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PETROL piyasasında son durum

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Vadeli işlemlerde petrol kontratları yapanlar veya bu piyasayı takip edenler için:


OPEC'in son raporu dün yayınlandı:

Bu rapora göre global ekonomide bu yıl ve gelecek yıl %3.4 büyüme öngörülüyor.Bu yıl 96.4 milyon varil civarında olan ortalama günlük petrol talebinin beklenen global ekonomik büyümenin biraz altında gelecek yıl 97.65 milyon varil civarına çıkması bekleniyor.

Diğer önemli organizasyon EIA'ya göre ise bu yıl beklenen ortalama günlük petrol tüketimi bu yıl 98.39 milyon,gelecek yıl ise 100 milyon varil.EIA'nın global petrol üretim tahmini ise günlük olarak,bu yıl 98.33 gelecek yıl 100.2 milyon varil.

ABD'nin petrol üretimindeki gelişim:

EIA bu yıl ortalama Brent petrol fiyatının 51 dolar,gelecek yıl ise 52 dolar civarında gerçekleşeceğini tahmin ediyor.

EIA'nın Temmuz 2017 öngörüleri:

Forecast highlights

Brent crude oil prices are forecast to average $51/b in 2017 and $52/b in 2018, $2/b and $4/b lower
than projected in last month's STEO, respectively. Average West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil
prices are forecast to be $2/b lower than the Brent price in both 2017 and 2018. NYMEX contract
values for October 2017 delivery that traded during the five-day period ending July 6 suggest that a
range of $36/b to $60/b encompasses the market expectation for WTI prices in October 2017 at the
95% confidence level.

U.S. regular gasoline retail prices averaged $2.35 per gallon (gal) in June, down 4 cents/gal from the
average in May. During the April-through-September summer driving season of 2017, U.S. regular
gasoline retail prices are forecast to average $2.38/gal, 15 cents/gal higher than last summer. U.S.
regular gasoline retail prices are forecast to average $2.32/gal in 2017 and $2.33/gal in 2018.

U.S. crude oil production averaged an estimated 8.9 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2016 and is
forecast to average 9.3 million b/d in 2017. EIA forecasts production to average 9.9 million b/d in
2018, which would mark the highest annual average production in U.S. history, surpassing the
previous record of 9.6 million b/d set in 1970.

Dry natural gas production is forecast to average 73.3 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) in 2017, a 1.0
Bcf/d increase from the 2016 level. Forecast dry natural gas production increases by an average of
3.1 Bcf/d in 2018.

Henry Hub natural gas spot prices are forecast to average $3.10 per million British thermal units
(MMBtu) in 2017 and $3.40/MMBtu in 2018, compared with a 2016 average of $2.51/MMBtu,

Tam rapor:
which was the lowest annual average price since 199

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