the soul of my people am I
    And sing of its sorrows and joys,
    For mine are your wounds and I cry
    Whenever you do, drinking dry
    That chalice of poison that's meant for Fate's toys.
    Whatever your pathway, together we'll ail,
    We'll bear the same cross and we'll feel the same nail;
    Your banner and creed will be mine;
    The shrine of my hopes I shan't fail
    To set by the side your shrine.
    A heart of my people's great heart;
    I sing of its love and its hate;
    The part that you play is the fire's; my part
    Is that of the wind; you're mate
    In all that's decided by Fate.
    You're the source and the aim of whatever I sing
    And if at times say a thing
    That's not in your Scriptures, you can,
    Most holy celestial King,
    Lock up with a lightning the mouth of a man.
    Some people hold dear and supreme
    What's vain in the other men's eye;
    But he who can scan both the earth and the sky
    And set up a bridge 'tween the low and the high,
    Will always distinguish 'to be' from 'to seem'.
    My heart is all yours and your heart is in me
    Whatever your place on the chart
    Of forth-coming ages, whatever they decree,
    For you, mine own people, of your soul I will be
    For ever and ever a part.

  8. Ingiliz roman yazari Richard George Adams'in dogum yildonumu (9 Mayis 1920)

    "Hayvanlar insanlar gibi davranmaz.Savasmalari gerekirse , savasir; ve oldurmeleri gerekirse oldururler.Ama oturup da zekalarini , diger yaratiklarin hayatlarini mahvetmek ve onlari incitmek icin yollar bulmaya harcamazlar. Sayginlik ve hayvanliklari vardir."

    "Animals don't behave like men,' he said. 'If they have to fight, they fight; and if they have to kill they kill. But they don't sit down and set their wits to work to devise ways of spoiling other creatures' lives and hurting them. They have dignity and animality."

    "Cuhacicekleri cok azalmisti. Cayirin acildigi ve eski bir cit ve dikenli bir hendege dogru bir bayirla alcalan ormanin kiyisina dogru, yabani sultan otlari ve mese agaci kokleri arasindan, solmakta olan sadece birkac tane acik sari obek gorulebiliyordu."

    "The primroses were over. Toward the edge of the wood, where the ground became open and sloped down to an old fence and a brambly ditch beyond, only a few fading patches of pale yellow still showed among the dog's mercury and oaktree roots."

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