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Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 30,121 - 30,128 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Alman ressam Fritz Greve'nin olum yildonumu (2 Nisan 1931)

    Porträt von Anna Wandschneider (Ehefrau des Bildhauers Wilhelm Wandschneider), 1910

    Lion's Bridge at the Berlin Zoo, 1920s

  2. Ingiliz sair T. S. Eliot, Burnt Norton siir kitabini 2 Nisan 1936'da Londra'da Faber & Faber araciligiyla yayinladi.

    Simdiki zamanin ve gecmis zamanin
    Her ikisi belki de icindedir gelecek zamanin,
    Ve gelecek zaman kapsanir gecmis zamanda.
    Eger zaman hep buradaysa
    Yakasi birakilmaz butun zamanlarin.
    Bir soyutlama olabilecek sey
    Olumsuz bir olasilik olarak kalakalir
    Husnu kuruntularin dunyasinda yalnizca.
    Olabilecek olan ve olmus olan sey
    Isaretler her daim varolan ayni seyi.
    Bellekte adimlarin yankisi
    Gecmedigimiz gecitten asagi gecerek
    Hic acmadigimiz kapidan
    Girelim gul bahcesine.
    Boylece, zihninde...

    Time present and time past
    Are both perhaps present in time future,
    And time future contained in time past.
    If all time is eternally present
    All time is unredeemable.
    What might have been is an abstraction
    Remaining a perpetual possibility
    Only in a world of speculation.
    What might have been and what has been
    Point to one end, which is always present.
    Footfalls echo in the memory
    Down the passage which we did not take
    Towards the door we never opened
    Into the rose-garden. My words echo
    Thus, in your mind...

  3. Ingiliz yazar ve mizahci Susan Lillian 'Sue' Townsend'in dogum yildonumu (2 Nisan 1946)

    2 Ocak Cuma

    Iskocya’da resmi tatil. Dolunay

    "Bugun kendimi berbat hissettim. Suc, sabaha karsi saat ikide, merdivenin basinda dikilip, ‘My Way’ sarkisini soyleyen annemindi. Boyle bir annem olmasi benim sansizligim. Annemle baba-min alkolik olma olasiliklari var. Gelecek yil kendimi, kimsesiz cocuklar yurdunda bulabilirim. Kopek yine babamin basina bela oldu. Babamin yaptigi maket geminin uzerine atlayip onu parcaladi. Daha sonra da geminin yelken halatlari ayagina dolanmis bir halde bahceye kostu. Babam ise, 'Uc aylik emegim bosa gitti!' diye soylenip durdu.Cenemdeki sivilce giderek buyuyor. Suc, vitaminler hakkinda bilgi sahibi olmayan annemde." Bir Yeniyetmenin Gizli Gunlugu

    Friday January 2nd

    Bank Holiday in Scotland. Full Moon

    "I felt rotten today. It’s my mother’s fault for singing ‘My Way’ at two o’clock in the morning at the top of the stairs. Just my luck to have a mother like her. There is a chance my parents could be alcoholics. Next year I could be in a children’s home. The dog got its own back on my father. It jumped up and knocked down his model ship, then ran into the garden with the rigging tangled in its feet. My father kept saying, ‘Three months’ work down the drain’, over and over again.The spot on my chin is getting bigger. It’s my mother’s fault for not knowing about vitamins."

