Sayfa 2669/7020 İlkİlk ... 166921692569261926592667266826692670267126792719276931693669 ... SonSon
Arama sonucu : 56156 madde; 21,345 - 21,352 arası.

Konu: Sanat Mozaik

  1. Alman ressam Johann Heinrich Tischbein der Ältere'nin olum yildonumu (22 Agustos 1789)

    Der Raub der Europa (The Rape of Europa, 1750- 60s)

  2. Belcikali ressam François-Antoine Bossuet'nin dogum yildonumu (22 Agustos 1798)

    Marché aux poissons (Fish Market) (Musée royal des beaux-arts d'Anvers)

  3. Fransiz ressam Jean-Honoré Fragonard'in olum yildonumu (22 Agustos 1806)

    Amanti Felici (The Happy Lovers, 1765)

  4. Arjantinli ressam ve ogretmen Procesa del Carmen Sarmiento'nun dogum yildonumu (22 Agustos 1818)


  5. Isvecli sair ve yazar Gustaf Fröding’in dogum yildonumu (22 Agustos 1860)

    Uc sirfinti cikti gunesli bir gunde
    Lindane Le'ye giden yola
    eteklerini supure savura
    ucu birden sinanay diyerek
    Ve askerler gibi uygun adim
    ve sonra salinarak
    ve 'Udden cok himbil'
    ucu birden tralla la diyerek
    Fakat geldiklerinde
    Lindane Le yolundaki viraja
    'Guguk kusunu duyun!'diye haykirdiktan
    sonra savrulup sus pus oldular
    Ve agizlarinisimsiki kapattilar
    ve yuzu kizardi, ucunun de
    Fakat nicin kizarmislardi
    ve nicin sus pus oldular?
    Avlu kapisinda uc ogrenci vardi
    ve bu yuzden sus pus olmuslardi
    ve yanaklari kizarmisti oylesine
    sinanay diyen uc sirfintinin
    Virajdaki uc ogrenci
    siritarak, ucu birden,
    zemmedip haykirdi: 'Guguk kusunu duyun!'
    ve hepsi birden sinanay dedi.

    There went three wenches in the sun
    on the road by Lindane Le
    they swung, they swept with the skirt
    saying tralla la , all the three
    and went in pace as soldiers
    and then they waltzed
    and 'Udden is so lazy'
    saying tralla la, all the three
    But when they came to the turn
    of the road by Lindande Le
    they called all: 'Hear the cuckoo!'
    then (they) splashed and silenced
    And kept their mouths as silent as the dead
    and blushed, all the three
    But why were they red
    and why did they silence?
    There were three students by the gate
    and that's why they silenced
    and were so red on the cheek
    wenches saying tralla la, the three
    There were three students at the turn
    and grinned, all the three
    and mimicked and yelled: 'Hear the cuckoo!'
    saying tralla la, all of them.

  6. Fransiz besteci Claude Debussy'nin dogum yildonumu (22 Agustos 1862)

  7. Rus bilim adami, filozof, ekonomi ve tip arastirmacisi, bilim kurgu yazari Aleksandr Aleksandrovic Bogdanov'un dogum yildonumu (22 Agustos 1873)

    " 'Fakat tuketim hicbir seyle sinirlandirilmadigina gore tuketirnde tum istatistik hesaplarini altust edebilecek siddetli dalgalanmalar olmaz mi?"

    'Kesinlikle olmaz. Herhangi bir kisi belki su veya bu yiyecegi alisilmisin iki, uc kati kadar tuketecektir ya da on gunde on giysi degistirmek isteyecektir ama uc milyar kisiden olusan bir toplum boyle dalgalanmalara maruz kalmaz. Boylesi buyuk rakamlarda su veya bu tarafa dogru sapmalar dengelenir, orta buyuklukler de cok yavas ve kesin bir sureklilik icinde degisir.'

    'Istatistiginiz neredeyse otomatik olarak calisiyor, sadece basit hesaplar yapiyor demek?'

    'Yo hayir. Bu alanda cok buyuk guclukler var. Hesap Enstitusu, dogru hesap yapabilmek icin uretimin dogal kosullarindaki degisiklikleri ve yeni buluslari dikkatle izlemek zorundadir. Yeni bir makine mi hizmete giriyor, bu enstitu hemen gerek bu makinenin kullanilacagi alanda, gerekse makine uretiminde, zaman zaman da su ya da bu dal icin malzeme uretiminde isgucunun yer degistirmesini talep eder. Bir maden cevheri tukenir, yeni mineral zenginlikleri ortaya cikarilir, yine bir dizi demiryollarinin hepsinde isgucu kaydirmasi olur.' " Kizil Yildiz

    " 'But if consumption is entirely uncontrolled, there must be sharp fluctuations which upset all your statistical compilations.'

    'Not at all. A single individual may suddenly eat two or three times his normal portion of a given food or decide to change ten suits in ten days, but a society of billions of people is not subject to such fluctuations. In a population of that size deviations in any given direction are neutralized, and averages change very slowly and with the strictest continuity.'

    'In other words your statistics work almost automatically—they are calculations pure and simple?'

    'No, not really, for there are great difficulties involved in the process. The Institute of Statistics must be alert to new inventions and changes in environmental conditions which may affect industry. The introduction of a new machine, for example, immediately requires a transfer of labor in the field in which it is employed, in the machine-building industry, and sometimes also in the production of materials for both branches. If a given ore is exhausted or if new mineral fields are discovered there will again be a transfer of labor in a number of industries—mining, railroad construction, and so on.' "

  8. Fenomenoloji, etik ve felsefi antropoloji konularinda yaptigi calismalariyla taninan Alman filozof Max Ferdinand Scheler'in dogum yildonumu (22 Agustos 1874)

    "Kadin daha zayiftir ve bu yuzden daha kindar olan cinsiyettir. Ayrica kadin her zaman erkegin gozune girmek icin rekabet etmeye zorlanmistir ve bu rekabet ozellikle onun kisisel ve degismez ozellikleri uzerine odaklanir. Intikam atesiyle en cok yanan tanrilarin cogu kez anaerkil duzende buyumus olmalarina sasirmamak gerekir.

    Ayrica 'cadi'nin eril bir muadilinin olmadigini da belirtelim. Kotuleyici dedikodu yapma yonundeki guclu disil egilim bir baska kanit sayilabilir; bu tur dedikodular kendi kendini sagaltmanin bir bicimidir. Disil hinc tehlikesi son derece siddetlidir; cunku hem doga hem de orf ve adetler, kadinin en hayati cikarinin yattigi alanda, yani askta ona tepkisel ve edilgin bir rol dayatir. Erotik alanda reddedilmis olmaktan dogan intikam hisleri her zaman ozellikle bastirilmistir; zira gurur, cekingenlik ve mazbutluk iletisimi ve sikayeti engeller."

    "Woman is theweaker and therefore the more vindictive sex. Besides, she isalways forced to compete for man‟s favor, and this competitioncenters precisely on her personal and unchangeable qualities. It isno wonder that the most vengeful deities have mostly grown undermatriarchal rule.

    "We also note that the 'witch' has no masculine counterpart. The strongfeminine tendency to indulge in detractive gossip is furtherevidence; it is a form of self-cure. The danger of feminineressentiment is extraordinarily intensified because both nature andcustom impose upon woman a reactive and passive role in love, thedomain of her most vital interest. Feelings of revenge born fromrejection in the erotic sphere are always particularly subject torepression, for communication and recriminations are barred bypride and modesty."

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