Sayfa 5502/7020 İlkİlk ... 450250025402545254925500550155025503550455125552560260026502 ... SonSon
Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 44,009 - 44,016 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Fransiz ressam Gabriel-François Doyen'in olum yildonumu (13 Mart 1806)

    Le sacrifice d'Iphigénie, XVIIIe siècle

    Venus Wounded by Diomedes, 18th century (The Hermitage)

  2. Hollandali ressam Hermanus Koekkoek’un dogum yildonumu (13 Mart 1815)

    Figures coming ashore in a calm, 1852

    Fishermen tending to moored barges in a quiet estuary, 1852

  3. Ingiliz ressam George Elgar Hicks’in dogum yildonumu (13 Mart 1824)

    The Parish Soup Kitchen, 1851

    The buffet Swindon station, 1863

  4. Norvecli ressam Hans Fredrik Gude’nin dogum yildonumu (13 Mart 1825)

    Gude's By the Mill Pond, 1850

    Efoybroen, Nord-Wales, 1863

  5. Polonyali ressam Aleksander Orłowski'nin olum yildonumu (13 Mart 1832)

    Scene at the inn, 1794

    Battle Scene, 1802

  6. Ingiliz yazar Augustus (John Cuthbert) Hare’nin dogum yildonumu (13 Mart 1834)

    “Herkes; kendi tiyatrosunun sahibi, idarecisi, oyuncusu, yazari, sufloru, dekorcusu, gise memuru, kapicisi ve seyircisidir.”

    “Everybody has his own theater, in which he is manager, actor, prompter, playwright, sceneshifter, boxkeeper, doorkeeper, all in one, and audience into the bargain.”

  7. Yunan ressam Pericles Pantazis’in dogum yildonumu (13 Mart 1849)

    L' Enfant au cerceau, 19th century

    Summer Day at the River, 1880

  8. Fransiz Neo-Empresyonist ressam Maximilien Luce'un dogum yildonumu (13 Mart 1858)

    Le Donne sul Golfo di Saint Tropez (Women on the Saint Tropez Gulf, 1896)

    Le bon samaritain, 1896

Sayfa 5502/7020 İlkİlk ... 450250025402545254925500550155025503550455125552560260026502 ... SonSon

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