  4. Amerikali akademisyen ve sosyal elestirmen Camille Anna Paglia’nin dogum gunu (2 Nisan 1947)

    “Baslangicta doga vardi. Tanri hakkindaki fikirlerimizin kendisinden cikarak ve kendisine karsi bicimlendigi arka plan olan doga, en yuce ahlaki sorun olarak kalir. Dogaya karsi tutumumuzu acikliga kavusturmadikca, cinsellik ve cinsiyeti anlamayi umamayiz. Cinsellik doganin bir alt kumesidir. Cinsellik insanda dogal olanin ta kendisidir. Yapay bir insa olan toplum, doganin gucu karsisindaki bir korunaktir. Toplum olmasaydi, doga denen barbar denizin kasirgalarinda perisan olurduk. Toplum, doga karsisindaki o asagilayici edilginligimizi azaltan, miras alinmis bir bicimler sistemidir. Bu bicimleri tedricen ya da hizlica degistirebiliriz, ama toplumdaki hicbir degisiklik dogayi degistiremeyecektir. Insanlar, doganin ozel kayirmasina mazhar degildir. Biz insanlar, doganin ustlerinde herhangi bir ayrim gozetmeden kudretini sergiledigi cok sayidaki turden biriyiz sadece. Doganin bizim ancak birazcik farkinda olabilecegimiz bir temel isleyisi vardir.” Cinsellik ve Siddet, ya da Doga ve Sanat

    “In the beginning was nature. The background from which and against which our ideas of God were formed, nature remains the supreme moral problem. We cannot hope to understand sex and gender until we clarify our attitude toward nature. Sex is a subset to nature. Sex is the natural in man.Society is an artificial construction, a defense against nature’s power. Without society, we would be storm-tossed on the barbarous sea that is nature. Society is a system of inherited forms reducing our humiliating passivity to nature. We may alter these forms, slowly or suddenly, but no change in society will change nature. Human beings are not nature’s favorites. We are merely one of a multitude of species upon which nature indiscriminately exerts its force. Nature has a master agenda we can only dimly know.”

  5. Italyan ressam Biagio Biagetti'nin olum yildonumu (2 Nisan 1948)

    Apoteosi di San Pio X, 1914 - 1915

    L’Apoteosi della Vittoria, Data sconosciuta

  6. Turk roman ve kisa oyku yazari, sair ve gazeteci Sabahattin Ali'nin olum yildonumu (2 Nisan 1948)

    “Almanya'ya nicin geldigimi unutmus gibiydim. Sabunculuk meselesini babamdan mektup aldikca hatirliyor, henuz lisan ogrenmekle mesgul oldugumu, yakinda bu neviden bir muesseseye muracaat edecegimi yazarak hem onu, hem kendimi avutuyordum. Gunlerim birbirine tipki tipkisina benzeyerek geciyordu. Butun sehri, hayvanat bahcesini, muzeleri dolasmistim. Bu milyonluk sehrin birkac ay icinde tukenivermesi bana adeta yeis veriyordu. Kendi kendime: "Iste Avrupa! Ne var burada sanki?" diyor ve esas itibariyle dunyanin pek SIKICI olduguna hukmediyordum. Ekseriya ogleden sonralari buyuk caddelerde, kalabaligin icinde dolasir, yuzlerinde cok muhim isler yapmis insanlara mahsus bir ciddilikle evlerine donen veya bir erkegin koluna asilarak baygin gozleriyle etrafa tebessum sacan kadinlari ve yuruyuslerinde hala asker adimlarini muhafaza eden erkekleri seyrederdim.”

    “I almost forgot why I had come to Germany. Whenever I got a letter from my father the soap business came back to mind, and I would assuage him and myself by claiming that I was still learning the language, and that I would be applying to an establishment of that sort very soon. My days passed, one identical to the next. I had seen the entire city, the zoo, and the museums. It almost brought me to despair to think that I had consumed this city of millions within a few months. I told myself: “Europe! So what?” and I concluded that the world was essentially a very boring place. Often, I wandered the broad thoroughfares among the crowds, and I watched the women casting smiles with their languorous eyes while pulling on their men’s arms: women returning home with the earnestness common only among those who accomplish important things; men who still maintained their proper soldier’s gait.”

  7. Law & Order: Special Victims Unit dizisinde Detektif Elliot Stabler karakterine hayat veren Amerikali aktor Christopher Peter Meloni'nin dogum gunu (2 Nisan 1961)

  8. Turk Is Adami Ali (Yildirim) Koc’un dogum gunu (2 Nisan 1967)

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